A master of online games

Chapter 113 What you are afraid of

The fact is by no means that the system has pumped. These rolling stones immediately become stonemen like Transformers after falling to the ground.

So Nie Fan looked around and saw a gray sea, surging and surging.

"Are we going back to be quiet?" Leng Yue turned her head and asked.

"Do you remember the way back?" Nie Fan did not answer the question.

Leng Yue didn't say anything, the corners of her mouth bent, and everything was silent.

These stone people appear in a very good way. It's bombarded, but it doesn't have much real ability. Like the mane wolf, it is an ordinary 25-level monster. For Nie Fan and Leng Yue, there is no pressure at all.

However, this stone man has a little more experience than the mane wolf, and the number is even more complete. Although Nie Fan and Leng Yue have no pressure, they are not as easy as killing the mane wolf just now. From time to time, they need to take a medicine to keep their health above the safety line.

The feeling of triple experience is just one word, that's cool!

Nie Fan has never experienced this refreshing feeling of being promoted in half an hour, and the cold moon beside her was speechless. She teamed up with Nie Fan to kill stone people. Her experience rose by a small grid in a few seconds. As soon as she killed more than a dozen stone monsters, she saw that her experience value had increased by nearly 10%, which was completely Rocket-style upgrade method.

In addition, there is equipment, which killed the stone man for almost an hour. Nie Fan's package has been fully equipped, and it is full of bronze and silverware, like iron-level equipment. Nie Fan doesn't know how many pieces he has thrown, but the number of bronzes in the package is gradually decreasing, but the number of silverware is gradually increasing. Gradually, this is the result of Nie Fan getting a silverware and throwing a bronze tool. After all, he can't get both fish and bear paws. He hates that the grid of the package is too small and the load is too low.

After a crazy rush, there was no stone man in the whole valley. Nie Fan shouted 'really' and then opened the attribute panel and divided 16 free attribute points equally to power and agility.

These 16 free attribute points are what he just got after upgrading to two levels, 7 points at a time and 9 points at a time, which are not bad luck.

"It's gone? Isn't it that the boss is going to appear?" Nie Fan looked left and right, and there was no movement in the stone mountains on both sides.

There must be an 'earthquake' within ten seconds after killing all the stones before, and then countless stones rolled down the mountain and became stone people. This time, Nie Fan and Leng Yue waited for more than 20 seconds and saw nothing.

However, as soon as Nie Fan's words fell, the 'earthquake' came late, as if it had an appointment.

"Finally, it seems to be a little slower than the previous waves." Nie Fan added a 'sea shield', then filled the magic value again, and retreated a few meters with Leng Yue to prevent being killed by random stones.

"There's something wrong this time. Do you feel it? It seems that the shock is stronger!" Leng Yue suddenly said.

Nie Fan smiled and felt that the 'shock' said by Leng Yue was a little funny, but he just smiled in his heart and said, "That's the boss. It's not surprising that a boss has been fighting for so long."

"Look there!" Leng Yue stretched out her hand and looked surprised.

Nie Fan looked past and was also shocked. A huge stone rolled down from the stone mountain on the left. Although there was only one, the volume made Nie Fan and Leng Yue's hearts thump at the same time.

"Sure enough, it's BOSS, but isn't the volume of this boss a little too big..." Nie Fan said with a weakly frustrated face.

"The little monster is not small. The boss must be bigger than the little monster. There is nothing to be afraid of. Even the 30th-level lord BOSS, we have the strength to fight." Leng Yue seemed a little excited. At this time, she was already at level 24, one level higher than Nie Fan. It seemed that the 25-level boss had nothing to say for her.

"The 30th-level lord boss is a little stressful!" Nie Fan looked at the falling boulder and prayed in his heart that even if it was a 25th-level lord or a 30th-level elite, he would not be a 30th-level lord boss.

Because you meet the 30th-level lord BOSS, it's a pity not to fight, but if you fight, you will have to bear the risk of being hung out of the copy.


With a loud noise, the spherical boulder stood firmly in the middle of the road, blocking in front of Nie Fan and Leng Yue, stirring up a burst of dust.

Nie Fan stared at it and was speechless. He was really afraid of what to come. What was really special was the 30-level lord monster.

"I was really right. In fact, that's what I said..." Leng Yue turned her head and looked at Nie Fan a little innocently and said.

Nie Fan trembled all over. The cold moon with this expression was cold and soft, soft and charming, and there was a trace of distressing tears in the charm, and Nie Fan was killed in an instant.

Probably found that she was a little gaffe. Leng Yue quickly turned her head, did not look at Nie Fan, restored her previous cold expression, looked at the BOSS who was 'evolving', and said, "Let's rush over and beat it now!"

After saying that, Leng Yue rushed over. Only then did Nie Fan come to his senses. He smiled and said to himself, "The iceberg beauty can also be shy. It's really strange!"

The boulders are 'evolution', like Transformers, arms, legs, head, and several movements, all emerging, forming a tall and powerful stone man, 5 meters tall, with one arm taller than Nie Fan.

At this time, Nie Fan and Leng Yue had already chopped off the boss, but at the time of 'evolution', the boss's defense seemed to be very high, and the two did not cut off much blood from it at all.


As soon as the stone man 'evolved', he waved his thick arm and suddenly hit Nie Fan.

Nie Fan was clever and jumped back and dodged.

The stone man's fist fell to the ground with a bang, like an earthquake, and smashed a huge pit on the ground with one punch, shaking countless dust and flying in front of Nie Fan.

Protecting his face, Nie Fan moved quickly behind the stone man and reminded Leng Yue, "Be careful!"

"Ye" Leng Yue answered, and the long sword in her hand came out again. The sword blade suddenly stirred, stabbed the stone man's calf, bursting out a spark, and also hit 700+ damage. Generally speaking, this damage was very good, because the BOSS's defense was not ordinary high, and his whole body was full of stones, although it was not as good as the copper wall and iron wall. But it's almost the same.

"Turn around and hit this guy, with high blood, high defense and high attack, but low agility." Nie Fan reminded Leng Yue while swinging the fire sword and chopping around the stone man.

"Ye" Leng Yue answered again. It's not that she pretended to be cool and didn't want to say a word more, but that now she seemed to be looked at by the boss. The boss's huge fist hit her again and again, and the speed was never slow. At this time, she had no energy to talk more. Not to mention the pressure, she would be smashed if she was not careful. Meat sauce.