Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 81 Assassin Duel

After a dark shadow flashed, everyone showed surprise and uneasiness. At this time, they saw a graceful figure slowly walking not far away.

"It's really worthy of whispering to invade the city, and you can detect my existence so quickly."

The six people could hear that the sound came from a figure not far away. As the figure kept approaching, the rabbit fairy seemed more panicked than anyone else and was eager to find a hole to get in. At this time, the figure gradually became clear, and a charming and domineering woman slowly appeared in front of the six people.

Seeing this, Leng Yuxuan couldn't help saying:

"I dare to ask you..."

"Master of Luohongmen, Jiang Hongji."

When he heard that the other party reported his name, Leng Yuxuan felt that there must be something strange about it, but in order to retain a trace of majesty, he still pretended to be calm:

"If your gang can come here, presumably the remnants of the Tianlong Gang have already succumbed to the majesty of your gang. Since your gang came here, it must not have come here to destroy the Tianlong Gang."

Jiang Hongji couldn't help laughing when she heard Leng Yuxuan's words:

"It's really reasonable, but since I have formed a relationship with the Tianlong Gang here, I can't go back empty-handed anyway. If this little brother is sensible, he should know what to do."

Leng Yuxuan didn't expect that such words came from a beautiful woman, but Leng Yuxuan was not scared and whispered to the rabbit fairy behind him:

"You are petite. We block you from their sight. You immediately send a message to inform the leader of the situation here."

But Leng Yuxuan's words did not get a timely response from Tu Xiaoxian, so he couldn't help looking back. Tu Xiaoxian's whole body trembled and seemed to be scared, but at this time, they had no time to waste again and couldn't help saying:

"Tu Xiaoxian, come on, this is a critical moment of life and death without any negligence."

At this time, the rabbit fairy recovered and gave a weak "um", but at this time, Jiang Hongji seemed to have found something tricky. Without waiting for her order, she scolded:

"Hmm! You stinky woman, just say it directly when you grab the equipment. I just don't like you like this.

Before the words fell, a sword light flashed in front of Feng Tianlei's eyes, and then heard a crisp blades meet each other. At this time, Hong Tianlei saw it clearly. As soon as the beautiful sword appeared in front of him, blocking the attack of the thorny rain, Yan Hong said grimly to the rear:

"Retight back!"

At this time, Jiang Hongji, not far away, showed a far-fetched smile and said:

"It's worthy of whispering invading the city, and their skills are extraordinary, but don't regard my men as the rabbles of the Tianlong Gang. Anyway, there is still time. You can have fun with them."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the thorn rain answered, she slowly raised the blade in her hand and looked like she was going to attack. At this time, Ye Lu and Ye Xun behind Yanhong couldn't help saying angrily:

"This guy knew it was an assassin at a glance, so I didn't bother Sister Hong to do it. Let's finish her for you."


Before Yanhong stopped, Ye Xun, Ye Lu rushed up. Although Ye Xun and Ye Lu, who rushed in different directions, did not show any expression.

Just as the two were about to hit the thorny rain, the thorny rain still showed no expression, and even the standing position did not move at all. Humph! Did you get it like this?

hidden thorn!

When the thorn rain suddenly appeared behind Ye Lu, and when the thorn rain's double edge was about to pierce into Ye Lu's waist, Ye Lu couldn't help smiling and said:

"It's now."

Before the words fell, Ye Xun in front of him suddenly appeared behind the thorn rain, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth:

"It's not only that you can stab, but as an assassin, we have already seen through your movements, and now you have no chance of winning two-to-one."

"You talk too much."



The damage value popped from the top of Ye Xun's head. At this time, Ye Xun found that it was himself who was seen through the action. He saw that the double edge of the thorny rain had already stabbed Ye Xun's waist back. At this time, Ye Xun roared:

"Do you think this can escape, delusional..."

When Ye Xun raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed the rain. At the same time, Ye Lu also quickly turned around and waved the dagger in his hand to stab the rain. At this time, the rain was already under the enemy, but her eyes were still not shaken.

The body of the thorn rain suddenly fell to the side, and even Ye Lu and Ye Xun, who were close to them, did not see their movements clearly. At the same time, the two showed surprised eyes.

"Impossible, this guy..."

Just when the two were surprised, they didn't know that their offensive target had been greatly deviated. Because the two were too close and the attack speed was too fast, they could not immediately stop their movements under the action of inertia, and the daggers of both sides naturally stabbed each other.



With the damage value popped up from the heads of both sides, the ci yu also took the opportunity to escape from the front and back attacks of the two, but the ci yu's counterattack was not over yet. After she quickly withdrew, she took out several hidden weapons from her backpack and flew to the two people. Seeing this, they roared unwillingly:

"Don't be too rampant, you should know that now it is..."


Before the words fell, the thorn rain rushed straight to the two people, far faster than the hidden weapon that had just flown out. Seeing this, the two people who were also assassins, were even more angry:

"Are you looking at us?"

When the two started the "rapid" effect and rushed forward. If they confronted each other, they might have a chance of winning, but things did not develop in the direction they wanted.

hidden thorn!

The thorny rain suddenly appeared behind the two, and Ye Xun, who rushed behind Ye Lu, had already thought of this, and quickly turned around. Ye Lu, who rushed in front of him resisted the flying hidden weapons, and Ye Xun protected the rear. In their opinion, such defense seemed to effectively prevent the attack of the thorny rain.

"Didn't I say that? We are two pairs..."

Before the words fell, a sword light flashed in front of their eyes, and when they reacted, a surprised expression appeared from their faces again.

"Red Sister..."

The sword in Yanhong's hand was passing through the back of the two and cut off a thin steel wire in an instant. Seeing this, the two couldn't help but be shocked, and the hidden weapon flying to Ye Lu slowed down and slowly fell to the ground. I saw that Yanhong said angrily to the two:

"Your skills are not as good as others, don't get out of here."

The two people who saved their lives in an instant had no way to defend themselves and could only obediently return to the team. At this time, it was obviously the turn of the battle between Yanhong and Thorn Rain. The murderous spirit projected by their sharp eyes never seemed to leave each other's bodies.

However, this not only attracted everyone's attention, but also bought precious time for the whole army, which is also what Leng Yuxuan hopes to see.

On the other hand, the whispering invasion of the city, which was looking for an exit, suddenly received a message from Tu Xiaoxian and opened it without hesitation.

"The regiment is big, and our whereabouts have been exposed. Now we are surrounded by the gangs of the falling red gate. The location is not far from the entrance of the cave. Everyone is trying to buy time. Head of the regiment, think of a way."

As soon as he saw the message sent by Tu Xiaoxian, he couldn't help but tighten his eyebrows. He knew his responsibility as the leader, but he was now trapped in this hole. Even if he killed the lion and scorpion, it would be useless if he could not go out, just like a man with hundreds of millions of wealth alone on an isolated island. .

At this time, as soon as Yue Xiaoxia found the uneasiness of whispering and invading the city, she couldn't help asking:

"What's the matter, invasion of the city, is there any news outside?"

"Yes, as we guessed, the people of the Tianlong Gang have been killed, and it is the fallen red door of the killed Tianlong Gang that surrounded us, and the whereabouts of my legion have exposed the situation is critical, but I am still trapped here and can't do anything."

I couldn't help clenching my fists when whispering about the city. Seeing this month, Xiaoxia hugged and whispered to invade the city and comforted:

"Since you are the head of a regiment, you should be the one who brings victory to the team. If you abandon yourself, your team will collapse."

When speaking, he finally realized his mistake when he was about to invade the city. Just like when he was about to give up several times, Lin Xichen's comfort to him was full of healing magic. At this time, he could still clearly feel the existence of this magic, so he stood up and said:

"You're right. I'm really a fool."

At an exit, she whispered to invade the city and found that the constantly intertwined blue flames were messy. At this time, Yue Xiaoxia also found a stone pillar that seemed to be as thick as an arm in the flame.