Where does the prince escape

Chapter 128 Absurd

(Dear friends, Bingbing has returned from Guangzhou and resumed updates...)

Cui'er nodded: "It was just found. I heard that she fell asleep while sleeping."

"Are you sleeping to death?!" It's really comfortable to die!

"What is it? At first, the maid couldn't wake up, but later she found that there was no breath. Now the murderer is being investigated in the palace."

"Oh, what have you found?"

Cui'er said with a little worry, "I haven't found anything for the time being, but I heard from the people in the palace that Hu Guifei finally quarreled with the Empress, and some people even said that you pissed her to death..."

"What?!" Bi Huantong's eyes widened: "If you really want to be angry, you will die on the spot. Can you go back to the palace to sleep before you die?"

"Don't be angry. Of course, Cui'er believes that it's those people who talk nonsense, but there are many people in the harem who talk nonsense, and I'm afraid that some people will provoke things."

Bi Huantong was silent. Cui'er was right. The saying goes that there is no wind and no waves. There are too many things in the harem, and it has long been difficult to tell whether they are true or false. Many people have been wronged to death. The women in the harem are bloodless.

"Princess!" As they were talking, they saw the maidservant of Concubine Chen come over in a hurry and said, "Princess, go and see Concubine Chen!"

Bi Huan Tong nodded and followed.

When she saw Concubine Chen, she saw that she wrapped herself in quilts one after another, but she still trembled with cold. In early autumn, the weather is a little cold, but it is not so cold. Her method of covering the quilt does not need to be so exaggerated even in winter.

Bi Huantong walked over and saw that her side was pale, and sweat had already wet her hair, so that she didn't look cold at all!

"Princess Chen, what's wrong with you?" Bi Huantong walked over and asked softly.

"Ah!" Chenfei was shocked and turned her face to look at Bi Huantong in horror. Her eyes were complicated. After looking at her for a while, she suddenly threw away the quilt and hugged her tightly: "Tonger, you're here. I'm so scared. I'm so scared!"

Concubine Chen was so strong that she was about to suffocate her. She gently patted her on the back and coaxed, "Don't be afraid, Tong'er is coming."

What is Concubine Chen afraid of?

Concubine Chen took a few breaths and calmed down a little: "That woman... Why did she die like this? How can this be possible... Tong'er, we really pissed her off?"

There was a drop of sweat on Bi Huantong's forehead: "How can we kill her in a few words? Life and death have life and wealth, and her death has nothing to do with us."

"But...but..." Chenfei hesitated to say something, looked at Bi Huantong timidly and stopped talking.

"But what?"

Chenfei looked left and right and said in a low voice, "Today, Shi Tonger taught her a little lesson. Isn't there a problem at that time? Isn't it... a little heavy?"

In the face of Concubine Chen's suspicion, Bi Huantong was very helpless: "Mother, Hu Guifei's death is none of our business! Mother, don't be suspicious!"

"Ah!" Hearing the four words 'suspicious', Concubine Chen was so scared that she screamed, and suddenly let go of Bi Huantong and took back the quilt to cover her head: "Ghost, there are ghosts. Hu Guifei doesn't like me. Now that she dies, she will definitely become a fierce ghost to come to me! No, no!"

Seeing her panicked like this, Bi Huantong had a trace of doubt in her heart. Although Concubine Chen is timid and afraid of things, although Concubine Hu often conflicts with her, Concubine Chen is aboveboard in front of Concubine Hu. Does she need to be so afraid?

What did Concubine Chen do to apologize to Hu Guifei?

Although she thought so, she didn't say it and said slowly, "Princess Chen, the imperial doctor will diagnose the cause of Hu Guifei's death. When the diagnosis results come out, it will be known."

"Diagnosis result..." Chen Fei said to herself, "Although she is abominable, she will not be killed. This is gone... I'm afraid that she will die."

Bi Huantong smiled gently: "It's not scary when you are alive. Is it more terrible to die? Concubine Chen, you are worried too much.

As soon as Bi Huantong said this, Concubine Chen's body paused and her eyes flashed, as if she suddenly thought of something: "Yes, strangers are not afraid. Am I afraid of the dead..."

"That's right. In addition, Hu Guifei is not killed by the Empress. She has a head and a debtor. Even if she really wants to revenge, Hu Guifei will find an enemy. How can she find the Empress? Mother, don't worry." Seeing a trace of wavering Chenfei's will, Bi Huantong hit the railway while it was hot.

Concubine Chen stiffened and didn't say anything more.

At this time, an eunuch came in a hurry and saluted the two: "Concubine Jin'an, the princess of Zhenguo Jin'an, the princess of Zhenguo, your majesty has a call."

Bi Huantong's face darken: "Excuse me, why did your majesty summon my concubine?"

"Go back to the Empress, Your Majesty's intention is that the villain dares not speculate."

Bi Huantong curled her lips and turned to Concubine Chen and said, "Your Majesty, your majesty will call Tong'er to go there, and Tong'er will come."

Concubine Chen didn't say anything and wrapped the quilt tightly.

Bi Huantong shook his head and left with his father-in-law.

As soon as Hu Guifei died, Xuanyuan Hongwen called her there. Presumably, it should have something to do with Hu Guifei.

This faint king is not so ridiculous that he really thinks that she has pissed Hu Guifei off!

The palace people took her to Wenhua Hall and saw Eunuch Li waiting in front of the hall. When they saw her, they came forward and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is waiting inside. Come on in."

"Eunuch Li," looked at Eunuch Li's anxiety, but Bi Huantong stopped: "Exunuch Li, wait a moment. I want to ask, why did Your Majesty call me here?"

Mr. Li thought for a moment and said, "Princess, Duke Hu has just left."

Bi Huantong frowned slightly. What did Duke Hu have to do with her just left?

Wait, Duke Hu must have cried to Xuanyuan Hongwen just now. Now that there are rumors in the palace, Duke Hu won't always be confused to listen to rumors, will he?

Grandpa Li is reminding her that things are very unfavorable to her!

Reminding this, Bi Huantong raised his eyebrows and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Li for reminding me."

At this moment, the guards in the Wenhua Hall are strict, and the guards stand on both sides. Xuanyuan Hongwen gently taps the table with his fingers, and there is a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

"My concubine saw your majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Get up."

"Thank you... I don't know your majesty summoned my concubine..."

"Princess Zhen, come up and sit in front of me." Before Bi Huantong finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hongwen interrupted, and Eunuch Li moved a seat and put it in front of the desk.

The seat is less than one meter from the position of the bookcase.

Seeing the treacherous smile on Xuanyuan Hongwen's mouth, Bi Huantong secretly said that it was not good. Xuanyuan Hongwen called her here... Is there any other purpose?