Where does the prince escape

Chapter 164 Xiaoqiang and the Fox

The family immediately came forward and put Xiaoqiang in the bag.

Ayan picked up the second one again. As soon as Xiaoqiang flew to the sky, the silver needle in Bihuantong's hand shot out quickly. The cold light flashed, and the cockroach was shot through again. After falling to the ground for a while, it was picked up by the family.

Several of them were at the same speed in a row. Bi Huantong said boredly, "Ayan, hurry up!"

The delicate voice moved A Yan's face

Rong, the warm words made his face slightly red from the unscrupulous, and the accelerated rhythm of picking cockroaches in his hand. The cockroaches seemed to fly into the air, and the embroidered needles in Bi Huantong's hand shot out one by one, as if they had invincible in the East.

It's a pleasure to pick up Xiaoqiang...

The days of raising the fetus made her go crazy. During the period when Xuanyuan Yulin went to court, her brains suddenly mobilized all the slaves and maidservants of the town government to catch cockroaches, so that they could practice these cockroaches as rakes. Unexpectedly, the town government, which was as big as the imperial city, caught such a small bag of cockroaches and had to sigh in the town government. The cleaning work is first-class.

I haven't practiced martial arts for two months. Looking at the embroidery needles, I feel a little stable. Ha ha, I haven't lost what my husband taught.

Suddenly, after being picked up by Ayan, Xiaoqiang noticed that the situation was not good. He spread his wings and flew in the opposite direction. Because Ayan picked up too many cockroaches and did not notice the leaking fish, Xiaoqiang rushed forward desperately and flew straight to a dark and bright 'object'...


A maidservant's exclamation sounded, and the people in the flower yard immediately stopped moving, and their eyes couldn't help but turn to the scream. Xuanyuan Yulin's clothes were swaying, and her temperament was as beautiful as a fairy, but she stood still.

Is it so fast to finish the morning?

Bi Huantong was overjoyed, but found that there was something wrong with her husband's head... A little Qiang was standing on Xuanyuan Yulin's ink hair, and a pair of long tentacles were hanging in front of Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes. It was stirred all at once, and it looked very**...

Bi Huantong is immediately petrified...

Xuanyuan Yulin had a faint smile on his face. Although he was very calm, the faint smile was a little far-fetched.

The maid around stared at Xuanyuan Yulin as if she were looking at a monster.

The handsome prince who used to be in Yushu was 'harassed' by a little Qiang at this moment...

While everyone was petrified, Xuanyuan Yulin raised his slender fingers, and then pinched his hand into an orchid finger when he couldn't cover his ears, and then flicked at Xiaoqiang!

After perfectly drawing a parabola in the air, Xiaoqiang 'safely' landed on the ground, just like seeing gold. The steward quickly ran over and grabbed him with one hand and put it into the bag.

Reaching out to wipe off the sweat on her head, Bi Huantong breathed a great sigh of relief, and the 'crisis' was solved safely...


"Your Majesty!!"

Before Bi Huantong's mouth was called out, he was interrupted by a delicate voice. He couldn't help shivering and got goose bumps.

As soon as the words fell, I saw a beautiful woman dressed like a flower and jade jumping towards Xuanyuan Yulin as a rabbit, and the two balls of meat in her chest were beating rhythmically...


Bi Huantong looked straight.

"Your Majesty!" The beautiful woman called again. Maybe she jumped too fast or ran too fast. She twisted her feet and her whole body rushed to Xuanyuan Yulin. As her body fell down rapidly, her eyes became bigger and bigger, and the embroidered needles in her hands were ready to move, and she couldn't wait to throw them all at her.

"Madam, I'm back as my husband." I don't know whether he didn't see it or on purpose. Xuanyuan Yulin smiled at Bi Huantong and said something. He retreated slightly and took another step forward. The beautiful woman behind him fell straight to the ground.

With a scream, Bi Huantong felt that her feet were shaken, and the beautiful woman fell to the ground with her head down.

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows and wanted to ask: Beauty, are the two balls of meat on your chest all right?

However, Xuanyuan Yulin did not notice the strangeness behind him at all, and still walked towards Bi Huantong with a spring breeze on his face. When he came to him, he reached out and held her into his arms.

The warm breath lingered on the side. Bi Huantong was a little lost and pointed to the beautiful woman: "Who is that...? Is she all right?"

"Huh?" Xuanyuan Yulin was stunned and turned his head to see the beautiful woman standing up by the maidservant. Then he said in surprise, "Miss Li, are you all right? Why are you so careless!"

Bihuan Tong glanced at Xuanyuan Yulin, dizzy, such words are too fake.

The beautiful woman surnamed Li was very embarrassed and quickly tidying up her clothes and appearance. It took a while to come slowly. Although her chest was very great, her waist was very snake.

The slender waist and limbs are full/grip, which makes the princess with six pieces very jealous.

The woman's eyebrows and phoenix eyes, her lips are like cherry, very charming, and her eyes are full of charm, and she knows at a glance that it is not a good thing...

This appearance is the standard version of foxes or 'little mistresses'.

Miss Li bent down, leaned forward slightly, and said in a coquettish voice, "My concubine knocked on the princess. May the princess be safe."

Miss Li's collar is very big. When she leaned down, she could simply be described as 'crisp/chest' half exposed. Bi Huantong's eyes turned red!

Where did this fox come from?!