A master of online games

Chapter 090 Cat

Outside the gate of Luoshui City, on a green grass on the left, surrounded by a sparse crowd. In the middle of the crowd, four warrior players flirted with a beautiful and resolute little girl with a yin smile, who looked like 17 or 18 years old.

As soon as I saw such a scene, there were three young and energetic players in the crowd. They wanted to teach the little girl a lesson from the four scum, but at the critical moment, they were stopped by a player beside him: "Slow down!"

The three players who were about to act as heroes frowned and looked back at the player who stopped them and asked unhappily, "What's the matter?"

"You may not know that these four people are domineering people, and they can't be provoked!" This man kindly reminded.

"Hmm! What about the domineering people? Today, I'd like to see how domineering this domineering man is!" One of the long-haired men said angrily.

Another person also echoed, "We hang up as a domineering person. People like the scum in front of us hang up once!"

Finally, the man looked at the situation and reminded him, "Do it, that little girl is pitiful enough!"

The three nodded unanimously, called out their weapons and rushed over.

"Enough man!"

Duan Xiaoyu and Nie Fan came over.

"Brother Fan, can't we get on?" Duan Xiaoyu turned his head and asked.

Nie Fan looked at the seven people who had already started the war, smiled and said, "Just go. I'm not equipped. I'm afraid of hanging."

"Cut! Who doesn't know that Brother Fan is operated by your god, and you are still afraid to hang up? Duan Xiaoyu sneered and obviously disdainned Nie Fan's words, "Then if you don't join in this excitement, I'll go on. My golden staff is ready to move!"

After saying that, Duan Xiaoyu rushed over.

Nie Fan just stood aside and looked at the battle on the field. Only one of the four people of the overlord was still a little level, and the other three were unflowing goods. Nie Fan saw at a glance that even if Duan Xiaoyu did not help, the four overlords would be solved by the three righteous players.

There were bursts of applause in the crowd. Nie Fan glanced around and shook his head. At this time, his eyes fell on the perpetrator, the beautiful and handsome girl. At this time, her eyes were blooming with worship, staring at Duan Xiaoyu, looking like a nymphomaniac.

Nie Fan sweated, looked at Duan Xiaoyu, who was shining brightly, and smiled.

Four to four, the four players of the Overlord were quickly defeated and hung back to the city one after another, and cheers broke out again in the crowd.

Duan Xiaoyu waved to the players around him, and then ran to Nie Fan and said with a smile, "Brother Fan, am I doing well? Is the action very handsome, chic and sharp?"

"Yes, I'm fascinated by a lot of girls." Nie Fan smiled and looked behind Duan Xiaoyu, with a stronger smile on his face and said, "No, the girl has come to see you!"

Sure enough, the girl saved by the four heroes thanked the other three heroes and walked towards Duan Xiaoyu.

Duan Xiaoyu was stunned and was obviously a little confused. Looking back, the girl immediately smiled brightly and showed two small tiger teeth, which added a playful cuteness.


Nie Fan stood behind Duan Xiaoyu and couldn't see his expression, but from his voice, it can be inferred that his expression at this time should be the kind of constered and worried.

This means that Duan Xiaoyu knows this girl, but doesn't want to see her.

Nie Fan laughed, and the matter seemed to have become a little interesting. Before the girl approached, Nie Fan took half a step and whispered in Duan Xiaoyu's ear, "You saved this girl."

"Ah?" Duan Xiaoyu opened his mouth with an unbelievable appearance, which was vaguely mixed with a trace of distress.

"Duan Xiaoyu? Is that what you call it?" The girl smiled like a flower and did not have any displeasure after being harassed by a pervert.

"I've told you, and you still ask, will I lie to you?" Duan Xiaoyu's face was indifferent, and there seemed to be a little unhappy in his expression.

The girl was not unhappy with Duan Xiaoyu's cold attitude at all. Instead, she smiled more happily and seemed to be very happy and said, "You see, this is fate. As soon as I was bullied by a hooligan, you appeared and saved me in time, just like my patron saint!"

Duan Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and ignored the girl. He turned to Nie Fan and said, "Brother Fan, let's go."

Nie Fan had no objection and walked with Duan Xiaoyu. Their destination was Qiufeng Valley four or five miles away from here. The tasks they took were basically all around Qiufeng Valley. Of course, except for the difficult task given by the old woman to Nie Fan, the task was to go to the mountains of thousands of demons. Now Nie Fan It's not enough to go there. The old woman also said that before completing this task, she must improve her ability to a certain level, otherwise she will be killed and returned to the city without success.

It was also because of this that Nie Fan dared to take over the task. When all the equipment was completed, he went to the Wanmo Mountain. First, he explored the reality of Wanmo Mountain, and secondly, he rescued the old woman's granddaughter. After completing this task, he received an unexpected thank you among the old woman.

"Duan...Duan Xiaoyu! You are waiting for me!" When the girl saw Duan Xiaoyu turn around and left, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed and quickly caught up with him.

"What are you doing with us?" Duan Xiaoyu seemed to be very annoyed with the girl. He glanced at it and said, " By the way, I haven't asked you yet. Why are you being teased by those four idiots?"

"Dizzy! Can you be more reserved and flirting? How unpleasant it is! And it's not a flirt at all, it can only be regarded as a failure!" The girl stressed.

Duan Xiaoyu was speechless and no longer asked. He just said, "We are going to do the task. Go and play by yourself."

"Actually, those four people spoke rudely to me just now. I was going to break the net, but at the critical moment, you appeared! Hey hey, Xiaoyu, you are not bad. You hung those people back to the city!" After a pause, the smiling girl said again, "Well, I owe you a favor. I'll pay it back whenever you want. It's okay, don't you think?"

"You didn't hear it. I said we were going to do the task. Go and play by yourself!" Duan Xiaoyu stopped, looked at the girl, and repeated what he had just said with a tired expression.

The girl finally calmed down. A pair of small but full of aura and cute eyes looked straight at Duan Xiaoyu, and the smile on her face disappeared, and tears seemed to flash in her eyes.

Nie Fan beside him really wanted to give Duan Xiaoyu a shiver. How could this dead child hurt a little girl's heart so much?

But at this moment, the girl who looked like she was about to cry suddenly laughed again. As bright as before, she jumped to Nie Fan's side, took Nie Fan's arm and walked forward. As she walked, she chatted and said, "Are you his friend? In the game? Do you know each other in reality? Oh ha, my name is Cat Xiaomi, and I'm Duan Xiaoyu's girlfriend!"

"..." Nie Fan was completely conquered by the girl called 'Cat Xiaomi'. He was a little confused. He looked back at Duan Xiaoyu and saw that he looked depressed and reluctantly followed.