Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 104 Ao Qing's design

Feeling that there was a trace of murderous breath suddenly coming behind him. At this time, the whispered invasion could not show a calm expression. He clenched the gun in his hand and quickly turned around. Unexpectedly, before he turned around and clenched his right hand was suddenly restrained by a strong grip.

How is that possible? Such a speed...

Before he could react to the invasion of the city, he was rushed out of four or five meters away by a powerful force behind him. Fortunately, he had a good balance ability and did not let him turn his head with inertia.

But he can't be happy because of whispering invading the city. When he quickly turned his head, a thin beggar had already appeared behind him, and the beggar looked at the whispering invasion with melancholy, as if he had seen a friend who had not been seen for many years.

At this time, he whispered that the city broke the deadlock and said:

"Who are you?"

Whispering invasion of the city just asked such a sentence casually. Unexpectedly, the beggar raised the crutch in his hand and stared at the invasion of the city grimly. Now he knew what was going to send, so he made preparations for defense. Although he was facing a weak old man, the whispered invasion suddenly came from the old man's eyes. Feeling some irresistible deterrent, he couldn't help taking a few steps back.

At this time, he actually did it in the face of a thin and weak old man, but even so, the old man still disappeared from the sight of whispering invading the city in an instant.

At this time, he felt the familiar murderous intention that quickly hit behind him. Seeing this whisper invasion, he put away the panic just now, and there was a thick smile at the corners of his mouth. He quickly turned around and took out the three-armed token from his backpack.

This move really worked. The old man gave up the attack when he saw this. The confusion in his eyes was exactly what he wanted to see if he whispered about the city invasion, because how could a person who was not be related to the token show such an expression? Seeing this whispering invading the city, he couldn't help saying:

"I think you have seen this token."

When he whispered that he invaded the city and put away the token, he looked at the thin and weak old man in his clothes, and this time the old man actually said first:

"Who are you and how can you have this thing?"

When I heard this, I was more convinced of my judgment by whispering about the invasion of the city. The NPC I was looking for was this beggar, and there would be no mistake. For the beggar's question, I had no choice but to whisper about the invasion of the city:

"This is a long story. In short, I saved Marshal Tyrone and delivered this three-arms token to me. And he instructed me to Jianye City to find a beggar. Presumably you are the NPC designated by General Tyrone in his mission.

Hearing this, I saw that there seemed to be a trace of joy in the old man's eyes, but this joy disappeared in the old man's long sigh.

"Well, I didn't expect Tyrone to be alive, but I'm afraid there is no hope even if he is alive."

As soon as he heard this whisper, he knew what the old man was worried about, but at this time, he was eager to know the source of this NPC, so he couldn't help asking:

"Since you know Marshal Tyrone, I would like to ask your name."

The old man leaned against the wall and said:

"It doesn't matter if I tell you. I was originally Ao Qing, the wind demon general under Lord Deman, but Lordde man was inadvertently ambushed by the Moon God in the process of launching the revolution. In the chaotic scene, Lordde man and I were scattered by powerful enemy soldiers. After that, Lord Deman did not know where he was going. I was also seriously injured to cover up. That's why people choose to be a beggar here to inquire about the whereabouts of Lord Deman.

whispered invading the city and frowned slightly:

"I really don't know the whereabouts of Lord Deman, but according to the high priest in the lion and scorpion's nest, although I can't perceive the specific location of Lord Deman, at least one thing is certain that Lord Deman is not dead. He may just exist in a world we don't know yet."

When he heard the whisper of invading the city, Ao Qing seemed to be stunned:

"So, Lord Deman is still alive?"

"I think it should be like this. The high priest's magic power is extraordinary. His words should be very credible, but I really have something to ask you."

As soon as Ao Qing said this, he immediately put away the surprise in his heart and turned into a deep voice in an instant:

"I know what you want to say. Since you were sent by Marshal Tyrone, I have nothing to worry about. You can accept this."

said that Ao Qing handed a roll of white paper to whispering invading the city. Although he didn't know what it was, out of respect for NPC, he still chose to stretch out his hands to take a roll of white paper in Ao Qing's hand. At this time, Ao Qing suddenly felt the disgusting evil emitted by his left hand whispering invading the city.

I couldn't help saying:

"You guy, left hand..."

After whisperingly invading the city and taking a roll of white paper, he couldn't help looking at his left hand with a frightened look, helplessly:

"This left hand has existed since I broke through the primary copy. I don't know what this indicates. If the predecessor knows, you might as well tell me."

As soon as he said this, Ao Qing's expression began to become more and more panicked. Seeing this whisper, he suddenly didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Ao Qing's panic was just fleeting. Ao Qing, who took a sigh of breath, touched his chest and said:

"Your left hand is extraordinary, but don't be lost by its power."

"How do you say this?"

Ao Qing paused and said:

"Your left hand has the power of death, and you are the chosen death agent in one million. This power can make you extremely powerful, but after you are strong, you will know the cost of loneliness and pain."

I don't quite understand what Ao Qing said specifically, as if he had been playing riddles, but he didn't care that many of them were PNC anyway. He took this opportunity to communicate more.

"Well, since you just said that, it's really difficult for me to understand why it's me and what my left hand is. Hey, this problem seems so profound that I should not be able to understand it for a while."

Ao Qing, who was sitting against the wall, shook his head with melancholy and sighed:

"Indeed, it will not be clear about your left hand for a while, but the thing I just gave you will come in handy for you in the future."

I couldn't help but look at a roll of white paper in my hand and said helplessly:

"This is just a blank piece of paper, and I can't understand anything."

And when whisperingly invaded the city and took over a roll of white paper, I didn't feel any system prompt. Could it be that this task has not been activated?

Just when he was surprised by the whispering invasion of the city, Ao Qing took out the wine gourd he carried with him. After taking a big bite, he pointed to a roll of white paper in his hand. Seeing this whispering invasion of the city and knowing Ao Qing's meaning, he did not hesitate to hand a roll of white paper to Ao Qing.

Ao Qing took over a roll of white paper and quickly opened it. There was a wild spray at the white paper, but the seemingly chaotic spraying of wine evenly covered the corner of white paper. The next development has been guessed by whispering invading the city.

Sure enough, some pictures can be faintly seen on the white paper that has been scattered. Gradually, the pictures on the white paper began to become clear. What is now displayed in front of the whispering invasion of the city is a huge and magnificent palace design.

Seeing this, he couldn't help whispering:

"Is this..."

After whispering about the invasion of the city, Ao Qing showed a grim point, and the construction map of the palace said:

"I think you have guessed that this is the construction drawing of the palace. I know that you still have a huge mission. This drawing should be of great use to you in the future. In addition, there are many construction drawings of small and medium-sized cities here. That's all I have to do. It's up to you to get hungry.

When he said that, Ao Qing slowly left with a crutch. Seeing this whispering invasion of the city, he was really grateful, and bowed 90 degrees to Ao Qing's fading figure.

"Thank you, senior."

Looking at Ao Qing's figure gradually disappearing, he whispered that he wanted to study the hard-won design drawings, but at this time...

System Tip: Congratulations to players on activating the next task.

Seeing this whisper invading the city, he couldn't help opening it. The taskbar checked the content of the task, and his eyes suddenly became extremely serious.

This is...