Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 25 Harvest of Pharmacy

Chapter 25

I waited at the gate of the pharmacy for most of the day. I haven't seen the return of the pharmacy owner, but the follower behind me is quite patient, but the patience of whispering about the city invasion is not so good. After a while, I saw that the pharmacy owner still didn't come, and I was even more anxious.

But he saw some players also going in and out of the pharmacy. Although the pharmacy owner was not there, there was at least a small worker. Originally, he was going to wait for the boss to come back, but time did not allow it, and the pharmacy owner must not be able to come back for a while, thinking of whispering to invade the city and walked into the pharmacy.

"Yo, guest, what can I order?"

"Do you have any medicine for me?"

The clerk in front of the counter carefully weighed the invading city for a while, as if he had found something, and said with a smile:

"In my opinion, the level of the guest officer is really one of the best. Recently, there is a batch of new thousand-year-old ginseng in our pharmacy, but there was heavy rain during the process of transportation. Due to the shaky road conditions, the car carrying medicinal materials accidentally rolled off the cliff, because I was responsible for this batch of goods. If the boss knew, I would have been miserable. "

After whispering about the invasion of the city, I heard the man say it for a long time and knew that this should be a hidden task, so I endured the man's nonsense and said:

"What on earth are you trying to say after saying so much?"

Seeing that the whispering invasion was a little impatient, the buddy dared not neglect it. He took out a bag of medicine from the drawer and said:

"I must also understand that the specific location of that batch of medicine is in a canyon 20 miles west of the village. You see, I have even prepared the deposit. If you can bring back that batch of medicine, I will thank you very much."

He whispered that he invaded the city and didn't say anything. He took the medicinal herbs placed on the table by the clerk and looked roughly. Twenty-five low-level ginseng recovered 80 points of blood.

System prompt: Hidden tasks are turned on, are you willing to accept


"I will accept the deposit, and I will definitely put a lot of medicinal herbs in front of you in two days."

"Then there will be a young warrior."

When the man thought that he was going to leave, he patted the man on the shoulder and whispered with a smile:

"Do you have anything that can't be sold in front of the stage?"

When he heard the whisper of invading the city, the man immediately understood what he meant and pointed his finger to the second floor and said:

"Since the guest officer has such a hobby, please go upstairs."

When he whispered that he invaded the city, he followed the clerk to the second floor. As soon as he went up to the second floor, the clerk took out more than a dozen kinds of medicine and pointed to the medicine and said:

"These are all samples. If you want to buy them, I can buy them cheaply."

"Yo! I can't see that your little guy knows so much.

"That's right, I don't look at it. I'm working here when I'm a few years old."

Without regard to chatting, he whispered and pointed to these drugs on the table and said:

"Are there any drugs you took out that can make people vaguely aware of them? To be honest, they will lose this memory afterwards."

Hearing the meaning of invading the city, the clerk touched his chin, squeezed his mouth, took out a small bag of things from the bottom drawer, put it on the table and said:

"Maybe you want this thing."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know the name of this thing, but I once heard the boss talk about the effect, which is similar to what you just said. Oh, by the way, this medicine seems to be used in the palace to interrogate prisoners. I heard that as long as you have a small nail cover, you can ask for the truth."

"No way, it's true."

"Of course, it's true. Our pharmacy's reputation is the first and will never sell fake drugs, not to mention such a strange medicine. How can it be fake?"

Even if the guy says so, he can't believe all the whispering invasion of the city. If something goes wrong, he is likely to fall into a passive situation with his family.

"Then this package of medicine must be valuable."

"No more, no less, a pack of 20 gold, I don't think it's a bargain."

Fuck me! 20 gold is so expensive, and I only have 60 gold in total, which is just enough to buy three packs. He whispered that he gritted his teeth, took out 40 gold and put it on the table, and said:

"Well, I want two packs."

"It's really a cheerful person. I just like people like you. I've made a good friend. Come to me and have a good daughter, Hong. Let's do it."

When he said that, the clerk ran downstairs to prepare a bowl for drinking. He whispered that he wanted to refuse, but a trace of thought suddenly flashed in his mind, but this was a rare opportunity.

Thinking of whispering about invading the city, he put the nail cover of his little thumb and dug out a small spoon in the bag of medicine. At this time, the man ran up excitedly with a bowl and wine and said:

"We won't get drunk today."

When he said that, the man was going to drink, but he whispered to the city and quickly grabbed the wine and said:

"I'll do it. It's rare for me to be so happy today."

At the moment when he whispered the city and poured the wine on the clerk's bowl, the powder on his fingernails had already flowed down the wine into the clerk's bowl.

"Come on, brother, I respect you."

When the two drank this cup together, the clerk suddenly felt dizzy, so he got on the stool and threw himself on the table. Seeing this whispering invading the city, he smiled:

"Brother, brother, hey... Don't learn from others to drink if you know that you drink poorly. Oh, by the way, did you hit me just now?"

Once this came out, I only heard the clerk say in a daze;


I was very surprised by the whispering invasion of the city. Could it be...

"I knocked 20 gold hard, hehe, not only that, I just asked you to do something, in fact, it's very dangerous, if I can go by myself, I won't be tired, and..."

I didn't expect that after taking such a little medicine, this guy will do everything. The effect of the medicine is so great that he should use it carefully.

As soon as he walked out of the pharmacy, the expression of whispering invasion seemed to be much more relaxed. As he expected, as soon as he left the pharmacy, he was targeted by the two tails, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

When whispered and invaded the city into a secluded alley, the two people behind him were afraid of being lost, so they hurriedly followed. When they ran to the alley, the thrilling invasion of the city was still within their sight.

But before they were happy, the whispered invasion suddenly disappeared in front of them. Just as they looked at each other, the whispered invasion behind them took the opportunity to cover their mouths with a hand sprinkled with powder, and then pulled them to a secret place to wait for the effect of the drug.

The reason why you choose such a troublesome means of whispering invasion is that it is not a reality. It is a virtual online game. In the virtual online game world, it is impossible to stun your opponent with bare hands like reality. You can only use skills to stun. If the profession does not have stun skills, you can only use drugs. Perform anesthesia.

Not long after, they whispered and found that the medicine had worked. The two looked around dizzy. They were weak and didn't know what they were doing. Seeing this whispering invading the city, he asked:

"Who are you and why did you follow me?"

As soon as the words came out, the two of them looked at the whispering invasion of the city and said hesitantly:

"We are invited by Mr. Li to monitor a professional player called Whispering Invasion. Mr. Li also asked us to sneak into the legion created by Whisper Invasion for all-round monitoring."

"Is Mr. Li in your mouth Li Jiacheng?"

Seeing the two nodded, it can finally further prove that all this was done by Li Jiacheng. However, these are also within the expected scope of whispering invading the city, and there is another problem that he has never understood.

"Why did Li Jiacheng send someone to monitor me? Does this game have any specific significance for him?"

"This... We are not very clear, and we are just ordered to act, but I heard that this game is not simple. It is said that even the designer can't find out. The agent seems to be "God's Realm"."

I was shocked when I heard the whispers here. I didn't expect that this game had something to do with God's Realm and couldn't find the designer, which shows that the purpose of so many group tycoons came to this game is not just for money. There is no online game that is not designed for profit, and this online game But...

Just as he whispered that he was invading the city, a familiar figure flashed in front of his eyes. He wanted to catch up, but when he thought that the leader's handover ceremony would be held soon, he whispered that he gave up the pursuit.