Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 173 Surge of the undercurrent


When the two waited outside the half-open gate for two minutes, they were also very worried about the current situation of whispering the city. After entering the half-open gate, they were attacked by a burst of darkness. However, they seemed to be used to such darkness, but they couldn't help feeling a Fear, after all, they don't know what the Lost Tower is, and they have never really fought in the Lost Tower. The next thing to face is the highest floor of the Lost Tower and the ninth floor of the Lost Tower. Naturally, the two will have a trace of uneasiness in their hearts.

At this time, Yanhong whispered to the city:

"Since the regiment leader doesn't even have time to send information, he must have encountered trouble without knowing it. It seems that we should speed up to find the regiment commander."

When Leng Yuxuan heard this, he also nodded and praised:

"Yes, the whereabouts of the regiment leader are unknown now. It must be more or less auspicious. It seems that we can't speed up if we don't speed up, but we should be careful if we are not familiar with the environment here."

As they said, they walked forward carefully. At this time, they suddenly felt a strong wind in front of them. They couldn't help frowning about it. They knew that there must be something in front of them, but when they couldn't help pulling out their sword quickly, they suddenly heard a sound, which came from behind. Of.

Seeing this, the two couldn't help looking back. At this time, they found that half of the door had been opened, but now it has been sealed. It seems that they should understand that the next problem to be faced should be very difficult, which is also what the two people are worried about now.

And when the gate to the ninth floor of the Lost Tower was sealed, the two suddenly smelled something strange. Although Yanhong and Leng Yuxuan didn't know what the smell was, they couldn't help covering their noses quickly with their sleeves.

What the hell is this? Where did it come from? What's going on? Shit! Consciousness began to become a little blurred, thinking that their eyelids were getting heavier and heavier until their whole body had no power to fight back. In their confused consciousness, they faintly saw several figures holding torches appearing in front of them.

"Someone broke in and it seems that Lord Wolf failed. Take these two people to receive a reward from Lord Youlan. It seems that it should be good to break here. You will definitely get a large reward. Maybe there will be whispering invasion of the city. If so, the brothers will be sent out today."

As soon as they said this, they faintly heard the messy laughter, but the laughter seemed to be getting more and more blurred. They knew that nothing could be heard, and the two completely fell into darkness.

At the same time, on the other hand, Yue Xiaoxia and others finally approached the Yanyu platform in a short journey. At this time, the three of them felt a strong smell of blood at the same time. After running for a while, the bloody smell was mixed with the bloody fighting sound of the players. Yue Xiaoxia couldn't help frowning and said to the three people. :

"It seems that we are going to get closer. Let's speed up a little."

Shiyue Xiaoxia and other four people couldn't help speeding up their pace. With the sound of fighting, a few minutes later, the four quickly rushed to the misty rain platform and could come to the misty rain platform. What was displayed in front of the four people was an earth-shaking battle between people and beasts. Countless players rushed out of the town, and countless monsters with their teeth and claws. The players rushed from the town to **, but the players still rushed forward bravely. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help laughing:

"Look, this is the battlefield of men. Brothers, let those guys see the strength of our Tiandao OL."

When she said it, she couldn't help shouting the banner of "Tiandao OL" and rushed forward. Then Ye Xun and Ye Lu also rushed up. Although she was a little hesitant to see this month Xiaoxia, she knew that she represented the army that whispered invading the city. How could she be afraid at the critical moment? Thinking of Yue Xiaoxia's business trouble Rushed forward and quickly participated in the battle.

At this time, although Jiang Hongji was also fighting in blood, her ears were very smart. When she heard someone whispering the name of the invading army, she couldn't help moving the direction of the battle to a higher shouting direction. At this time, he saw a familiar woman also participating in the battle, and couldn't help it Ask:

"Why are the four of you whispering about invading the city, and where are the other two people going?"

As soon as Yue Xiaoxia and a "hidden thorn" flashed behind the monster and stabbed the monster fiercely, and the lineman said to Jiang Hongji:

"The invasion of the city and two other people went to the Tower of Lost. The specifics are not clear. In short, the task they are doing is related to the monster we want to face. Shit..."

Before the voice fell, Yue Xiaoxia quickly rushed out of the monster's counterattack and resisted by the big man Hong Tianlei. Yue Xiaoxia, who had just escaped the crisis, couldn't help saying to Jiang Hongji beside her:

"In a word, the situation of the invasion is similar to that of us now. I don't know the details. I don't have time to chat with you without talking about so many monsters."

As soon as this word came out, Xiaoxia rushed into the battle again. Although Jiang Hongji was puzzled about this, she couldn't help but start fighting. After all, this is an extraordinary period. The so-called tower of confusion should be handed over to whispering invading the city. The fairy must guard the smoke and rain platform and must not let the monster take half a step.

As soon as he said this, Jiang Hongji suddenly heard the continuous registration sound. With the increasing number of people participating in the battle, it became more and more concentrated. It was a good thing for Jiang Hongji. Jiang Hongji looked up the wall and showed a trace of coldness.

ti yun vertical!

Suddenly, Jiang Hongji quickly flew to the top of the wall and shouted at the bloody players below:

"Jiang thank you for your help. I believe that as long as we can survive successfully, the rewards after the activity will not disappoint everyone."

Although there is not much meaning in the words, everyone knows this. The shock power in the words is secondary, mainly to include the interests in the words. Isn't anyone who came to get a piece of the pie? Naturally, Jiang Hongji can't understand this anymore, but she can't help showing a smile. , seems to be enjoying the battle, or guarding something to fight for it.

At the same time, on the other hand, in the novice village, many NPCs also participated in the camp against monsters, and the resistance led by Marshal Tyrone also kept fighting. After the rest, the strength of the NPCs was more than enough to deal with the 20th-level monsters.

Marshal Tyrone shouted at the soldiers in front of him:

"Brothers, we must not step back, never take a step closer to the village, absolutely not, this is the position we hold to, there must be no mistakes, this is our mission, and it is also our responsibility as soldiers."

As soon as these words came out, he only heard the response of the soldiers, but Marshal Tyrone was very worried about this because he knew that such a big attack by the monster was by no means accidental and absolutely premeditated, but such a large position has never appeared in the world. Can it be said that...

Without thinking about it, Tyrone couldn't help rushing forward to participate in the battle. Although Tyrone, as the commander of the army, should be under command of such a battle, he still rushed forward without hesitation at this time. On the one hand, it can increase the momentum of the soldiers, and on the other hand, he can understand it through the battle. Where are these monsters to determine the source of the monsters?

Wan Ze, who was watching this tragic battle not far away, couldn't help but be stunned. Although he also saw the prompts of the system, he did not understand why there was this battle. At this time, he couldn't help running into his sister's equipment appraisal office.

"Sister, you should look outside. Even NPCs have participated in this battle. It seems that this activity is really not simple."

When Xiaoqi said this, she didn't pay attention to Wan Ze's words, but just focused on making her equipment. Wan Ze couldn't help asking:

"Sister, what's the use of doing this now? Now is a good opportunity for us to make money. With so many players participating in the battle, we must have lost a lot of equipment. Our firm identification fee is also relatively cheap, and there will definitely be many players flocking to us and we will make money. Yo, Cao Cao will arrive."

I saw two players running to the identification center with knives. Seeing this, Wan Ze couldn't help smiling at this:

"Are you two here to identify the equipment?"

Two players with big knives nodded to Wan Ze:

"Yes! We just got a lot of equipment from the battle. I heard that the identification cost here is relatively cheap, so we came here.

When he heard this, Wan Ze couldn't help smiling and said:

"Yes, yes, our appraisal fee here is absolutely reasonable and fair. You can rest assured."

After saying that, Wan Ze shouted at Xiaoqi, who was busy with the equipment at hand in the house:

"Sister, there is business."

But Xiaoqi did not respond to this. After apologizing to the two people outside the door, he quickly ran to Xiaoqi, who was focusing on making equipment, and said softly and anxiously:

"Sister, let go of your work first. Now there is a business, sister, this time it's a big business, and you should take it."

But as soon as this came out, Xiaoqi shouted at the two players outside the door:

"I've proofed it today. Come back another day."

As soon as Wan Ze spoke, the two players left the identification center with a trace of disdain. Wan Ze wanted to retain this, but he was suddenly stopped by Xiaoqi:

"Aze, you go and close the store. We won't do business today."

As soon as he heard Xiaoqi's words, Wan Ze couldn't help walking over. Originally, he wanted to refute the class, but he didn't expect his sister's words to be so resolute. He had no choice but to have the opportunity to refute this and obediently closed the door of the store. At this time, Xiaoqi didn't care about this and just focused on making the equipment at hand.

Although you didn't entrust these materials to me, I know that you should face a lot of dangers now, so I will definitely make this hard-won material into the best. Just wait and see. I will definitely make you the most majestic man in the world. Behind a successful man, there must be a woman who silently supports him, and this woman must be me. Don't worry if you invade the city.

Thinking that Xiaoqi began to use the lion and scorpion fur that was beaten back by whispering to invade the city began to make equipment. Xiaoqi was still happy about this, and Wan Ze beside him saw her sister's behavior. He knew that his sister's purpose of doing this must be to whisper invading the city, and he knew that the person who whispered the city had some kind of The incredible charm deserves his respect and what his sister pays for. As soon as he thought of this, Wan Ze said to Xiaoqi not far away:

"Then let's go ahead. I'm going out to have a try."

Before Xiaoqi agreed to hold the * in Wan Ze's hand and ran out, Xiaoqi couldn't help smiling at this. He knew that whispering about the invasion of the city could make his brother regain his self-confidence and make his brother stronger, which was the real meaning of Xiaoqi paid for it.

On the other hand, in reality, it was already late at night. Ma Lingyun drove his car and quietly stopped not far from Wang Xiaoqiang's orphanage, quietly observing every move in the orphanage. He was sure that Yali provided him with good news, but first of all, how to get in.

The orphanage seems to have only one security guarding the gate, but since Wang Xiaoqiang is inside, this also shows that the protection of the orphanage is definitely not as loose as it seems, and there must be some unspeakable secret, which Ma Lingyun can't help but believe in this.

And the problem he is facing now is how to sneak in and find the whisper invasion of the city. This is Ma Lingyun's most difficult problem now. If he goes in openly, he will never see Wang Xiaoqiang. He must think of a perfect solution. Ma Lingyun must get the information of this orphanage.

sent a message to Yali. Although it was so late, he believed that Yali had not slept yet. Even if she did so, she felt great guilt for a man and was not responsible for a woman who loved him deeply. However, so far, only Yali had a complete trust, so Ma Lingyun decided to do this. Do it.

At the same time, a dark shadow was quietly sneaking into the orphanage and slowly groping towards the rabbit fairy's residence, but no one noticed it. Even Ma Lingyun, who had observed at the gate of the orphanage for a long time, did not notice it. Maybe it was because he couldn't sleepy late at night, so Ma Lingyun planned to Take a nap, and he will come to Wang Xiaoqiang in person early tomorrow morning.