Where does the prince escape

Chapter 111 coercion and lure

In the middle of Bi Huantong's words, Xiao Han couldn't speak for a long time. Seeing that he had the upper hand, Bi Huantong smiled faintly and said, "How long it has been romantic, how long it will fall. The little woman has settled the romantic debt you owed for you at one time."

Xiao Han was annoyed, but he didn't know what to say. Thinking of the back, he just snorted coldly: "What on earth are you trying to say here?"

Seeing that the gap was opened, Xiao Han was willing to calm down. Bi Huantong said directly, "Xiao Han, what do you think of Qihuang Kingdom?"

Xiao Han's eyes were cold and said, "If you want to control any news with me, then Xiao advises you not to waste your mouth."

"Haha," at this point, Bi Huantong couldn't help laughing: "Master Xiao, do you think Lord Xuanyuan can only get the information of Qihuangguo from your mouth? You are too naive!"

Once again, Xiao Han's face became more ugly and said, "You are playing Xiao, aren't you?"

"I dare not. How dare I be the enemy of the first craftsman in the world? I don't think my life is long!" It's a big trouble for Xiao Han to make something strange to deal with her.

"Then what the hell are you going to say!" Xiao Han said a little impatiently.

"Xiao Han," Bi Huantong said solemnly, "You are from Qihuang Country, no matter how unruly you are, how you let go. Dang, the original feeling is deeply buried in the bones. Xiao Han, don't think that Prince Xuanyuan has agreed to your request and be unscrupulous in the Moon Kingdom. I hereby warn you that if anything really happens to you and brings it to Qihuang Kingdom, it will be a disaster!"

This words was like a blockbuster bomb exploded in Xiao Hanxin Lake, stirring up thousands of waves, which made him freeze on the spot: "How can this... be, Prince Xuanyuan promised me!"

"Yes, the prince promised you, but the question is, can you convince so many loyal people? Are you so sure that those people won't pursue you or Qihuang Kingdom?!"

A speech made Xiao Han's thoughts surge and he didn't speak for a long time, but his confused face gradually calmed down, as if he was making some decision.

Bi Huantong smiled faintly: "Does Xiao Daxia want to escape?"

A flash of flashes flashed in his eyes, and Xiao Han was silent.

"Do you remember the drawings that Tonger gave you about the one I was wearing in my hand?" Bi Huantong raised his finger as he spoke.

Xiao Han nodded.

"You also know those drawings. I drew them, right?"

His lips tightened into a straight line, and Xiao Han's eyes were slightly dark, and he nodded.

"To be honest, these drawings are only the most basic, and Tonger still has many more advanced ones that have not been drawn!"

As soon as this came out, Xiao Han looked shocked: "What did you say?!"

He still remembers the moment he got the drawings, he was so shocked. These things, even he, to be honest, can't think of them!

And these are just the most basic?!

What does that awesome look like!

He dares not think about it... It's terrible...

What is the origin of the woman in front of you! He has always thought that Xuanyuan Yulin was terrible, but the woman in front of him... made him feel that there were many things he couldn't reach!

"Xiao Han, you can escape, you can flee back to Qihuang Kingdom to seek asylum, or you can escape to other places, but if the Moon Kingdom and Qihuang Kingdom fight, Prince Xuanyuan will never show mercy. If you escape, Prince Xuanyuan will definitely pursue Qihuang Kingdom first. Speaking of this, Bi Huantong paused: "The weapons produced by those drawings are not final. Tong'er can modify them at any time. There is no need for Tonger to explain the power after modification."

Bihuantong's words are like a cold wind blowing, freezing into the bone, and the burning thoughts in the heart are extinguished little by little, on the verge of despair...

"Xiao Han, how about we make a deal?" Watching his face gradually change from pale to gray, Bi Huantong knew that his belief had been shaken by her words. At this time, his psychological defense was the most fragile, and she could also say the real purpose of this visit.

"...what deal?" Xiao Han's tone was very frustrated by this sentence.

"As long as you work in the town's mansion with peace of mind, I promise you that I will not go to the Phoenix Kingdom at all! In addition, I will bring the latest drawing design to you from time to time for your reference. I heard from others that Xiao Han is not lustful. He is possessed by machinery. He often locks himself in the house for months and does not come out once, just to do those studies.

"Hmm!" Xiao coldly smiled coldly: "Why does Xiao believe you?"

"Why?" Bi Huantong looked at him with a little funny: "Just by the identity of this palace, the concubine of Prince Xuanyuan, the deputy building owner of the Star Building! And...the designer of terrorist weapons, isn't that enough?"

As if he had been hit by something, Xiao Han said strangely, "Are you the deputy building owner of the Star Building?!"

"Not bad!" Just promoted.

Xiao Han was silent, and his face looked uncertain repeatedly. Bi Huantong didn't say anything more. He sat quietly and waited. For Xiao Han, such a condition was for him to abandon his ego to complete the big ego, which was a little cruel to him.

For a talented and proud person, he abandoned his deep hatred and suddenly imposed these principles on him, making him think about a country. No matter how calm he is, he can't accept it in a short time.

So now she can only wait until Xiao Han is relieved. She doesn't mind waiting for a long time and sitting here. What she is waiting for is Xiao Han's sentence.

There was only two people breathing in the dungeon. She saw Xiao Han's fist clenched and let go. In the end, he sighed a long breath, as if he had exhausted his strength and said, "Okay... I promise you."

Bi Huantong's face condensed: "Okay, that's a deal! I hope Xiao can remember what you said today. You can't have two hearts to the town government!"

Xiao Han took a deep breath: "Okay..."

"The spirit of Xiao's sacrifice as a country makes me very respectful. I will also fulfill my promise. I still have urgent things to deal with, so I won't bother you anymore. Say goodbye!" After saying that, Bi Huantong bowed respectfully to Xiao Han and turned away from the dungeon.

Wow...so close!

When she walked out of the dungeon and breathed fresh air, her first reaction was a long sigh of relief.

Winning in danger, her coercion and lure to Xiao Han, both soft and hard, succeeded.

Xiao Han was in the game she set up.

(There will be another update later)