Where does the prince escape

Chapter 166 Let you taste it

Cui'er was stunned, blinked her eyes and asked, "Really? Princess, these are all planted by the prince himself..."

"It's because he fell to pick it! Not only do you have to pick it, but also give it all to me!" Bi Huantong became more and more angry, and this sentence almost roared out.

"Okay, then take it off. Princess, don't be angry. If you are now, you should pay attention to adjusting your mood. It's okay to be angry." Cui'er didn't say that she didn't squat on the ground to pick up the flowers. She said she would pick them, but she only cared about cleaning. This is a mess. What if the princess falls down?

"What do you pick up? Don't pick it up. Just let others pick it up, and you can help me pick all the flowers!"

Cui'er shook her head and said slowly, "Princess, don't be angry. I just noticed that the prince's face was a little inappropriate. I think there should be a reason why the prince did this."

As soon as this word comes out, it's a blue fantasy!

The anger suddenly dropped to zero. Yes, Xuanyuan Yulin's reaction just now was a little strange, as if it was intentional, but he coaxed her everywhere. I'm afraid it's true... There are some things that are not convenient to say.

Xuanyuan Yulin has always been light and unfathomable. Even if he stands in front of him, it may not be able to move him. Li Pinger is indeed a hot beauty, but her temperament is very vulgar and shallow. How can she get into Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes!?

It's even more impossible to take people home just by meeting them on the street!

It's inappropriate, very inappropriate!

Wanting this, Bi Huantong suddenly stood up, looked at the remnants everywhere, and said to Cuier, "Clean up this place quickly, so that people don't see the clues."

After saying that, Bi Huantong hurried to the front yard.

"Yes, Princess." Cui'er answered, took a look at the bare branches on the tree, and sighed helplessly. She didn't want to be found...

There is still a long time before lunch time. When Bi Huantong returned to the front yard, she saw that the front yard had prepared refreshments and fruits. Xuanyuan Yulin sat in the main seat leisurely tasting tea. Li Pinger sat aside without humming, her face was red and hot, and her charming eyes floated to Xuanyuan Yulin from time to time.

Soon Xuanyuan Yulin saw her at a glance, put down the teacup in his hand, smiled at her, and patted the seat next to him gently.

With such a smile, she fell in love with the country and compared Li Pinger next to her.

The creator is so funny. Although beautiful women look pleasing to the eyes, why do they make more beautiful men than women?

It's a satire.

In the comics, many women felt inferior because the man was too perfect, which eventually led to a breakup. Bi Huantong can only say, how can there be such a stupid woman!

Who doesn't want a handsome, considerate and loving husband! What I don't want is a pervert.

After straightening his clothes, he adjusted his mentality, walked over with a spring face, sat down beside Xuanyuan Yulin, and his hand was immediately held by Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Is your health all right?"

The soft and warm voice was like a spring breeze blowing on my face, and my whole body was blown soft. Bi Huantong fell into Xuanyuan Yulin's arms: "Your Majesty, the slave family is so tired... You beat me..."

The voice is delicate, warm and soft, and there is a tenderness in Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes, and he nodded: "Okay, I'll help you beat it for my husband."

The slender hand was placed on Bihuantong's shoulder, pressing it moderately and very skillfully. Bihuantong half narrowed his eyes, looking very useful, completely ignoring someone's eyes.

On the stage, you and I are jealous. Li Pinger stared, clenched her fists tightly, clenched her teeth, picked up the teacup with hatred, and drank it with her head up.

Bi Huantong's lips rose slightly, passed a gloomy smile, and deliberately breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, Tong'er is really the happiest woman in the world to marry you."

"Cough!" A beautiful woman sprayed tea indecently and quickly wiped her mouth with silk.

"Oh," Bi Huantong suddenly exclaimed, which made Xuanyuan Yulin immediately stop, and his face was stunned, but he saw Bi Huantong stand up and walked to Li Pinger and said anxiously, "Your daughter, are you all right? Didn't you choke?"

Bi Huantong patted her on the back as she spoke, making a beautiful woman cough more violently.

"Oh, the appointment is broken. I dare to choke my lungs. This is troublesome. No, no, if it is not treated as a lung disease, it will be troublesome! I know a little about medical skills in this palace, so let this palace practice medical treatment first. As Bi Huantong said, he pulled out an embroidered needle from his sleeve and pricked Li Pinger's crying hole fiercely.

"Wow..." The feeling of numbness came. After a second, a woman's tears fell down like broken beads, crying so desolately...

"Oh, it's not good. It must have been stabbed in the pain. I'm sorry, I'm the daughter of the mansion. I just made a mistake for a moment. Let's have another injection!" After saying that, Bi Huantong picked up the embroidered needle that pricked Li Pinger's crying hole and pricked it on her laughing hole.

"Hahaha..." An unlucky woman burst into a thunderous laugh, but with tears in her smile...

Xuanyuan Yulin sitting in the main seat looked at the one**.

"Tong'er, Miss Li is just choked. It will be fine after a while. Don't walk around casually. Go back to your husband quickly."

Bi Huantong curled her lips, reluctantly pulled back the embroidery needle, and gently moved back to her seat. As soon as she sat down, she was tightly hugged by Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Tong'er, don't mess around." Xuanyuan Yulin whispered in her ear.

Bi Huantong pouted unwillingly, don't mess around? No way! She wants this woman to eat and walk with her!