Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 47 Three-way

Not long after the group of eight left, three holes of the same size appeared in front of them, which made them stop moving forward. At this time, they did not worry about the invasion of the city, but showed a smile:

"Since there are three holes here, it is obvious that we have to divide our troops into three ways, and we only have three torches here. This may be deliberately designed by game programming. What do you think of the military division?"

The whispered invasion suddenly turned his words to Leng Yuxuan, and Leng Yuxuan did not answer in a hurry. Instead, he glanced around his teammates who looked at each other and shook his head helplessly:

"Now our team has too much crispy skin and only one meat. No matter who the thunder is with, it may be difficult to ensure safety if the other two teams encounter an emergency, so I suggest that we must choose one of the three holes."

Only some people seemed to agree with Leng Yuxuan's words, and just as she was whispering to invade the city and preparing to say something, Yue Xiaoxia, who had been silent, finally said:

"I think what Leng Yuxuan just said makes sense, but if we really follow this method, it will inevitably waste a lot of time, and now..."

" shut up! When is it your turn to talk about our army?

Yue Xiaoxia's calm analysis was suddenly interrupted by Tu Xiaoxian's Russian direction. Although Yue Xiaoxia did not refute, her eyes suddenly flashed sharp for a moment. Seeing this whisper invading the city, she comforted:

"I would like to express my personal opinion. First of all, what Leng Yuxuan and Yue Xiaoxia just said are reasonable, but I would like to continue Yue Xiaoxia's analysis. Although she is not from our legion, we are also grasshoppers on a rope now, so I hope everyone can work together to overcome this difficult time. "

After whispering and sweeping around the city, he noticed that there were still people talking to each other, but these were not important to him. He only saw the whispering invading the city clear his throat and saying:

"I have said before that we must seize the time. Just now, everyone has seen the tenacity of the Dragon Gang. Presumably, we will be able to deal with the mutant giant scorpion in the near future. If we haven't killed the boss at that time, we can only give up the boss. Everyone doesn't want to see such an ending, so Next, listen to my arrangement..."

As the leader of the regiment, the whispered invasion of the city has completely put down the so-called airs. Maybe this is because of his inexperience. After all, it is his first time to be a leader, but the whispered invasion of the city is not at a loss, but slowly explained:

"First of all, I will first determine the team members. Tu Xiaoxian is the only field control profession in our group, and Hong Tianlei is the only meat shield. Therefore, these two people must form a team, but they also need a command. This person is Leng Yuxuan. The second team is composed of Yan Hong, Ye Lu and Ye Xun. This In other cases, the fast and agile professional gathering is also easy to deal with emergencies. The third team is teamed up with Yue Xiaoxia. Isn't everyone worried about Yue Xiaoxia? Then let me look at her. Do you have any objections?"

No one dares to say a word as soon as this comes out. Everyone adjusts their position. Seeing this whisperingly invading the city, they order:

"Leng Yuxuan, you lead the team to test this road on the left, Yanhong, you go to the right side, and I will go in the middle. The teams should keep in touch at any time. I won't say more. I wish us success."

When he said, he led his team into the entrance of the cave. As soon as he entered the cave with a torch, he felt a coldness attacking him unprepared, and Yue Xiaoxia behind him was still close to him. She whispered about the city and said helplessly:

"I think you should believe in your own strength, why do you always snuggle with me?"

"But people just like this, and they feel so safe behind my brother."

Damn it!

This answer really makes the whispering invasion of the city speechless and can only breathe in a muffled voice. However, the whispering invasion of Yue Xiaoxia must not be simple. It is not surprising that the thunder just fell off the canyon. She can save her but she can't save her death, which makes the whispering invasion of the city has to doubt the origin of Yue Xiaoxia.

A few minutes later, the whisper invaded the city smoothly and Yue Xiaoxia, and there was no danger, but the wind brushed through from time to time, which really made the whisper invade the city uncomfortable.


The voice came from the rear, which was made by Yue Xiaoxia. She whispered and invaded the city and immediately looked back. Yue Xiaoxia lay softly on the ground and stared at somewhere in horror. At this time, she followed Yue Xiaoxia's sight and saw a pile of white bones.

He was really shocked to see this whisper invading the city, but he immediately recovered, hugged Yue Xiaoxia, and kept comforting him:

"It's okay. It's okay. It's just a game that's not real. Don't worry."

Although he whispered that the invasion of the city, he still felt afraid for a while. Although it was only a game, the realism of this game was simply powerful and unimaginable. The whispering invasion of the city slowly walked through the pile of white bones with Yue Xiaoxia.

But it didn't take long for them to see another pile of white bones. Seeing Yue Xiaoxia holding the arm of the city more nervously, they hugged the whisperingly invading city. In such a chilling silence, they could clearly hear their slightly accelerated heartbeat, and even feel Yue Xiaoxia's undulating heartbeat, and they haven't How far did you go? Through the strong firelight in the dark, he whispered and saw a pile of white bones again.

It seems that he has become accustomed to whispering about this invasion. After experiencing the same fear repeatedly, human beings will have a certain inexplicable sense of adaptation. Whispering invasion staring at the pile of white bones, suddenly he frowned as if he had found something, so he couldn't help saying:

"That pile of white bones seems to be surprisingly similar to the two piles I've seen before."

As soon as Yue Xiaoxia's whole body seemed to begin to soften, she said frightenedly and feebly:

"Are we lost?"

Seeing this whispering and invading the city, he also took a cold breath, so he placed Yue Xiaoxia on the wall not far away and slowly walked to the pile of white bones with a torch. At this time, he noticed that since they entered the cave, the space here had not changed much. Without thinking much about whispering about the city invasion, he picked up a white bone and carefully studied it. After a while.

After watching for a few minutes, he still didn't find anything. Maybe these things were not detailed enough in the game to find any clues, but when he tried to give up, he faintly saw something driven by curiosity through the dense white bones.

The whispered invading city brought the torch close to the white bones to increase the illumination, while the other hand was trying to open the white bones. About a minute later, the whispered invading city found a dilapidated book from the white bones, and you could faintly see "Dead" on the written covered by the drawing. The four characters of "Land of the Spirit" saw this whispering invading the city and said excitedly:

"Xiaoxia, come and have a look. What did I find?"

Hearing the call of whispering invasion, Yue Xiaoxia quickly ran over and saw a dilapidated book in her hand, and she was puzzled:

"It's just a book. What's so strange?"

Wnippling invaded the city and shook his head and said:

"This book was found in the pile of white bones, and it should hide some value."

When speaking, whispering invaded the city impatiently opened the Land of the Dead. As soon as I opened the book, whispering invaded the city and became desperate. The content of the book are all traditional Chinese characters. In this era, few people use traditional Chinese characters, and whispering invaded the city can read a readable word at most.

And whispered invading the city, but noticed that Yue Xiaoxia beside her actually stared at the book. Seeing this whispering invading the city, she seemed to see hope, so she asked eagerly:

"How can you understand?"

"Hmm! Because my father is a teacher, I learned a little from my father when I was a child.

When Yue Xiaoxia whispered like this, she was excited to invade the city:

"Then tell me that what is written in the book is..."


Before the words fell, they suddenly heard a roar. The two hurriedly looked around, but found nothing. At this time...

System Tip: The dragon roars and wakes up the sleeping dead!


At this time, Yue Xiaoxia stared at the pile of white bones in horror and said:

"Look, those white bones."

Seeing that Bai Gu seemed to have some kind of power in an instant, it was connected step by step. Seeing that the situation was not good, he whispered that he invaded the city and took Yue Xiaoxia's hand and ran to the depths of the mouth of the cave.

"It seems that other team members must be notified."