Zero point of online games

Chapter 5 Brother! Rob the monster!

Chapter 5 Brother! Rob the monster!

Tianya is constantly fighting with rabbits, so tragic that the six refresh points around Tianya are empty. Why? Ha ha!

Tianya's attack will only consume a little bit of his genity value, and his current genshin value recovers 2.5 points per second, and he can only attack twice per second. So...

So, unless three rabbits are refreshed at one time, he can sweep Tianya at one time, so that it is meaningless to grab monsters!

In this atmosphere, Tianya quickly completed the task of collecting fur. It took him more than ten minutes to kill more than 30 rabbits this time, and also successfully rose to the first level (47%). Not bad!

Tianya continues to walk forward to find the second mission target, probably a kind of clawed creature! Ha ha! ( Nonsense! There are no claws for you to collect hair!)

It didn't take long for Tianya to come to a new refresh point and looked at the scene that was still overcrowded. Tianya is also a little worried about his small body.

There was no other choice. Tianya slapped the Xin Jinfu, then slapped the Wutufu, and rushed up to start a new battle.

——grabbing the monster dividing line——————————————————

Tianya opened his backpack and equipped several things he could equip, namely shoes and rings (two)

Old shoes


Level: 1

Defense: 1

Speed: 40

Equipment requirements: above the first level.

Bronze ring


Level: 1*2

Yuanshin: 1

Equipment requirements: above the first level.

Some attributes of Tianya:

Blood volume: 700

French attack: 88.5~177

French defense: 88.5~147.5

Look at the refreshed monster! Tianya's heart couldn't help but begin to have a big evil thought, and he kept saying to Tianya: "Take those monsters! Grab it!"

So, Tianya used insight to search for wild dogs with more than 70% blood.

Wild dog

Level: 2-3 creatures

Blood volume:460~516

Attack mode: good at biting and attacking

Soon, Tianya found a wild dog and rushed over with a super compressed sword, followed by a string of swords.

Suddenly, Tianya heard a prompt from the system.

Congratulations to the player for successfully hitting the wild dog's key point, causing 316 damage, causing the target to die and counting the damage. You have caused a total of 67 percent of the damage index! You get 20 seconds of priority collection!"

When everyone saw the wild dog fall down, they hurried up and wanted to grab something.

Seeing this, Tianya also rushed forward and touched what had exploded.

After Tianya took away everything he could take away, he quietly changed his position and continued to grab the monsters.

In this way, Tianya keeps grabbing those scarce strange resources! And his level is also slowly rising under such circumstances.

——grabbing the monster dividing line——————————————————————

After changing his position, Tianya began to look for the next target that could be grabbed, or the monster that had just been refreshed. After all, don't be too much of a human being, right? Ha ha!

Tianya bowed and walked slowly forward. At this time, he saw several people in front of him. Killing wild dogs in full swing.

So, Tianya stepped forward and took a picture of the brother who seemed to be a Tianwu (in the relevant introduction). Then, he said with a smile:

"Brother! Kill monsters! How's the harvest?"

"Wh! What do you do if you don't kill monsters? You don't have fucking eyes!" The Tianwu man scolded directly without even knowing the situation.

So, Tianya said with a smile, "Ha ha! Brother! I'll wipe NMD, I'll grab the monster!" As he spoke, he patted the Xinjinfu Wutu Fu with a super compressed sword! And that wild dog still had more than 60% blood before it hit my sword! So the monster grabbing you know was so successful again. When the system came, "Congratulations to the player for causing 289 damage to wild dogs, with a count of 61%", Tianya looked at several stupid brothers with a cheap smile on his face.

Seeing this situation, Tianya pretended to be very embarrassed and said, "Since! If you are so kind, it is not easy for me to refuse. Then everyone's kindness will accept this little gift. Then you're welcome." With that, he threw a collection technique on the body and then touched it under the body.

If you do this well, Tianya will not forget to thank those brothers! After saying that, he rushed out with a serious face. And the brother Tianwu was there and watched Tianya disappear in the crowd before he realized it. Suddenly, there was a scream of at least 200 decibels, "Ah! Rob the monster!"

And several of this brother's companions realized it, and there was a wonderful misunderstanding without hearing it clearly.

Those people didn't hear clearly that Brother Ren mistakenly thought that he was asking him to grab monsters, so they turned on the skills one after another (three skills that each player brought when he was born.) Kill the monsters next to him, so a big storm began.

But in the end, something happened that made the benevolent brother regret for life. It turned out that the two gangs that could not have had a fierce struggle in the early stage of the game fell into an endless competition. It also gave Tianya an opportunity to develop rapidly in a poor empire. Tianya also doubled his assets during this period (from 2 trillion to 4500 billion yuan), which also prompted Tianya to start the struggle with the Xuanyuan Dongfang clan. Now that I think about it, I still think this decision has been made beautifully.

——Nonsense dividing line——————————————————————

After leaving the strange land just now, Tianya came to another wheat field about 50 meters away from the site of the incident.

Suddenly, he felt that the atmosphere here was a little wrong. Therefore, Tianya looked at the few players around him with some fun. I thought to my heart, 'It seems! These people are the most elites in this novice village! Do I want to put the unification of the great cause on the agenda from now on? Alas! Forget it! It's not time yet! '

Tianya made up for the newly invalid Xin Jinfu, found a vacant place and began to brush monsters. I thought, 'I have only completed more than 30% of my task, and I haven't reached half of it yet. I have to speed up the progress! We also have to put the task of upgrading on the agenda and must not fall into second-rate. Even if you don't say you want to get the first place in the list, you have to get the second place! Otherwise, how to face your parents in your hometown! '.

After complaining, Tianya found a monster and rushed up. After all, he can't practice long-range attack all the time, but he still needs to practice close combat, right?

Tianya's eyes stared at the refreshed crazy wild dog.

Crazy Wild Dog

Level: Level 4-5 Demonized Creature

Blood volume 1180~1356

Main attack methods: bite, impact, claw attack, primary real air bomb, the lowest-level demonized creature

Find the right position and stabbed it with a sword. And because Tianya entered the warning area of the crazy wild dog, the red-eyed wild dog also rushed to him (low-level predators usually rely on instinct to carry out various activities).

Tianya is getting closer and closer to the wild dog, just when the distance between Tianya and the wild dog is only three meters. The wild dog jumped up and rushed at him. He quickly put his sword across the neck of the jumping wild dog.

However, Tianya's sword just wiped off a little hair from the wild dog! However, Tianya lost a quarter of his blood volume when he was caught by a wild dog because he was not in a hurry to avoid it.

Seeing this, Tianya quickly turned his wrist and cut a cut from the lower abdomen of the wild dog. Suddenly, a golden "485" damage number appeared on the head of the wild dog.

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully causing a critical attack on the crazy wild dog, causing 485 damage!"

When Tianya saw the successful blow, he quickly hit the wild dog's waist with his elbow. Suddenly, the wild dog made a deep scream, "Wow!", which was two prompts from the system.

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully causing broken spine damage to the waist of the crazy wild dog, causing the wild dog to be stiff and unable to move!"

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for accidentally understanding the 'unnamed' skill when attacking."

skills: unnamed

Characteristics: It has special effects on canines, causing 100% stiffness in canines that do not reach fairy-level canines, 1 in 1,000 chance of canines and above causing stiffness, and 1% of the probability of causing stiffness to other organisms.

Cooldown time: 3min

Tianya didn't look at the wound in his chest, but continued to seize this rare opportunity to launch a continuous offensive attack on the wild dog. After hitting his left elbow, he stabbed behind the wild dog with a sword in his right hand. It's quite evil!)

Suddenly, this blow woke the wild dog directly from its stiffness, and it was about to attack. A purple "896" number appeared above its head (purple: a fatal blow). And the system also came at the right time

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully hitting the deadly key of the crazy wild dog, causing a fatal blow. And complete the triple strike experience bonus by 40%"

After everything was over, Tianya couldn't help smiling bitterly, "Ha ha!", thinking that 'I have only become like this without practicing for three years, and I can't even avoid a small animal attack. In this way, how can I fight against Xuanyuan Dongfang! Alas! It's time to exercise! '

After tidying up, Tianya reached under the body of the wild dog and touched all the things and installed them. Then threw a few more collection techniques at the dog's corpse.

Ha ha! There are only a dozen copper coins, one tooth and one claw. Suddenly! Tianya felt an airflow behind him, and at this time, some cost-effective skills he had practiced since he was a child were brought into play.

He stabbed his back with a sword in his right hand, and only heard a dull hum, and then he heard the system prompt sound.

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully hitting the sneaker, causing 364 damage!"

Then, Tianya took advantage of agility, quickly turned around and continued to attack him, and stabbed the attacker with a sword-cutting style.

After a while, Tianya saw the wild dog that attacked him and was looking at him with some resentment. Tianya suddenly had a sad mood and thought, 'Maybe I also thought of this wild dog in their eyes! '.

There is a little water vapor in Tianya's eyes! So Tianya gave it an elbow (Tianya just understood the skill and named the elbow) to stiffen it. After that, he turned around and patted Wu Tufu and accelerated to leave here. He kept running forward! Running! ...

After more than 20 minutes

The world is still running forward! Suddenly, a vine appeared in front of him. Tianya was not in a hurry to dodge or he had no intention of dodging at all. He hit it directly, so he fell to the ground.

Tianya stood up from the ground as he had just been, patted the dust on his body, and then he opened the interface, and gave up the two tasks of the blacksmith's request and the suppressing the wanderers outside the village in the task bar.