Where does the prince escape

Chapter 170 Clean up the mess

"The right and wrong in the world are competing with each other. Xiao doesn't want to care about it anymore. Even if he wants to take care about it, it's not Xiao's turn to take action. Xiao just wants to do what he likes... Princess, in terms of intelligence and intelligence, there are few people who are your opponents in this world. Xiao is very convinced that Xiao is willing to stay here. It's just that he is convinced of the strong man. When one day the stronger man appears, Xiao will leave and follow the stronger strong man.

To take a strong man for his own use, one of them is to be stronger than him and convince him. The strong man is a god-like existence in Xiao Han's heart. In addition to research, following the strong man to be loyal to the strong is his second spiritual pillar. Bi Huantong pondered slightly and understood this.

Bi Huantong smiled and joked, "Xiao Xia is a rare talent. I can only pray that no other strong man in the world will rob Xiao Xia. At that time, I can only be heartbroken."

Xiao Han's eyes were dark, with a complex color, and a slight touch of pain flashed in his heart. He couldn't help looking at the branch of the broken flower, which seemed to have thorns and deeply pierced his eyes.

He stood here for a long time, watching her angrily break the flowers and trample the flowers into pieces angrily. At that moment, there was an impulse in his heart, an impulse to help her vent his anger.

But soon he despised himself. He could be sad for all the women in the world, but she was the only one who couldn't. He couldn't be moved by this woman at all. Even if he did, he would ignore this feeling!

Joke, what a big joke! If so, what face does Xiao Han have and what dignity does he have to live in the world!

With a wry smile overflowing from his mouth, Xiao Han stood up and bowed slightly to Bi Huantong: "Princess, Xiao has finished his words and left first."

After saying that, without waiting for Bi Huantong to reply, Xiao Han turned around and hurried away. His lonely and sad back was hidden in the scattered fallen leaves, which was bleak and sad.

The thin back gradually left, and the arrogant loneliness... made people worried.

Bi Huantong squeezed his mouth, turned his head and gently took a sip of tea, which was bitter and slightly sweet. After drinking it, it was cool. The early autumn was very pleasant, but Xiao Han's world had already snowy.


Slowly covered the tea, gently blew into the cup, and took a slight breath. There was no trace of joy or anger in his indifferent expression. Li Chenglong stood aside trembling, and his cold sweat oozed slightly. Xuanyuan Yulin did not speak, and he did not dare to say anything.

"Your Excellency, you are very careful."

Xuanyuan Yulin opened his mouth, but it was a cold sentence. Li Chenglong's heart suffocated and his feet knelt down softly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "What happened today is really a coincidence. How did the daughter know the whereabouts of the king? He broke straight into the king's car and asked why a daughter's family was so bold? Isn't it instigated by the left prime minister?"

"I dare not, of course I dare not. I didn't know about the little girl until just now. The prince, the little girl is still young. I hope the prince has a lot of it. Don't care about it..."


A crisp sound of tea lid interrupted Li Chenglong's speech, and Xuanyuan Yulin's face was cold: "If I forgive you, how can I explain it to my wife?"

"This...this..." Li Chenglong sweated like rain and reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead. He didn't know how to pick it up for a long time.

"Lord Left, do you mean to let me be quiet?"

"No, no, the prince misunderstood. Even if Weichen has a hundred heads, he doesn't dare to do anything. Weichen deserves to discipline him. Please condemn him..."

"Criminal? How can I commit a crime? If today's incident spreads to let others know that if I really commit crimes, how will the people outside will comment on me? Left Xiang, your move is really wonderful.

Li Chenglong swallowed and trembled and didn't know how to answer. He had to keep wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. Today... The king of the town is really angry. If he doesn't think of a way to solve it, I'm afraid he won't have to live in the future.

Seeing that he was so frightened that he couldn't speak for a long time, Xuanyuan Yulin smiled gently: "However, the daughter has a little lady's demeanor, straightforward and not pretentious. I have a little appreciation."

There was a turnaround in Xuanyuan Yulin's words, and Li Chenglong breathed a slight sigh of relief: "The prince has been rewarded, and it has been appreciated by the prince. This is a blessing cultivated by the little girl."

"Hum!" Xuanyuan Yulin sneered: "Although Ping'er is frank, she can't look at her face. If I really marry her, I'm afraid I won't be worried in my life. Besides, if all the women in the world follow your daughter, how can I deal with it? I'm afraid that my wife can't forgive me."

"Weichen, damn it, please forgive me! Weichen will go back and discipline his daughter well. He will never let his daughter do anything deviant. Please rest assured.

"That should be good, but today's mistake has been settled. Your daughter has attracted the attention of my wife. Is the left prime minister going to do something to reassure my wife?"

The left phase looked awe-blin and savored Xuanyuan Yulin's words carefully. Do something to reassure the princess of the town... Do something to reassure the princess of the town...

"Your Excellency, it's okay for the daughter to go back, but I have to face my wife every day. Today's thing, I won't give up easily. Hey... It really gives me a headache."

"Your Majesty, damn it..."

"Come on! You have said this many times! When I recommended you to Your Majesty, I was strongly opposed by the Duke of Hu. Now you have done such a stupid thing as soon as you ascended the position of the left prime minister. Hey... You have disappointed me very much. Xuanyuan Yulin shook his head slightly and sighed.

As soon as this came out, Li Chenglong's heart suddenly came to his throat, and his head was blank. He quickly kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, the villain is not good at things, but the villain will definitely change in the future. Today is just an accident and an accident. The villain will definitely be loyal to the prince in the future. Please rest assured..."

Li Chenglong claimed to have changed from 'Weichen' to 'little man'. Xuanyuan Yulin smiled secretly and said, "Your Excellency Zuo's words are not good. It is the emperor who wants to be loyal to you, not me. If your words come out, the people in the world will rebel."

Li Chenglong was stunned and kowtowed again and said, "Yes, yes, the villain is loyal to your majesty, and the villain will always be loyal to your majesty..."

"Well..." Xuanyuan Yulin answered faintly, "Lord Zuo Xiang, get up and talk."

Li Chenglong wiped his sweat: "Yes, my lord."