Where does the prince escape

Chapter 104 Decision

Hearing Xuanwu say that there was something important to report, Bi Huantong wanted to leave Xuanyuan Yulin's arms, but he was firmly pressed by Xuanyuan Yulin, his eyes were slightly half open, and he said lazily, "Don't move."

"But Xuanwu..."

"Come in!" With a tight hand, Xuanyuan Yulin couldn't help calling Xuanwu in.

The door was gently pushed open. Seeing the situation of the two people in the room, he was slightly shocked and quickly bent down and said, "Your Majesty forgive me. I don't know what the prince is busy..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes condensed, and there was a trace of majesty in his tone.

Yes! Back to the prince, Qinglong and the rosefinch have been captured, waiting for the prince to fall in the dungeon!"

Xuanyuan Yulin paused, and there was a fine light in his eyes. If he looked at Bi Huantong with deep meaning, the two looked at each other and affectionately. Xuanyuan Yulin seemed to have made a decision: "Notify the owners of the star building to gather in the dungeon within half an hour."

"Yes, my lord!"

Xuanwu answered and hurriedly left. When he left, he didn't forget to close the door. As soon as Xuanwu left, Xuanyuan Yulin said, "Tonger, change your clothes and move your muscles and bones later."

"Activity of muscles and bones?" Bi Huantong is puzzled.

"Well," Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed a trace of play: "I am seriously injured and it will be inconvenient to move in the next two years. In the next two years, it will be Tonger to protect me."

Although Xuanyuan Yulin said it in a joking tone, he had a trace of decision. Bi Huantong vaguely felt that this decision was so important that it would affect the whole moon country and even the whole world.

Assuming this, a great sense of responsibility fell silently on her shoulders, facing Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes and saying seriously, "Your Majesty, don't worry, even if you fight for Tong'er's life, Tong'er will protect the prince."

Bi Huantong's words were like a protective cover, firmly covering the two people inside. Xuanyuan Yulin tightened his hand and hugged Bi Huantong a little: "As long as Tong'er is by the king's side."

At this moment, he coincided with her heart.

Bi Huantong changed into a narrow-sleeved martial arts uniform, which was covered with a soft macker armor, which was specially worn by Xuanyuan Yulin. She didn't know why Xuanyuan Yulin did this, but she knew that Xuanyuan Yulin was to protect her, so she put it on without saying a word.

Xuanyuan Yulin was too seriously injured and it was inconvenient to walk. He barely got out of bed with the help of Bi Huantong. At this time, Baihu handed over a crutch that had already been built. The material was very vertical, but it was not heavy. The dragon head on it was very vivid, and a pair of dragon eyes seemed to look at you, which was very majestic.

The dungeon is located under the whole town's mansion, which is about the same size as the town's mansion. It is divided into two halves, half for detention and half for other purposes. The hall owners of the star-picking buildings have been waiting in two teams in white. In addition to the hall, the members of the next level are also here. Xuanyuan Yulin lives on the middle dragon throne and is condescending.

Bi Huantong stood beside him, and Xuanwu and Baihu were slightly inferior.

This sub-position is like announcing something.

Everyone has a loyal face. In their hearts, Xuanyuan Yulin is like a god.

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes glanced at everyone present and said coldly, "Bring people here."

Xuanyuan Yulin's voice just fell, but the sound of a series of shackles was heard, and Qinglong and Suzaku were escorted to the crowd.

Both of them suffered a lot of injuries and were beaten.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yulin, Lin Jifu's face was sad, and his feet were soft and he knelt down, but Qinglong still stood stubbornly.

"Unbridled, the star picker is here, why don't you kneel down quickly!" The white tiger shouted loudly.

A trace of sadness flashed in Qinglong's eyes, looked at Lin Jifu, and then knelt down on the ground and said, "The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, Xuanyuan Yulin, I admit that I lost and lost very thoroughly, but the scholar can be killed and not humiliated. Qinglong and the rosefinch, but please die happily, please complete it!"