Online game mustard

Chapter 184 Stripping the cocoon

As Xiaoying said, after a carpet search, the entrance to the cellar was finally found near the small bookshelf in the bedroom of the master's room. If you look carefully, you can also find traces of opening.

Looking at the small wooden door disguised as a wooden floor, Tianlong Dihu took a deep breath and then inserted his finger into the seam to lift the door panel.

With the opening of the door panel, the dust fell down, revealing a dark hole, which was quite spacious, and the two people could pass side by side. A cloudy wind came from the cave, so he threw the door panel aside.

After taking a deep breath, the dragon and the tiger cleaned up and said, "Let's go down."

This relic must have been built with a lot of money before, and even the cellar is made of stone. Although it has been a long time, the facilities in it are still intact. After a short staircase, everyone came to the bottom of the cellar. According to the distance just now, the location of the cellar is about four or five meters underground.

"Huh? With so many doors, it seems that the space below is not smaller than the villa above. Through the light of the dead wind lamp, Xuanyuan found that there were many doors on the three walls.

Guoer said with a hippie smile, "It's hard to say. Don't you let it open the space of the toilet?"

"Hehe, it's possible, but I always feel that it's not that simple." After saying that, Xuanyuan Chiyou gave an old novice a look.

After such a long period of cooperation, the veteran novice immediately understood what he meant, so he walked to one of the doors.

After kicking the door open, the veteran novice did not stop, but immediately leaned his back against the wall next to the door to hide his figure. The mage's staff is also aimed at the doorway at the same time. If something comes out of it at this time, he will suffer a series of attacks.

However, the waiting of the mages did not play their due role, because the door was empty.

In order to confirm the actual situation in the room, the veteran novice went in.

"Come and have a look. There are still some doors here." Not long after he went in, such a news came out.

After coming to see the situation, Xuanyuan Chiyou rubbed the scum on his chin and pondered for a while before saying, "There are so many doors here that it looks like a maze. I think we should draw a map, otherwise we may get lost in a while."

In addition to some treasure map tasks or some escort tasks, some tasks are led by NPC, otherwise most of them will not provide you with maps. At this time, if it is simple, you can remember it as long as you walk once or twice, but if it is like the maze now, you need to draw a map by yourself.

Xuanyuanyou took the stairs that had just come down as the center point and painted crookedly on the paper, but his drawing ability was really limited. I'm afraid not many people can understand this map except him.

After looking at it for a while, the old novice's eyebrows twisted together, "Well...Lao Xuan, do you have any other paper?"

"Toilet paper? Do you want to poop? I didn't bring it. You asked me what I was doing. Didn't you see that I was busy? You want to go with others. Xuanyuan Chiyou didn't raise his head and still tried his best to draw.

"Uh..." Xuanyuan Chiyou's complaint was a little sharp, and the old novice almost couldn't stand it. "I don't mean that. I mean, do you have any other paper that can draw maps? I think it's easier to understand if I draw it.

Xuanyuan Chiyou looked at the veteran novice, then looked at the abstract painting on his paper than Picasso, and said sadly, "Okay, you won."

After taking over Xuanyuan Chiyou's paper, the veteran novice picked up a pen and drew it creakly. His map is obviously much easier to see than Xuanyuan You's, thanks to the course he is now studying - interior decoration design.

After a while, the simple map of the old novices was completed, and the remaining blank place is where they have not yet explored. After the comparison, Xuanyuan Chiyou directly kneaded the map he drew into a ball and threw it back. It's just that he never thought of it, because of his handsome throw, and then when other mercenary regiments came to explore the ruins, he regarded it as a mysterious treasure map, and he didn't find the treasure until the game stopped.

Of course, this is a later story. We will not show it for the time being. Let's return the camera to the ruins again.

Step by step, the blank space in the map is gradually supplemented. After getting closer and closer to the target, I began to see the existence of monsters in some rooms. At first, what I met was similar to the strength after the mutation of Tianyan. As the exploration became deeper and deeper, the strength of monsters gradually increased.

"Wait." The old novice suddenly said this, and everyone stopped to see what he had to say.

Although I can't guarantee that the proportion of this map is completely correct, it should not deviate much. If I guess correctly, there will definitely be a surprise waiting for us in the next room. The veteran novice said so.

He found that the map they took was moving to the top of the map, and the lower part did not step on it at all. If he guesses correctly, the two sides should be symmetrical. If so, their next door is likely to be the target.

"Although the brand may not be right, we are still ready to fight. After all, we are prepared, right?" Xuanyuan Chiyou expressed his approval.

Tianlong Dihu also expressed his support with his actual actions, "zhen zhen, defense!"

Seeing everyone setting up a formation, the old novice kicked suddenly, and this time the door was not opened. But he heard a male duck-like voice behind the door, "It's still chasing me. It's worthy of being a good dog with a good nose."

The voice just fell, and the door panel quickly turned out. When the old novice just kicked the door, his feet were affected by the reaction force, and now he was a little numb. When the door opened, he had no time to dodge and was slapped to the ground. When he was attacked, an idea flashed in the old novice's mind. It turned out that the door was pulled, not pushed, and then he fainted.

Three seconds passed before the veteran novice woke up. As soon as he woke up, he heard screams behind him, and his teammates were in danger!

Looking back, "mocking" the action of the veteran novice was completed in one go. It attracted the attention of a monster that was about to attack a perfectly breathing.

veteran novices hold shields in both hands to block attacks from both sides. The monster he faced looks like a mantis. In fact, the weapon in both hands is not two knives, but amazingly large claws. Judging from its size, it should be the main agility and main attacking monster. Because these monsters have been transformed by Sinjid, people can't tell what monsters they are until they are hit.

The battle here has just begun, and the "Black Shield" already knows the situation. The leader quietly listened to his teammate's report, and then stood up and said, "Let's go down now. I don't think those mercenaries will be able to handle it for long. While they attracted Sinjid's attention, we sneaked from the side.

After saying that, he rushed out first, and his teammates followed him and attacked in the direction of the cellar.

While moving, the man led by the "Black Shield" said, "No, expose the position to us."

In the dark part of the door of the room where the veteran novices live, there is a person using a strangely shaped magic equipment, which is used to send signals and is some special equipment used inside the "Black Shield". It seems that he is the scout of the "black shield" - nothing.

The battle continues to heat up, and the veteran novices begin to feel that the attack of this "scissors hand" is becoming more and more fierce. I don't know if the battle just is just its warm-up, and now is the time for it to really power.

"At the top of the prodigal son, Tianlong is ready to go there to support the sign." It was not until Xuanyuan Chiyou's voice sounded in the ears of the old novice that he knew that there was not only one monster fighting with them, but two, and the situation of dragons and tigers was precarious. It seemed that the other monster behind him was not a decoration.

At the beginning of the battle, the dragon and the tiger made an accurate judgment. He topled the guy who looked like the earth dragon. The earth dragon's attack has always been famous for its defense, so even if he transforms, he can't reverse its characteristics. He was ready to deal with the dragon by himself, and the other seemingly fierce guy was left to the veteran novice to deal with it.

Tianlong Dihu's judgment was right, but he didn't consider that the old novice was knocked unconscious by the door. No one expected this situation to happen. Therefore, the other monster, without the resistance of the veteran novice, is now splashing in the crowd with its teeth and claws.

Xuanyuan Wuji saw this situation and immediately pushed it up. As a knight, he had the obligation to protect his teammates. But after all, he is not a shield armor. Even if he is rough and thick, he will not hold on for a long time and is almost killed by the monster. Fortunately, he can still hold on until the old novice wakes up, and he has finally fulfilled his duty.

Although the attack of the guy who looks like a dragon is not a strong point, it is still difficult to deal with the defense of the dragon and tiger. Gradually, he fell down. The situation of the veteran novice is not so optimistic. In the face of this "scissor hand", his armor is like paper paste and is not very useful. The rapid decline of blood volume makes Xuanyuan Chiyou's head run rapidly.

So, the scene just appeared. Xuanyuan Chiyou let the prodigal son go to the ground dragon, and then concentrated his firepower on the "scissors hand" with high attack and low defense. The two-line battle is not only dispersed by output, but also by the treatment, so now it has always been the king to concentrate firepower and treatment first. Although it is advantageous to deal with one hand with two hands, what about the other hand?

It doesn't matter. We have prodigal sons, and prodigal sons are more than enough for the earth dragons. In addition to its weak attack, the earth dragon has another disadvantage, that is, its agility is not good. The prodigal son happens to be an expert in this field. Who doesn't bully you?

The "black shield" was like the wind, and it was said that sooner or later, they had come to the door of the place where the battle took place.

The first man said, "No, how's it going?"

When he heard his words, he realized that he was attracted by the battle in front of him. You can see for yourself. The situation has changed a little.

Although the head of

wears a mask, his behavior all reveals a sense of doubt. He leaned sideways and peeped through the doorway for a while and said with a smile, "Huh! It's a little interesting."

********** dividing line*******

Finally, I nagging. The baby is sick and has a fever of 39+. This chapter is a time code. After coding, go with the baby and make do with it.