Zero point of online games

Chapter 19 Fall? The temptation of gold!

Chapter 19 Fall? Golden **!

Tianya is now in his heart. He can't beat the old Taoist priest (after all, other people's age) and escapes, which is not Tianya's style. After repeated consideration, Tianya finally made up his mind to go out and face whatever happened.

Although I think so, it's another thing to do! Tianya walked to the door trembling. He came to the door of the wing room in three or two steps. Tianya first put his ear to the door to listen, wondering if the old way was outside. But after listening to it for a long time, there was no sound outside.

Suddenly, Tianya's back sweated coldly, and he said, 'No! When I came yesterday, there was an endless stream, but now there is not even a sound. I didn't go to the wrong door yesterday! But I went according to the map! How can this happen? This is not a bureau set up for me, is it? Or it's them...'

The more he thought about Tianya, the more he thought about it, the more he sweated coldly. He turned around and sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Finally, after Tianya gasped for more than ten minutes, he stood up and clasped his fists and waved it twice. He cheered up and then settled down.

Tianya suddenly stretched out a finger from his right hand and hit the wooden door of the wing. He only heard a thumb-sized hole in the paper on the wooden door. Tianya stretched out his eyes to the mouth of the small hole and looked out, but he didn't see any figure.

He gently pulled the door and exposed a crack to see that there were only a few bonsai outside, and the clean ground was empty and empty.

Tianya was settled, regained his serious look, reached out and opened the door and walked out. But Tianya regretted as soon as he stepped out his leg. Because... Shit! As soon as his legs stepped out, the old road appeared in front of him at this moment.

Tianya is now regretful and confused, because he really can't find any reason to refuse the old way! In the end, Tianya thought about it or decided to pretend to be confused and know nothing!

At this time, the old man said to Tianya with that disgusting smile, "Little brother! Did you sleep well last night? When do you want to have breakfast? I'll ask someone to prepare!" With that, he was going to take Tianya out to the dining room.

Tianya quickly took two steps back and said to the old man with a fake smile, "Ok, okay, I'll go right away. Don't worry about this!" I just need to follow myself."

The old man clapped his hands awkwardly and said, "Oh! Well, let's go!"

After saying that, Lao Dao took Tianya to the dining room. Soon Tianya and his party came to the dining room of the Yaoshan Taoist Temple of Qingyunzong.

When Tianya saw the appearance of the dining room, he couldn't help scolding, "Wake it!" Is this still a Taoist place to eat? Seven stars are not so awesome! '.

It turns out that there are only two things in this dining room that are not made by gold, and there are only two things for people and food. This changed Tianya's original decision and wanted to use these gold tables and chairs

How much will it cost to change all the stools into gold coins!

Thinking about Tianya, the saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth, and the scene was super magnificent!

And when he saw Tianya's expression, he couldn't help laughing to the corners of his mouth.

At this time, when Lao Dao's hand with his beard was there and saw the movement of Tianya, he pulled off the beard on his chin and couldn't help taking a breath.

It turned out that Tianya touched the table and took a bite to see if it was really gold.

Tianya heard the old-fashioned cry at this time and woke up! Seeing this scene, Tianya couldn't help laughing awkwardly, waved his hand and pretended to be normal and said, "Senior! I don't know when this food will be available?"

Lao Dao heard Tianya's words at this time, and it was not easy to touch Tianya's face. So, he quickly said solemnly, "Come on! Didn't you hear what the little brother said? Hurry up," he said, waved his finger at several Qingyun disciples who seemed to be a hitter.

Tianya chose a seat and sat down, waiting for them to bring up the food.

Looking at those disciples busy there, he couldn't help sighing, 'Three years, I haven't done this for a long time. Ha ha! In a year and a half, my plan will begin. '

After waiting for about three minutes, the food was ready. The color is not bad, but I don't know what it is made of.

Picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat that looked like lean meat. It smelled fragrant, and put it in the mouth and turned it into an aura in an instant. But at this time, the taste is still echoing on the tip of the tongue, which has an endless aftertaste.

I tasted a few more dishes, and they all felt good (nonsense, they are all meat of at least silver-grade creatures! One piece costs 500 gold! One piece is only one or two!), and the "rice" is picked up (the reason why the rice is quoted is that he can't recognize Tianya!) He picked up a grain of rice with chopsticks and put it in his mouth to chew. As he ate, he said, "Hmm! Not bad, not bad!" After that, a stormy race began. Although there was only one player, Tianya still ate at the fastest speed.

Finally, Tianya ate up all the food on the table 13 minutes later.

Tianya stood up and patted his clothes, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped his mouth casually. He said with a smile, "Senior! I'll make it clear! If you want me to join your Qingyunzong, you have to guarantee the meal without saying anything, and I need an entry fee of 5,000 gold coins every month. Learning skills is free of charge, and the update and maintenance of equipment will account for 50% of my total equipment, and you will be responsible for all maintenance. At the end of the month, I still need allowances, travel subsidies, health subsidies, etc. That's all for now. Let's talk about it when I think about it! Did you hear it clearly? If you hear it clearly and agree, just follow me to read this spell →джηØÂㄢ*¥#~-ÃмυυβζÐÁ→ξÇÎовξ, just read it once. This is what Tianya begged for him yesterday.)

And the old man heard Tianya say that although he asked for more, it didn't cost much money. Besides, the old man doesn't believe that Tianya's spell can be effective at all.

Ha ha! This also caused Lao Dao to regret for life. Lao Dao said the mantra "→джηØÂㄢ*¥#~-ÃмυβζÐÁ→ξÇÎовξ".

When Lao Dao just finished speaking the spell, countless golden light suddenly fell from the sky, the largest of which shot into the forehead of Tianya and drew a little soul energy from the Baihui Cave of Tianya.

And all the people belonging to Qingyunzong on the side of Qingyunzong were shot by the golden light, and the golden light extracted a little soul energy from the Baihui cave like Tianya. Finally, all the soul energy gathered together and began to form two patterns in the sky. After nine minutes, the pattern finally took shape.

After another nine minutes, the two patterns separated from the connected state, in which the patterns representing the negative attributes were constantly differentiated and smaller, shooting back to the hundreds of meetings of Qingyunzong.

And the pattern representing the yang attribute shot into the Baihui cave of Tianya, and the thing in Tianya's brain woke up at this time! Sensing that the upcoming super energy group is about to jump out, but this makes Tianya suffer! ( We call this the flower of heaven for the time being, but now it is still a flower.) The flower of heaven rushes out crazily, which makes the world really painful.

He couldn't help it and fell to the ground. He also said, "Ah!" Ah!" Ah!" The sound of the body tossed around on the ground, but it still couldn't relieve the pain.

Lao Dao just came to his senses from the surprise just now and found that Tianya rolled on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

He hurried forward to help Tianya. Although I don't know what's going on, this is a genius after all! Moreover, Qingyunzong is also in urgent need of a new leader of the younger generation at this time! At this time, he also ordered people to get some calming tea for Tianya to drink.

——Evolutionary dividing line————————————

Ten minutes later, Tianya recovered from his painful state. He shook his head and rubbed his still painful temples and trembled his body.

After that, he shouted with a normal face: "Fly! TMD, is there such a thing? Even if you don't want to, you don't want to! Why did you do this to fix me!"

In Tianya's invisible air, there were two shadows watching his every move. Hearing Tianya say that one of the figures, who seemed to be much higher, stamped his feet angrily and pointed to Tianya next to the place where he was standing there was a lightning.

Tianya had a sense of danger at the moment he finished what he had just said. He quickly rushed aside, but what he didn't know was that the place where his heart was going to be hit by lightning was exactly where he was going to jump.

When the soul saw that Tianya was about to reach the place where lightning was about to hit, the heart forgot that she was the owner of all this and rushed directly to the position where Tianya was.

As soon as Tianya came to this position, he found a flash of lightning rushing at him. In his heart, he thought, 'It's really me! '.

At this moment, a Qianying rushed to him. Before the lightning came to Tianya, Qianying had already come to Tianya and threw him to the ground and suffered the blow for him.

At this time, the old people next to him were really dumbfounded. Is it possible? As soon as you said something, there was a thunderbolt from the sky, and could there be a woman to block it for you at this time?

At this time, Tianya and the soul can be said to have mixed feelings! Tianya thought, 'I said why there would be lightning. It turned out to be you! It's also WTM's bad luck. I didn't expect this experience, but if you just want to fight, it's really nothing! And my heart thought, 'What's wrong with me? Why should I block it for him? How could I forget my identity? By the way, it's all because of him, hum! I must take revenge! '

After five minutes, Tianya felt something wrong, because he could see the old people pointing at them with a treacherous smile on their faces.

So, Tianya quickly coughed twice "uh hum" and "uh hum", but this kind of heart still stared at Tianya innocently with those big eyes.

He had no choice but to reach out and gently touch the waist of his heart to let her get up, but her heart was still so expressionless.

Tianya had to look at his heart with a sad face and prayed, "Baby, my dear little baby! I beg you to get up quickly! OK, you should say something!" The expression of the soul is still unchanged, and it is still the innocent staring at the world with a pair of big eyes.

Tianya had a dead heart at this time. Suddenly, his inspiration came up with a method that he dared not dream of. Under all kinds of helplessness, he resolutely decided to use this method. Although this method takes great risks, he has no choice but to do so. He began a plan that he would be very proud of later.