Online game mustard

Chapter 261 There is a movie emperor

"Didn't you say that there are still several mercenary regiments fighting with you? Why do they still have so many people?" Xuanyuan Chiyou bent his bow and arrow, ready to take away an enemy not far away.

Haha Daxian also felt unclear, so, "I don't know that. Aren't we still fighting with them? However, we also have good news that the Pluto has finished cleaning up their opponents and are rushing to your side to support.

"Damn! Now no one is useful. We are surrounded, and it is unknown how many people can come out. Work harder on your side, too." After saying that, Xuanyuan Chiyou cut off the contact with Haha Daxian and focused on dealing with the current situation.

With the Dragon Slayer and Xuanyuan Wuji opening the way ahead, the perfect angels also followed closely and finally saw the hope of retight, and the gap in the wall was getting closer and closer.

The veteran novice also followed the army to fight and retreat. When he came to the gap, he suddenly turned around and smashed the enemy behind him with a shield. The people who were hit in the front row turned upside down for a moment. When they got up to chase, they saw an old novice standing alone in the gap.

After running three or five meters out of the gap, Xuelian realized that the old novice had not kept up. She went back and saw the old novice standing at the gap of the wall, like a boulder repairing the wall.


Hearing Xuelian's voice, everyone knew that they turned around. Xuelian rushed forward, but was pulled by her, and then pulled away without looking back.

"Run! Don't let me die in vain." The veteran novice did not look back and angrily glared at the enemy who rushed up.

All kinds of attacks are coming. They are trying to concentrate their firepower and step on all the obstacles in front of the plane.

"Good to come!" The veteran novice finally waited for this opportunity. The more fierce your firepower is, the faster you will die. His body arched slightly, and two shields protected both sides of his body, which was to use the rhythm of "fighting and moving stars".

When his enemy realized this, it was too late. The veteran novice pushed hard with his hands and bounced back all the accumulated attacks.

"Ah!" I'll go!" There were scolding and screams among the enemies.

When their formation was dispersed, the veteran novice jumped over to a place where the mage profession was dense.

The two mages were knocked down on the head by the meteor fall and lost consciousness. When they woke up, they found that the old novices tightly wrapped their necks with their arms, and a strong heat was penetrating out of the old novices. He was planning to blow himself up. A row of fonts suddenly appeared in the heads of the two mages, and there was a high-energy response on the target. Please avoid...

But how can the two people who are tightly wrapped by the old novices avoid it? By the time the white light burst out on the old novice, they have returned to the resurrection point.

If I make such a fuss, they should be able to run farther. Killing one is enough, and killing two is making money, so I have made a lot of money this time. Before his death, the veteran novice thought of it.

It's just a little different from what he thought. His movements only dragged the enemy down for a few seconds. Their enemies quickly followed, and the knights among them have been tightly behind the "Butterfly Valley" and will bite them soon.

The perfect angel looked back at the pursuers behind him, "I caught up so quickly. It's really haunted. Why don't you fight with them?" As soon as this idea emerged, he was thrown out of the sky by the perfect angel. They finally got out. If they stop to fight with them now, even if they win, they will soon be surrounded by the big troops behind them.

However, when she turned around and ran forward again, she suddenly found a man standing not far in front of the army.

This man is outstanding and better than snow in white. At this time, he stood there with a long knife, as if he had expected that the perfect angel would escape through here.

Snipe us? It's just one person, isn't it too big? When the perfect angel fixed his eyes, the man turned out to be a prodigal son.

If he is a prodigal son, there will be no problem. His containment effect in the team battle is stronger than anyone else, and the important thing is that if he wants to leave, basically no one can keep him. So the perfect angels nodded their heads to greet the prodigal son, and then directly passed by the prodigal son. There was no need to say anything superfluous. This was out of trust and tacit understanding.

After they left, the prodigal son still stood still, waiting for the enemy's pursuers to come.

The two cavalrymen ran to the front, took the brunt, and bumped into each other with the prodigal son.

Of course, this is not their will. In the eyes of the two of them, the prodigal son immediately stood on the road with a knife, just a head that could be won by killing two rounds, but their goal was more heads in front of them, so they planned to continue to rush forward regardless.

But will the prodigal son let them do this? No, when the two rushed to the prodigal, the knife in his hand had been turned upside down, and the blade was inserted into the ground.

"What?" In time to make such an exclamation, they found that the cold air passed through the ground and quickly spread to their bodies. After a while, the two of them stopped and became two tense ice sculpture knights.

After doing this, the prodigal son turned over the long knife in his hand and lifted it upside down in his hand. Unexpectedly, he did not kill after freezing himself, but stayed quietly, waiting for the arrival of the enemy's other pursuers. His behavior is obviously a master. The knight in the ice can't figure out the reality of the prodigal son.

Therefore, they did not dare to attack rashly, but rode around, waiting for their reinforcements to arrive.

said that sooner or later, the enemy's follow-up troops quickly came up, but they saw a strange scene. That is, the prodigal son stood in the middle, and their two knights were alert on both sides, but did not attack.

After the leader of the army asked the two knights, he understood the situation, and then ordered his men to form an encirclement and slowly surrounded them.

The encirclement narrowed again and again, and the prodigal son still remained motionless, but with a long knife and his eyes were slightly closed. The more so, the more the enemy was reluctant to be. They slowed down their progress and tried to see some flaws from the prodigal son.

When their encirclement was only three meters away from the prodigal son, the prodigal son suddenly opened his eyes, and everyone was shocked and stopped. At this time, the prodigal son suddenly scratched his head, yawned and said, "I'm sorry, I waited too long and almost fell asleep."

Everyone was stunned and angry. They all screamed and killed it.

The prodigal son smiled and pulled out his long knife to kill the enemy head-on. All kinds of magic balls and arrows were scattered at the prodigal son, but they couldn't touch half of the corner of the prodigal son's clothes. He saw a slight side of his body and gave way. Then without a trace of stagnation, he rushed forward again and entered the crowd.

The melee force had just come into contact with the prodigal son and was about to start a hand-to-hand fight, but lost the prodigal son's figure. It turned out that the prodigal son didn't know what to do, and suddenly flashed behind him. In the crowd, the prodigal son danced like a butterfly and suddenly passed through the people and came behind them.

People in their country don't put points into strength or mental strength in order to quickly solve their opponents, or put points into their physique to help their teammates absorb firepower. But no one tries to add talent points to agility, so they have never seen a player like a prodigal son. In this way, he was stunned by the amazing performance of the prodigal son, and there was no way to deal with it for a while.

"Oh!" Many people took a deep breath, but they didn't expect that there were still people who could go against the sky. They only saw Jiashi raise the block relatively high, and they had never seen them able to flash all the attacks like this. This is a bit like those knights in the West who meet the masters of light kung fu in the East, and it is difficult to even touch the corners of their clothes.

In the process of crossing the enemy's array, the prodigal son actually had a chance to win one or two heads, but his purpose was not here, but to delay the time for Butterfly Valley. Therefore, as long as he dodge the other party's attack, he can fight with them for a longer time. The more time he earns, the safer the "Butterfly Valley" will be.

The enemy did not find the prodigal son's mind, but was shocked by the prodigal son's combat skills. Human beings are always afraid of what they don't know. Even the enemy's leader couldn't help muttering, "BUG, this must be BUG! It's just that even if it's a bug, we still have a way. After all, he will still lose blood.

Yes, the prodigal son has lost blood. It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands. It is normal for so many attacks to be touched two or three times. As long as this situation is, it is still quite safe at present, and at least he can run away three or four times.

After he rushed to the enemy twice again, he found that the number of enemies seemed to have increased, and several of them looked very familiar. It seems that the pursuers who have just surrounded Xuanyuan Chiyou have also rushed over. The prodigal son secretly calculated and decided that it would be safer to run away with oil on the soles of his feet first. After all, it is not a problem that two fists are difficult to beat four hands now. The number of hands is no longer counted as double. Although the number of people has almost double, The pressure on him is increased geometrically.

The prodigal son wants to run away, but his enemy will never agree. It took a lot of effort to finally wipe out two-fifths of his blood. At this time, if he is allowed to run away, his previous achievements will be abandoned.

The enemies surrounded one after another, and the prodigal thought that now three sides have been surrounded, and the rest of the enemy's city. If you go there now, you will actually throw yourself into the trap. But I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to break through again. Therefore, he could only stand still to see if there would be any flaws that could make him escape. The prodigal son looked at the development of the situation on the scene and found that he did not have to rush, because he found a first-line turning point. When the enemy opened the encirclement, the encirclement would actually become weaker, which would help him break through.

So, the prodigal son directly inserted the knife into the ground and watched the enemy's encirclement take shape. Seeing that he was still so calm in his current predicament, the enemies around him did not dare to come forward. The prodigal son saw what they were thinking and almost laughed, but he had to resist it. Otherwise, what if the hard-won master image was broken? He still planned to rely on this tall image for a few more seconds. ne.