Online game mustard

Chapter 250 Can't hold on?

The veteran novices stood on the wall and looked at the uneven heads below, and their scalps were a little numb for a moment.

"The boss said to let us be the bait, but how long can we stand with such fierce firepower below?" I shrank my neck and didn't want to put a greater burden on my mind.

The old novice rubbed his frown and walked down the city wall. "There's nothing we can do. Since ancient times, it has been said that 'the soldiers will cover the water and the earth'. This is the only thing we can do now, right? Let's go and stop them at the East Gate.

It seems that after looking at the city wall for a while, they confirmed that the enemy's main attack direction is the East Gate.

"It's okay, the boss sent Xiaowu MM here, or I'm really worried that I can't keep up with the treatment." Xuelian followed closely and looked at the dance moon next to her while talking.

Wu Tianyue smiled and said, "I have to get it. As far as treatment is concerned, you are really not as good as me at all. After all, I'm the professional. Don't worry, leave it to me. It's all right.

When everyone came to the East Gate, they were not in a hurry to meet the enemy. Let the city gate carry more for themselves. If they can delay for a while, they can delay for a while.

Seeing that the melee professions were crowded near the East Gate and couldn't help for a while, the Pluto said angrily, "If you can't attack, you won't go to other doors, blocking the mage and archers. There are several north and south gates.

After saying that, the Pluto did not forget to whisper, "I'm so stupid. If I don't speak, I don't know what to do."

Gujing Wubo, who was beside him, had no task now, so he interrupted and said, " boss, their gate seems to be much more defensive than our city gate."

"Hmm. It seems that it has been upgraded many times. I don't know where these people got so much money for construction and upgrading, and FB is not as diligent as us in a day. I'm convinced that 'Listen to Feng Mingyue' can have such a family background. But this family is really..." Speaking of this, the Pluto looked envious.

He didn't know that there was a treasure pot in the "Butterfly Valley". This artifact is not an object, but a person, that is, it is healthier to smile. At that time, when the "Xiaoyao Divine Realm" was about to be divided into two mercenary regiments, Xuanyuan was reluctant to let go. However, this smile was healthier and was also the kind of lazy guy, and he didn't like to catch up with the schedule to do tasks. Moreover, if he was always caught up with the progress, how could the mercenary regiment had no time to help him brush materials. At this point, he was won by the perfect angel.

The young man has been running a business for a long time, so he is very familiar with some of the business paths, and there is a "Butterfly Valley" behind it to provide him with various materials, so his small business is booming and has opened many branches.

It's healthier to laugh. In fact, he had an embarrassing thing earlier. That is, when he marked the price, he made a zero behind the price. This matter was discovered by the madness of the same stall master. Only one-tenth of the price appeared on the shelves. Of course, he was a little surprised. After observation and confirming that it was not a pit, the madman bought it.

After that, Xiaoxiao was healthier and found this matter when he was cleaning up the accounts, which made him regret it. Until now, Xiaoxiao is healthier and is worried about this matter. He has been paying attention to the crazy store and vowed to buy something with the wrong price from the crazy store, but contrary to his wishes, he has not been able to do so far.

We won't say much about the other things. We continue to focus on the battlefield of this siege.

Under the indiscriminate bombing of the Hades, the gate in the east of the city was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.

Seeing that the city gate was finally pushed down by their teammates, a group of close combat quickly launched a charge to try to control the entrance. However, a figure appeared in the thick smoke at the door.

The city gate is a good place. If there is a strong armor defense, it is a strong pass that can't be opened.

When "Butterfly Valley" renovated the city gate, it only paid attention to the upgrading of defense and did not upgrade its flow of people. Although this upgrade can improve the economic benefits of the station, this benefit is not enough for the "Butterfly Valley" with a healthier smile. The narrow gate is a disadvantage for traffic, which limits his flow of people and economic development; but from the perspective of defense alone, it has a lot of benefits.

No matter who you are standing at the door, for Pluto's men, moving forward is what they need to do.

With the limitation of the doorway, there are not many enemies that veteran novices need to face at a time. The shield in his hand dances from all sides, so that the enemy who is trying to break through can't find a flaw. With Xuelian's BUFF bonus and the treatment support of Wu Tianyue, veteran novices are getting better and better.

There are also cold arrows in the back from time to time, and the smile beside him is healthier and cheered up. If you say that he has not contributed, you will wrong him. Those life-saving potions on the old novice are all contributed by him.

Looking that although the gate has been broken, his men have not been able to break the deadlock, the Pluto is obviously a little anxious. After all, time is more important than money now. Jiashi dodged and replaced the giant swordsman. Hurry up, what are you doing?

Why did you change to a giant swordsman? Because the giant swordsman has a very good skill, that is, "barbaric collision", which is a skill that can cause displacement to the opponent, which is quite powerful in this situation.

Two Jiashi exerted their efforts at the same time, intending to push the old novices far away.

"Touch!" The three heavy armored warriors had a violent collision, but after that, the veteran novice was not repulsed. He did not take a step back by relying on the passive skill of the shield armor.

The bonus points of veteran novices are also relatively strange. He gives priority to all the passive skills, and then fills up the "fight and star shift" and the most basic attack skill "slam", and the rest of the skills wait for the extra skill points to be added. In this way, his defense and various resistances have great bonuses. Now after coming to Butterfly Valley, the equipment has also been upgraded, and his attributes have made a qualitative leap.

After "perseverance" is full, veteran novices have 80% resistance to attack special effects such as repells, knockdowns, and floating. Many Jiashi are not optimistic about this passive skill, because 2T is usually arranged when fighting against BOSS, so they are not worried about these skills of BOSS. The reason why veteran novices invest points in this skill is entirely because of his single practice experience.

That time, he and TTT dealt with a strong alien boss. Although the veteran has a "not moving mountain" skill to prevent him from being repelled or blown away, the alien boss's displacement skills emerge one after another, and a "mountainless" is just a drop in the bucket for it. Compared with other teams that brush BOSS, he is the only veteran novice, and the remaining TTT is a mage. Once OT, the consequences will be unimaginable. In order to successfully defeat the boss, the veteran novice gritted his teeth and clicked 10 points for "perseverance", and the result was surprisingly good. They successfully knocked down the boss with this skill.

And veteran novices in attack power are also more fierce than ordinary armor. After all, most of his talent points are invested in strength. After being filled up, the "slam" can't be underestimated through the bonus of high power. More importantly, his CD is super short, which makes the overall output of veteran novices a lot higher.

failed to shake the old novice, and the two giant swordsmen refused to give up. They exchanged their eyes and then used "ascension to the sky".

Seeing their eyes, they knew that their intentions were wrong. One of the shields of the veteran novice quietly moved down and prevented a dangerous move in time, but when the second "ascension to the sky" touched the shield, the veteran novice noticed something strange. Years of anti-freak and PK experience told him that this is the urgent time to take action.

When the sword and shield hit each other, Pai Daisy felt that the opportunity had come. According to this feel, the veteran novice must fly. However, what happened next was different from what he expected. The sword in his hand suddenly sank. Instead of provoking it, he almost failed to hold it. The reaction force made Pai Daisy's chest suffocated and almost suffered internal injury.

Pai Daisy wondered that this guy was really an iron can. Two giant swordsmen took the lead, and so many long-range assistance could not be attacked for a long time. He was going against the sky.

At this time, a sudden event brought Pai Daisy back to her senses. The old novice held two shields and tried to shrink her body. This was to use the front action of "fighting star shift". This idea emerged from Pai Daisy's head, and the veteran novice had already taken action.

Due to the prophet's foresight, Pai Daisy rolled aside in time and was able to avoid a disaster. His other giant swordsman was not so lucky and was directly killed on the spot by many penetrating skills and long-range attacks.

Seeing that he couldn't take down the old novice, on the contrary, a Jiashi's blood splashed on the spot. Pluto immediately changed his strategy, "The giant rock first went up and fainted the old novice, and then sent Daisy to make up for a 'barbaric collision'. I don't believe that I can't take him down."

The huge rock roared, and a "meteor fall" made up the gap in front of the old novice, followed by Daisy, and a "barbaric collision" hit the heart of the old novice.

This time, the veteran novice could not stick to his post. He flew far back and did not stabilize until he bumped into him. Looking at the huge rock and Pai Daisy who entered the doorway, the veteran novice muttered, "Finally, I still didn't keep it."

In fact, veteran novices also have good resistance to dizziness, but this thing is calculated as a percentage, so as long as there is a 1% chance, they may be dizzy. It happens that the old novices are not "movable as a mountain" this time, and this time the broken city is logical.