Zero point of online games

Chapter 27 Kiss! Accident!

Chapter 27 Kiss! Accident!

Seeing that there was no sound coming from the system, Tianya put the light of the skill explorer on the mental method in his hand.

Suddenly, a green light appeared on the scroll, but Tianya is not in the mood to pay attention to the beauty and appearance of this color. Because what he is most concerned about now is the problem of mental method, so time passes by minute by minute. Tianya felt more and more disappointed. Every minute and every second oppressed him like a big stone in his heart, very heavy!

Finally, after three minutes, the blue light on the heart law scroll disappeared, but Tianya did not open it, but quietly waited for the system's prompt. But at this moment, the exclusive female official of Tianya suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was shocked. I can't help cursing:

"How can you do this! Don't you know it's scary? Well, I won't talk about you, good boy! It's okay, it's okay!"

Tianya's tone was a little heavy, but the female official's eyes were red and she was about to cry. ( Don't forget that her main thinking is still 5-10 years old) Therefore, Tianya had to change his tone to the kind of coaxing the child.

The female official said in a crying tone:

Really? Don't you lie to me?"

"Really! I won't lie to you!"

The female official heard Tianya say that she would not lie to her in a positive tone, so she danced happily and said:

"Great! That's great. Brother Feng is not angry with Xiaoqi. That's great! Hee!"

Seeing the appearance of the female official dancing, Tianya couldn't help but feel a trace of relief in his heart, which was a kind of relief to coax his sister as a brother. That feeling is so good that it can't be expressed in words! But at this time, Tianya suddenly felt an involutive pain in his heart, so he carefully searched for the source of this heartache.

After a minute, Tianya finally found the source of this heartache in a corner that was about to be forgotten. Everything is the same. The only difference is that the coax here has turned into a rebuke, and the result is completely different. Thinking about Tianya, the corners of his eyes were a little wet, and he shouted the words "Little Butterfly" and "Little Butterfly" vaguely. Thinking that he would soon forget his most important person, he couldn't help raising his hand and falling heavily on his face, and there was a crisp "pop" sound! At this time, Xinqi, who was cheering, saw Tianya slapping herself in the face, and quickly ran to Tianya and touched Tianya's face and said sadly:

"Brother! What's wrong with you! Xiaoqi is so sad to see it! Don't do this, okay? Really, don't do this, okay?"

Tianya, who was still sleeping in his memory, couldn't help scolding "Wind!" You are such an asshole! Don't you know to cherish the people in front of you? Do you have to wait until you lose it and then grieve again?

After saying that, he couldn't help slapped himself in the face again. Then he smiled and said to Xinqi:

"Xiaoqi, my brother is fine! This is just a mosquito on my brother's face! It's okay, you know?"

Xinqi heard Tianya explain this. Without thinking about anything, he patted Tianya's face with an excited face and said:

"Brother! Can I also take pictures of mosquitoes for you? Look!"

At this time, the female staff member who was still next to her held her stomach and laughed:

"Yes! That's it! Yes! That's it! That's right, come on!"

After saying that, she still thought, "Huh! It's a good end for you to fight against me! Humph! ..." Hearing what the female staff member said, Xinqi asked confusedly:

"What? Is there anything wrong? Are you jealous? Look at your face, hum! Sure enough, you are jealous. Do you want to come? Ha ha! Ha ha!"

Seeing Xinqi's excited face and Tianya's very difficult expression, she couldn't help but have the idea of wanting to shoot, and she was a little jealous, so...

"Me, can I really do it? It won't be too rude! Well..."

She blushed when she spoke, and when she entered Tianya, she suddenly lowered her head to her chest without even finishing what she wanted to say. When Xinqi saw the appearance of the female staff, she quickly asked Tianya:

"Brother! What's wrong with her? Are you sick? Or how's it going?"

"Xiaoqi! She! This is normal, because she is not the same person as us, right?

"Brother! Xiaoqi understands, Xiaoqi knows.

The female staff thought she was satirizing her when she heard Tianya talking about her, but she didn't expect it to end just because she was not the same race. This also made the female staff member fall into deep meditation and couldn't extricate herself for a long time!

At this time, Tianya suddenly remembered that Xinqi should have come here to tell him something! Therefore, Tianya asked Xinqi with a friendly smile:

"Xiaoqi! Do you remember why you came here?

The purpose? Think about it! The purpose! Oh! By the way, that's it. I remember it!"

"It's good to remember! It's good to remember! Tell it to your brother!"

When Tianya heard Xiaoqi say that she had remembered it, she couldn't help but fall to the ground, and her heart was much more spacious.

"Oh! I know! But what I said below is not what I said! Hee hee! Sister's words are coming! - Wind! You are so stupid. As long as that little guy drips a drop of your blood on his head, he will be your follower! But you are really pissed me off! This is what I managed to separate from the huge data, but you killed him with a sword. I really don't know what you think. It really pissed me off! Humph! And that's the matter of the mental method. Do you think you really lied to me? Don't you know that I'm observing you all the time? I don't want to deal with that old stone. After all, he is also half a master! Now that I have opened your permission, you can learn the mind method at ease, and I suggest you don't change the mind method again. The one you have is the best. Do you understand? The wind! You have to work hard! -Brother! Sister, she only said so much, and then she was silent!"

Listening to Xinqi's retelling of the world, his heart is particularly sweet, because many things are self-evident. So, a drop of excited tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. At this time, Tianya's eyes vaguely saw a slight change in Xinqi's eyes when she shed that tear. It was a kind of excitement after being affirmed, and it was a kind of relief to see that she had paid not in vain, and so on!

This makes Tianya know at a moment that the current Xinqi is not the female official dedicated to him, but the woman's "heart" who has always loved him deeply. Tianya suddenly feels that she is really a stupid and stupid. Love! Isn't there no boundary? And why do you insist that he has boundaries? Are you afraid? No! No! It's yourself... right! Yes! I'm afraid! I'm scared! But this time I...

So, Tianya took a step forward to the soul (now temporarily the soul), hugged her, and then kissed her delicate lips fiercely. They kept greedily sucking the sweet juice in their hearts. Although their movements were all done by instinct, they still felt that this was the most wonderful thing in the world (of course, with love, nothing is the most wonderful!).

Suddenly, Tianya felt a strong tingling sensation from his lips. When I opened my eyes to see what was going on, I felt that the original pleasant feeling on my mouth had disappeared. Only heard:

"Wind! This is a small punishment for your indifference to me for so many years. If you dare to betray me, I will, I will imprison you. Humph!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that Xinqi was calling her, so she quickly returned to the main god space to check the situation of Xinqi, but as soon as she returned to the main god space, she found that she had been cheated. Because she didn't see any of her heart! When she wanted to go back, she saw that Xinqi was smiling at her. She had to deal with it with a wry smile!

At this time, something happened that made her laugh and cry. It turned out that Tianya did not know that the person in front of him had changed again! Tianya still kissed himself again, so what made him extremely difficult happened!

Xinqi saw Tianya kissing, and she saw her spiritual sister with such a happy face as Tianya in the main god space. She also wanted to see what it felt like. So she did not resist Tianya and allowed Tianya's "unreasonable" behavior!

To her surprise, Tianya's kiss made her lips feel abnormally painful. It turned out that Tianya had already kissed her lips when she kissed her heart (don't forget that this body is hearty), and she threw herself into it with a playful mentality, so...

Xinqi only looked innocently at the heart in the space of the main god, which was very resentful!

Fee that Tianya's power was getting stronger and stronger, and her lips became more and more painful, so her tears flowed down like a rapid.

At this time, Tianya, who was still immersed in this "beautiful" feeling, suddenly heard a familiar cry and couldn't help looking up to see what had happened.

Seeing that the "heart" was crying, Tianya quickly asked:

"Mind! What's wrong? Why are you crying? What the hell happened!"

Cinqi cried and said:

"Brother Feng lied to people, lied to Xiaoqi! It's not funny at all, not funny at all! Xiaoqi is so painful!"

As soon as Tianya heard it, he knew it was going to happen. Because this is called Brother Feng, not Brother, which indirectly shows that this is Xiaoqi, not the heart! Tianya couldn't help slapting himself again and scolding in his heart, "You are really not a human! Even...hum!"