Where does the prince escape

Chapter 186 S seriously injured

Xuanyuan Yulin took the wooden box, opened and pulled out the sheepskin book inside, looked at it carefully for a while, and then handed the sheepskin book to Bi Huantong.

"The armies of the Three Kingdoms have withdrawn from the Qinling Mountains, and the armies of various countries have gathered. I hope the emperor will pay attention to them." Bi Huantong muttered softly and frowned slightly.

Xuanyuan Yulin waved his hand, and the soldier retreated, picked up the fragrant tea in front of him and squeezed it carefully.

"Are they... really going to attack?" Bi Huantong muttered softly and turned his face to look at Xuanyuan Yulin. His face was very calm, but pale and almost transparent. He was worried. Although he is a king, with both talent and appearance, and his status is respected, he can't live a stable life. If it hadn't been without Xuanyuan Yulin's pains painstaking management, I'm afraid he would have been The wind and rain have withered.

Put down the fragrant tea in his hand, Xuanyuan Yulin said slowly, "Are you afraid?"

Bi Huantong was slightly ached and said in a low voice, "Why are you afraid? What does it mean for the prince to talk like this?

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and gently took her in his arms: "Thirty years ago, my father defeated the army of the Three Kingdoms. At that time, my father was brave and good at fighting. Every time I heard others talk about my father's bravery, I would be proud of it, because I was his emperor." At this, Xuanyuan Yulin stretched out his hand to Bi Huantong's lower abdomen, light Touching: "I am a father now. Our baby will be born in a few months. I just want him to survive safely. I don't want him to follow my path again..."

"Your Majesty," Bi Huantong nodded his mouth and smiled and said, "Our baby will definitely be born safely, and he will live happily and be proud of his father!"

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes are full of tenderness: "As long as you and the baby are around, you will be satisfied for your husband. Let him handle the rest of the things."

"Your Majesty, Tonger is by your side. If there is anything, let's bear it together."

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "This, of course, live together and die together and share adversity."

The two people's hearts were close to each other at this moment, and they should not have each other in thousands of words. Bi Huantong lay in Xuanyuan Yulin's arms. This man shielded her from the wind and the rain for her.

It's just a question in his heart. Why did Luo Xi bite back? He clearly knew what had happened. Could it be that what happened after she and Xuanyuan Yulin left?

Suddenly, I only heard a hoarse eagle outside, which was the sound of a golden eagle!

He hurriedly ran out of the hall and saw a big eagle hovering in the sky, staggering, but he held on to prevent himself from falling down.

Bi Huantong's heart was dark and shouted to the sky: "Diao'er." The golden statue could be heard as if she was talking. It roared loudly in the sky, shook and flew down.

When it was about to fly to the ground, the golden eagle was obviously unable to reach it. It was still a few meters away from the ground and rushed straight down. Bi Huantong quickly showed its true spirit, and a strong wind swept out, holding the huge body of the golden eagle. The golden eagle went down to the ground steadily and fell to the ground and mourned to Bi Huantong.

The golden eagle's body was bleeding, and the shield was badly damaged. It seemed that it was injured by bullets.

I took a closer look at the body of the golden eagle, and there were six or seven wounds!

Bi Huantong's heart sank, and even the golden eagle was so seriously injured, so Yuchen...

"Come on, pass on to the imperial doctor." Bi Huantong said in a hurry.

Xuanyuan Yulin approached the golden eagle and looked into its eyes. After a long time, he said, "If it is one hour later, it will be out of skill."

Listening to Xuanyuan Yulin's words, Bi Huantong was overjoyed, which proved that the golden eagle was saved.

"White tiger, go to the imperial study to get the thousand-year-old Lingzhi."

"Yes, my lord!" Bai Hu didn't dare to neglect, so he answered and went to the imperial study.

When the imperial doctor arrived, the golden eagle had already taken the thousand-year-old Lingzhi and saved his life, but because of the serious injury, he had to take a good rest for a period of time. The golden eagle could not speak, so Bi Huantong could only watch it and be anxious.

Xuanyuan Yulin sat next to it and whispered, "I am not your master and I don't know how to communicate with you. If you can understand people's words, you just need to tweet when I ask questions. If you understand, you will make a long sound."

The golden eyes blinked, and the golden eagle opened its mouth and whispered.

Bi Huantong was overjoyed. Although they couldn't understand the language, the statue could hear what they were saying. As long as they asked, the golden eagle would answer!

"Golden Eagle, is your master seriously injured? If so, tweet."

The golden eagle's eyes darked, and he bowed his head and cried sadly.

Bi Huantong's heart ached, and Yu Chen was really injured!

"Is your master in a worry-free country now?"

The golden eagle crowed again.

"Are you here to ask us to rescue your master?"

The golden eagle sounded.

At this point, everyone basically understands what happened to Yu Chen.

From Worry-free Country to the Moon Kingdom, it will take several days at the speed of the Golden Eagle. After being injured, the Golden Eagle must fly to the Moon Kingdom. The Golden Eagle is extremely protective. Yu Chen's martial arts skills are high, and he is also injured like this. It can be imagined how fierce the battle between Yu Chen and Ling Yuexuan was at that time.

Xuanyuan Yulin half narrowed his eyes. Even he was not sure that he could hurt Yu Chen like that. Ling Yuexuan could... Although the firepower of the weapon was strong, it was impossible to wear a metal shield in a short time.

Yuchen definitely has time to escape.

Is it that Yu Chen was restrained by something at that time, so that he couldn't escape and was seriously injured?!

Turning to look at Bi Huantong, she looked worried and couldn't help saying, "Yu Chen is just injured. As long as he still has a breath, he won't die so easily. Tonger, don't think too much."

"Your Majesty, Yu Chen is trapped in China in order to save us. Your Highness, you must save him safely." In a hurry, Bi Jitong rushed out, but she regretted it. Xuanyuan Yulin finally brought her back to the Kingdom of the Moon. How could he be in danger again?

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, Tong'er is anxious."

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes were bottomless, and his hands were behind his back. He said slowly, "This hatred is naturally to be repaid. I want him to pay back the pain that the man gave you a hundred times!"


Xiao Han's presence in Wuyou Country is equivalent to taking away all the technology. Presumably Ling Yuexuan will pay close attention to him. During this period, he will definitely force him to make a large number of weapons. Although Xiao Han has also made a lot of weapons in the town government, he is no longer there. If he works hard, the firepower of the moon country will definitely not be able to compete with Worry-free country. Of.

In addition, Wuyou Kingdom is now united with Qihuang Kingdom, and Tianxing Kingdom also seems to have a joint aim. A Wuyou country is annoying enough, plus the troops of the other two people, this battle, the future of the Moon Kingdom is extremely not optimistic.

The one in the state of the moon is the black stone.

The golden eagle is in good health, but it is not suitable for flying for the time being. The golden eagle is very anxious and often mourns in the direction of Wuyou Country. Every time he hears this, Bi Huantong's heart is very entangled.

Xuanyuan Yulin was having a meeting with other generals in the wing room. Bi Huantong lay down and burned sandalwood beside him. This sandalwood was specially made by Xuanyuan Yulin to reassur her.

The rose of sandalwood, and the atmosphere is very detailed, but how relieved she is now.

A carrier pigeon flew out of the window and flapped its wings. Bi Huantong bounced up in ** and hurriedly untied the small paper tube on the carrier pigeon's feet. When he opened it, it was really Luoxi's reply.

She secretly sent a letter to Luoxi behind Xuanyuan Yulin's back. She didn't understand why Luoxi did this.

Open it and see that it is Luoxi's handwriting and Luoxi's answer.

Luo Xi didn't write much, but a few short sentences showed his mentality. He cooperated with Ling Yuexuan to take her back from Xuanyuan Yulin, because she was his queen.

Bi Huantong's heart is gloomy! A touch of sadness flashed by and a long sigh.

Luoxi is deeply trapped. Luoxi's love for her has become crazy. Now Luoxi is no longer the former Luoxi, and he is no longer the gentle emperor. He can't give up his love for her.

Since the gossip array, Luoxi has not accepted it. The most important reason why Luoxi has become what she is today is!

For her, Luoxi will do anything!

However, Luo Xi doesn't know Ling Yuexuan. If he fails to cover up Yueguo this time, the next thing Ling Yuexuan has to deal with is him. How can he be Ling Yuexuan's opponent!

The result is very obvious. Even if the Moon Kingdom dies and Xuanyuan Yulin is gone, Luoxi will not be with her, because Ling Yuexuan will not let her go!

A trace of chill flashed in my heart, Ling Yuexuan, the devil, must be eliminated!

Holding the note tightly in his hand, he didn't realize that someone had been standing behind him for a long time. It was not until a breeze blew and a snow-white cloak was put on his body that Bi Huantong came to his senses and couldn't help but feel guilty in the gentle eyes of Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Your Majesty, this is Luoxi's reply." She handed the note to him.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and did not reach out to answer: "Luoxi is protesting, right?"

The funny question made Bi Huantong laugh and nodded.

"Your Majesty, what are the opinions of the generals?"

"There are many opinions, and there is no unity for the time being. It is divided into several factions. Just now, we quarreled endlessly in the side room. The quarrel made me have a headache.

Bi Huantong smiled and said, "So the prince came back?"

"Well, if I had known that, I would not have called them here. Fortunately, I didn't let Tong'er go together."

"I haven't fought for 30 years, and the world is very peaceful. The generals of the older generation are basically not in the world. Of course, no one will accept the bloody generals. Every time the prince goes out, he just uses the people who pick the star building. Presumably the prince has known that they are like this for a long time, right?

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "Those who know me, Tong'er."

"The prince is flattered. In fact, hasn't the prince had a plan for a long time? The prince's move is just to test them, right?

With a touch of appreciation in his eyes, Xuanyuan Yulin nodded and said, "Yes, it's time to take out the gold."

A new book will be opened on the 28th of this month. Please continue to support Bingbing!