Online game mustard

Chapter 9 Comeback

About 15 minutes after Xuanyuan's team completed the transfer mission and left, a team of gray-headed and gray-faced people also returned from the teleportation array. Judging from their expressions, it is obvious that they failed in the mission.

After a while of silence, the captain raised his fist and smiled faintly: "Ha, we are not prepared enough. What kind of FB can't pass our strength? I've just been there once, and then I know what to guard against. I'm sure I can complete the transfer this time.

30,000 followed his words: "Well, it's just that we underestimate this game so much that we don't even see the boss. Next time it won't be over when we meet. We will blow up his equipment to vent his anger. Sword alone is 30,000 apprentices. What the master said is always right, so he also said seconded to "bomb him!" Someone drove it, and the crowd below was excited and shouted to blow up the boss**... Oh no... It's time to blow up his equipment.

Somehow, the Wolf King, who was far away in the BOSS hall deep in FB, sneezed, and then another burst of chrysanthemum...

After a rest in place, their team launched another attack on the wolf's den. They are no better than their team. They are a small team they all knew before. There are also 25 of them, which is a medium-sized FB full team. It is only because of this advantage that their team leads to negligence, so it is blown up beyond the task time.

came to the entrance of the hall on the first floor of the cave. This time, they did not rush in at one time like last time, but first let the legal profession lead the single monster and adopt a single elimination strategy. This may take a little more time, but it is much safer.

By the way, the last time they came to this place, because the number of fists was not very large, some of them went directly to the enemy. I didn't think that these wolf soldiers were quite resistant to fight, and when their team went up to fight, some people were beaten and quickly returned to the teleport array to resurrect. However, the resurrected people were killing with the demon wolf rangers, so those people did not pay attention to their weak state and ran back directly to fight, intending to end the battle as soon as possible, but they did not think that this would have the opposite effect of the vicious circle. Later, 30,000 people saw that the situation was wrong, so they called for a rest and rectification. At this time, the sword was lonely and found that he was in a weak state, and the people in the team finally figured out the reason why they had to come back faster. Therefore, the fist asked the French profession to attract the single magic wolf soldiers and break them one by one. This tactic is much safer, but they have spent too much time before, so when they finish killing the demon wolf rangers in this place, 45 minutes have been spent. Looking at the time, 30,000 began to worry that the boss could not be finished for a while, but what he didn't expect was that with the strength of their team, he didn't even see the boss.

After the hall, they went downstairs along the stairs. When they entered the stairs, they arranged a legal system to attract trouble. But when she went downstairs, the trainee Xiaoying died before she could react. When the fist asked her, she didn't even know what had happened. It seems that I don't know what's going on below. In short, it's very dangerous to enter the legal system, so Fist intends to change to a physics profession with high blood prevention.

As expected, the sword alone was selected as the candidate to go into the hole to explore. Looking at the dark hole alone with a sword, he felt very lonely. However, everyone in the team looked at him with warm and sincere eyes, so he had to bravely. The sword alone clenched the sword in his hand and went down the stairs with trepidation. After two seconds, it's okay. The sword alone exhaled a turbid breath hanging on his chest, and subconsciously turned around to report safety with the fist above, but when he just turned around and shouted the first word, he also went back to the transmission array. Until the fist asked later, he didn't understand what was like an old novice.

Everyone is always afraid of the unknown situation, so when we choose people to explore the situation, everyone turns to each other. Later, 30,000 said, "The apprentice is not talented, so he has to be a teacher." So he went down the stairs righteously. After going down the stairs, he also returned to the transmission array. Fortunately, being a master is always smarter than being an apprentice. How to say this? After 30,000 people went downstairs, he made a fake move to look back at the air, and then when his head reset, he saw a group of demon wolf assassins greeting him with their heads covered.

After looking back at 30,000, the following situation was finally clear. The people in the team held a small meeting and finally came to the same conclusion as Xuanyuan Chiyou. They all went in. The bloody physics profession first, and then the French department. After passing this thrillingly, this undetermined team began to move down again. This time, they all learned a lesson and walked step by step. But when he reached the WC position, he had no choice but to have enough time for FB, so Miao Sanyan detonated the explosives in the cave. Then there was a scene before they came back from the teleportation array.

This time entering FB again, their team is obviously ready, and the first level passed smoothly without any suspense. It's just that it took quite a while, but in this way, the last ambush is gone, and the wolf king loves to roar. Of course, they won't know if they haven't experienced these fists.

They also passed the second level smoothly, so they finally came to the location of the Wolf King. When they came to the door, they didn't all go in, but chose someone to take a look at the situation inside first. Thirty thousand has always been calm and cautious, which is nothing more than the most suitable person to explore the cave. 30,000 walked very slowly, because the previous levels were mainly unexpected, so now he is mainly seeking stability without being too hasty. As soon as he entered the door, 30,000 people immediately hid their bodies against the wall. After finding that there was no danger, 30,000 probes to investigate the intelligence. In the middle of the cave is a throne, on which the Wolf King is taking a nap and supporting his head with his claws. The Wolf King was wearing some unknown metal armor, surrounded by several waiters arched. Looking at this situation, it seems to be the same as Xuanyuan Chiyou, but if Xuanyuan Chiyou and others are here, they will find that the Wolf King seems to be different from what they met. The demon wolf king is obviously much bigger than the one they met, and he is still wearing metal armor, not the hard leather armor they met before. In this way, the attack and defense of the Wolf King are obviously higher than the boss they met. In this regard, the difficulty of this FB seems to be related to the level and number of people coming in.

After watching the situation, 30,000 cautiously retreated and did not disturb the monster in the hall at all. After listening to 30,000 descriptions of the boss's room, they quickly formulated tactics. First, the legal system led away the miscellaneous soldiers and eliminated them one by one, and finally pushed the boss with all their strength. Xiaoying entered the door and was not in a hurry to cause strangeness. Instead, she found a corner with a high safety factor to stand and prepare to attack the nearest waiter. Obviously, she still has a lingering heart about the previous death. Xiaoying hid in the dark, and the staff pointed forward and threw a magic ball. But as soon as the magic ball came into contact with the waiter, the waiter fell to the ground. This was obviously too far from what she expected. Xiaoying's face was blank, and her little mouth turned into O-shaped.

After a while, the sword was lonely and anxious, because Xiaoying Yirou had been in for a long time. So he walked back and forth at the entrance of the boss room alone with his sword. Finally, his master couldn't stand it, so he opened his mouth and said to him, "Apprentice, can you stop for a moment? I'm dazzled."

The sword was lonely and said aggrievedly, "Then why don't you say the boss?"

30,000 looked back, and the fist behind him walked impatiently. When the fist saw 30,000 looking back at him, his whole body immediately fixed, maintaining the movement of walking, with an awkward smile on his face.

He scratched his head and said with his fist: "Didn't I see Xiaoying go in for too long? I haven't even heard from him yet. Even if you hang up, you have to have a message."

At this time, Xiao Yingyi's soft voice came out of the room. Pooh! Don't say it's unlucky. You can come in. The waiters have been killed, and there is only one boss left.

So, the fist led people in. Seeing Xiaoying Yirou, the others were very puzzled and at a loss. Looking at their unclear appearance, Xiaoying had to explain patiently, "Actually, those waiters are basically just a decoration and die with a stroke. I spent my time mainly cleaning them up, and I had to stop the boss from finding me.

According to the previously agreed battle plan, the flow blade was the first to top the boss. Liu Jian came to the boss with excitement. This was the first copy of the boss they faced, and it was inevitable that the mood was complicated. Who knew that this magic wolf king boss was very alert. Before the blade started, the boss caught a glimpse of him. Therefore, the flowing blade came not to open the monster, but to be opened.

The Wolf King roared and declared his dissatisfaction with the aliens entering the hole. At the same time, this roar also added a state of anger to him, and the actual effect was to increase the attack by 10%. Then it charged against the flow blade. The two skills are like flowing clouds and flowing water. In one go, 5% of the blood of the blade has dropped. It can be seen that the strength of this demon wolf king is quite strong. After all, when they were just in the meeting, they had concentrated their equipment into several physics professions preparing for the monster. This is their advantage. They are all friends who know each other, unlike Xuanyuan Chiyou, who are a makeshift team, so the team scheduling is very flexible. The flowing blade is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched casually. His temper has always been hot. He is not afraid of such a strong boss at all, and he fights away.