Zero point of online games

Chapter 48 Enmity? Vengeance? Kill! 1

Chapter 48 Enmity? Enmity? Kill! ( I)

At this moment, the demon who originally controlled Tianya's body came in.

In fact, he didn't mean to come in at this time, but he couldn't make a decision when he met outside, so he came in and asked Tianya what to do about this matter.

Who knew that the timing of his coming in was so accurate that he saw Tianya and the little thing hugging there as soon as he came in.

Moreover, he saw that the little thing had changed from a little Lori to a royal sister. Suddenly, my eyes were about to fall down, and I couldn't help thinking, "Card! What does this mean? Why did the two of them get into it in such a short time? This is too fake! No, I have to take a good look!"

Thinking about it, the demon boy was unlucky to walk to Tianya and the little thing. Look over, look at the past, but I don't understand what's going on.

So, the demon did something that he would immediately regret.

The heart demon walked behind Tianya. First, he tentatively squatted out a finger and poked Tianya's back.

However, because the force was so small that he didn't feel it at all. I think that how many people can maintain a high degree of vigilance in this situation? You should know that this is the chassis of his Xuanyuan Yingfeng! And in this situation, Tianya's vigilance naturally fell to the lowest.

It's very normal for Tianya to be like this! Because what else can I worry about in my brain? Of course, this is Tianya's current idea, but his mind will change twice in the future.

First, it is not absolutely safe even in your own brain! It will also be controlled and so on...

The second is that as long as it is under any circumstances, the brain space absolutely belongs to the owner. It won't be controlled at all...

The first transformation will probably appear in the penultimate volume, and the second transformation will be nearing completion.


Seeing that there was nothing in the world, the heart demon increased his strength and poked it again.

What surprised him was that Tianya still had no reaction, just like a stone.

So, the heart demon no longer poked with his fingers this time, but stretched out his whole hand towards the back of Tianya.

This time, the heart demon completely fulfilled his wish, because Tianya woke up from the original state of looking at the sky under the beat of the heart demon.

As soon as Tianya woke up, he instinctively looked at the little thing in his arms. When he saw that the little thing was still holding him and nothing happened, Tianya's heart suddenly let go. Tianya couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

At this time, he remembered as if someone had patted him from behind. So Tianya turned his head behind him.

What came into sight was the face of the heart demon with a cheap smile, and he looked for himself with an embarrassed face.

Suddenly, Tianya was really angry from the bottom of his heart and evil to courage. So, I only heard Tianya roaring:

"Heart Demon! You want to die. If you don't say it earlier, you are really itchy today, aren't you? OK! Let's see how I deal with you later! Humph!"

He never dreamed that the first thing Tianya said to him was to deal with him! Suddenly, his back was already wet, and his forehead began to sweat coldly. What's more unimaginable is that the devil's boy's lower thighs are still constantly shivering, which looks very funny and makes people want to laugh!

At this time, she was also woken up by the roar of Tianya.

When she saw the little thing, she also took a look at Tianya first and breathed a long sigh of relief. After that, she remembered that she was still in Tianya's arms. She instinctively wanted to push away Tianya and put her hands around her.

But will Tianya really let go of her so easily? Of course, this answer is no!

Just when the little thing was about to break away from the embrace of Tianya when he didn't pay attention to it.

Tianya found her abnormality at this time, so Tianya directly hugged the little thing tightly again without saying anything, and did not give her any chance to escape at all.

And the little thing was tightly hugged by Tianya. Of course she won't do it! So, she began to struggle, and the force was getting stronger and stronger!

When Tianya saw the little thing struggling there, he quickly said with an unhappy face:

"Little thing! Don't you like your brother to hold you? If you really don't like it, I'll let it go!"

Humph! Tianya said that as long as the little thing doesn't like it, he will let her go, but the expression on Tianya's face was like "It's impossible to let go of you anyway."

When the little thing saw Tianya's eyes, he couldn't help thinking, "What should I do!" Do you just tell him directly that you don't like to be held by him under such circumstances, or do you like it? Why don't you like it!"

But this is an extremely difficult choice for her. Because let's talk about the first one! Then the fact that I have not returned to my original state at all is about to be exposed.

But, let's talk about the second one! It is necessary to be hugged by Tianya in the presence of others. This is a torment for the little thing that can't stand the embrace of the world. ( It's shy, not anything else, after all...)

Therefore, she only had a constant frown and entangled look there.

At this time, when the demon beside him saw the situation of Tianya and the little thing, he couldn't help but think of running away in his heart. Because in his opinion, this is a great opportunity.

I'm afraid that what makes him think in vain is that Tianya and the little things will choose him to relieve the atmosphere that has become a little depressing at the same time.

Anyway, as long as the boy moves like that, regardless of whether he is wrong or not, he must be used to open the operation.

If the demon knew about this situation, he didn't know what he would do. But he must have replied, "Oh, my God! Earth! Just forgive me as a guilty person! I, I'm so pathetic that I'm simply not human! It's not the place where the demon should stay!"

Finally, after repeatedly checking the state of Tianya and the little things, the heart demon took the first step of his cup of demon life.

Seeing that the heart demon was a little obscene and lowered his head, he didn't see the corners of Tianya and the little thing's mouths at the same time, and he was surprised that the plan was completed so simply.

At this time, he was walking five meters step by step. Why is it five meters instead of anything else? Because the devil thinks that as long as he is only five meters away, he has enough time to escape.

It was also blamed that he didn't look behind when he ran away, so that he didn't even see the expression of Tianya and the little thing looking at her with a smile on their faces. This may be the so-called bad luck!

However, at this time, Tianya and the little thing didn't know what the boy was going to do, regardless of this, which did not affect their trial. After all, in their hearts, as long as you move, you are guilty and can't do anything to defend your innocence.

The demon thought about the fate of the cup in the next step of this situation.

At this time, he only saw that the distance from Tianya had reached quarter, that is to say, he only needed to take another step to temporarily avoid this dangerous situation.

Just as he breathed a long sigh of relief and was about to straighten up, Tianya and the little thing behind him stopped him at the same time.

"Hight! Heart demon! Where do you want to go? It's not true yet!"

And even the pronunciation of each word is exactly the same, without any difference.

Tianya and the little thing couldn't help looking at each other in surprise and reading such a message from each other's eyes.

"Hmm! Why do you learn from me and make the pronunciation so accurate? Isn't it?"

After that, the two looked in the direction of the heart demon again, and just saw the scene where the heart demon was ready to run away.

When he saw this situation, he quickly thought about it and fixed his heart there!

As soon as the boy felt the strangeness of his body, he knew that he was going to suffer, and he was actually caught. This is not put into the oil pan. Let's go to the knife mountain!

Thinking about it makes him shudder, and his whole body trembles! The whole back is also wet, and it looks very embarrassed...

After a second or two, he didn't hear the voice of Tianya and the little thing, so he looked back confusedly. As a result, when he saw Tianya and the little thing were looking at each other, he thought, "Anyway, there is nothing!" Keep running..."

So, the demon took this opportunity to go five meters away only one step away.

It's just that he doesn't know that one step away will sometimes become eternal. The heart demon had just stretched out one foot five meters away. When he was about to stretch out his second foot, Tianya and the little thing had recovered from the state of looking at it just now...

And he has looked at him. The most coincidental thing is that he is about to disappear in his brain space.

And Tianya's almost instinctive idea completely destroyed the boy's escape plan!

Tianya and the little thing couldn't help laughing when they saw that the boy of the heart demon was about to disappear (half entity) and the entity state was stuck there. Because that action is so funny!

I only saw that the boy of the heart demon stepped on the ground a little on one foot, and the other foot was curved in mid-air. ( The thighs are less than 30 degrees from the body, and the distance between the calves and the buttocks is the width of two fingers. Anyway, he has to tighten to his chest and abdomen, and his body will eventually become a ball before he can leave. The demon limit!) The hand is water-like when swimming, and the right hand is on the back, and the face is very ferocious (it seems! That's what Spider-Man looked like when he got rid of the black contaminant...). The whole body was twisted. If I didn't know it, I thought it was Tianya and the little thing that forced a living person into a mold from childhood.

At this time, the heart demon had already regretted it and couldn't help scolding himself, "ka!" You! Why can't you even react to such a simple powerful relationship? Really..."

But he thought so, but a message appeared in his twisted face, "Big Boss! The small one is just to see the current situation outside first! Nothing else!"

However, Tianya didn't see the crying eyes of the heart demon at all, because Tianya was behind the heart demon, so how could he look at the eyes of the heart demon?

Even if he sees what can do, Tianya has long been ready to clean up the devil. Will Tianya still be soft at this time?

It's impossible for anyone to think about it! Therefore, the boy of Xinmo only has a cup, and there is no room for manoeuvre at all!