Zero point of online games

Chapter 61 Events that shocked the world! 1

Chapter 61 Events that shocked the world! ( I)

"Hmm! All right! For the sake of your sincere begging me, I said, uh-huh! I'll take a breath first." Xiaoxiao's face was "hum! You know each other," said the expression.

"Hmm! Erhum! All right, I said it!"

"Hurry up! Really."

"What's the hurry, what's the hurry! Listen! Hehe, let me tell you! I remember when I was six years old, my cousin didn't come out to play for a month, so I went to ask my uncle. At that time, when my uncle heard me ask him like this, he still looked angry. I think this is the time when my cousin was cheated and kissed by Tianya!"

"No! Tianya actually cheated and kissed a six-year-old girl's first kiss. I was dizzy! Hold me!" Leng Qianluo said with an expression that I couldn't stand it.

"Wrong! Wrong! I was six years old and my cousin was eight years old at that time. Xiaoxiao said as if he was defending Tianya.

Leng Qianluo still said with that expression, "Is there a big difference between eight years old and six years old? It's not the same, hum! I really misread him. How could he be such a person!"

Xiaoxiao patted her head and said with a "you have no hope" expression, "Hey! Sister Qianluo! At least you are bigger than me and can't figure it out? Come on, how old was Tianya at that time?

"Huh?" Hearing Xiaoxiao's words, Leng Qianluo remembered that she seemed to have confused Tianya's age and set Xiaolan's age at eight years old, while Tianya's age was still 20.

Thinking of this, Leng Qianluo's pretty face couldn't help blushing: "This, me, eh?"

"Well, you don't have to go here, it's me. Let's hurry up and see what's going on with Tianya!" At this time, the soul said worriedly.

Hearing the words of the soul, all the women looked at the end of the world.


At this time, the dark pole behind Tianya has almost reached the level of materialization. The terrible pressure actually has the power to distort virtual data, and all the data chains around Tianya have been revealed.

Chains composed of zero and one are already bearing huge forces beyond their limits, and it won't take long to collapse.

And the dark pole behind Tianya is still accumulating energy and constantly condensing.

Real world...Huaxia...Dragon City...Zero-point master processor...Technical team leader's office...

"Shh..." I saw a middle-aged man whistling with a smile on his face and trimming his nails. But at this moment. There was a rapid sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Group leader! Team leader! No, no, the working state of the processor has reached its limit and is about to crash. A technician ran in panic from outside the door and shouted.

"Ouch! Grass! NTMD doesn't come in early and doesn't come in late. However, did you come in at this time to murder me to replace me? It turned out that the sudden voice shocked the technical team leader. The nail clipper also picked down a piece of meat from his abdomen, and suddenly the team leader screamed.

"Group leader! No! Processor, processor, to the limit, limit!" The technician said breathlessly.

Where's the grass! Limit, limit, don't do Mozi, damn it! Don't you see that I'm busy? Don't bother me! Do you hear me? Go out and close the door. The team leader roared at the technician with a "Today, I'm unlucky."

"But, but."

Seeing that the technician was still going to pester, the team leader said directly, "Okay, you don't have to come tomorrow. Go to the finance department to get a double salary!" Get out of here! Get out of here!"

"This, alas! All right!" Hearing the team leader say this, the technician had to retreat.


Seeing that the door was closed, the team leader quickly opened the drawer and took a Band-Aid to wrap the injured finger.

The technician came out of the team leader's office with a trace of relief on his face.

"Alas!" He sighed and was ready to walk towards the finance department. At this time, he suddenly thought of the place where he had worked for nearly three years, as well as the program and core processor created by an unknown genius.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Alas! It's really annoying! The subpackage processor designed by hundreds of people will still be overloaded so quickly! And the genius's core processor has not even reached 1% of the CPU, or has not seen any burden on the core processor at all. Alas!"

It turned out that this technician had already seen the CPU data statistics when he came over just now. The processor CPU they designed has reached the limit of 99.999%. The CPU of the core processor designed by Tianya is only less than 0.01%.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that since he was about to leave here, he would finally do something for zero!

Thinking of this, I saw the technician running crazily towards the main control room.

It took ten minutes to get there, but it took less than two minutes to get there in his run.

Several other people in the main control room saw him coming back and quickly gathered around and asked, "16, how's it going? Did the team leader agree?"

The technician known as 16 did not cover up the facts, but said directly, "No!"

"What? Impossible, right?" Several technicians looked at him in disbelief.

"Okay, needless to say, come on! Open the backup link, don't ask, let's talk about it first!" The 16th didn't say much, just asked them to open the alternate link.

Those technicians also suddenly understood, so they were no longer vague and directly opened the backup link.

Then, there were a few bleak laughter in the main control room.




"Brothers, we may meet in prison after today! Let's go! If you are lucky enough to escape, the name is still the code name. Let's meet at zero! Hahaha! Hahaha!" The 16th pulled the alarm with a grimast.

Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded throughout the base.

"Good! Brothers, see you at zero!"

"See you at zero!"

"See you at zero!"

"Go, brothers... let's go."

Several technicians walked towards the exit of the base.

Through the shortcut channel of the main control room, several people arrived at the exit of the base in just 30 seconds, handed over the work permit to the security guards (actually military personnel), and ran out of the base with this excited shout.

Those military personnel saw this situation but did not go forward to do anything. Because in their hearts, they also sympathize with these technicians. You know, these technicians have only one month's vacation a year, and at other times they must be in the steel fortress built with pure metal and some special materials.

Therefore, everyone who comes out of it will use a roar to release pressure. If it hadn't been for this roar, they would have gone up to stop it. Ha ha! Fortunately, such a mistake made Tianya gain these loyal subordinates in the future. After all, Tianya's core processor, which has been manufactured in less than ten days, has convinced them.

At this time, an alarm sounded in the main control room.

"Warning! Warning! The processor has reached its limit. Do you want to start the backup processor?

"Automatic startup has been started, start detecting the processor link... Link inspection... Please wait..."

"In the link inspection...1%...2%...3%...96%...97%...98%...99%...The backup link has been detected, and the equipment is normal."

"Processor begins docking... docking... docking"

"Progress voice prompt to start..."

"Drip! 1%...โ€

"Drip! 2%...โ€

"Drip! 98%..."

"Drip! 99%..."

"Drip! The processor docking was successful. Data import..."

"Drip! Data import is successful... Processor pressure is reduced..."


"Sister! What's wrong with him? What's going on around him! And why has everything else been destroyed, and why is the little girl all fine? Xiaoxiao crackled and asked all the questions...

"Oh, how can I know so much! Anyway, nothing can happen to Tianya. And the little girl you call is definitely older than all of us combined. He said anxiously on his heart's face.

"What? Is she bigger than us combined? No way? She looks very small!" Xiaoxiao's face was full of disbelief.

"Alas! What did I tell you? That's it! I'm the Lord God, right? My heart asked Xiaoxiao.

"Yes! Is there any problem?" Xiaoxiao was confused.

"As the main god, if expressed in energy values, my energy level is 2 million degrees in total. And how much do you know?" My heart can't bear to say.

"Then how much I am, it won't be a lot, will it?" There was a smile on Xiaoxiao's face.

"Hmm! You little girl! You only have 0.01 energy in total! Are you happy?" My heart pinched Xiaoxiao's pretty face with a loving face.

"Ah! No way! So low, that..." Xiaoxiao's face showed a strong disappointment.

"The energy level of that 'little' girl is uncertain. The maximum value I just recorded has reached 300 million degrees, and the lowest is more than 50,000 degrees." There is a trace of yearning on the face of the heart.

"Isn't it? 300 million? What is this concept? Isn't that playing me as a toy?" Xiaoxiao's face is already full of dementia.

"Can't you stand it? If you hear the attributes of Tianya, won't you die and live!" There is such a proud smile on the face of my heart.

"Ah! I want to listen, I want to listen to the attributes of Tianya, I want to listen, spiritual sister, good sister, tell me quickly!" When Xiaoxiao heard her heart say about the attributes of Tianya, she quickly shouted.

"Okay, I'll tell you! Shh! Don't quarrel!"

"Oh! I know!" Xiaoxiao said with an expression that I was a good baby.

Seeing Xiaoxiao's expression, she couldn't help touching her hair with a smile and said:

"He is the end of the world! Originally, his energy level was only one to two degrees, and the explosion was about three degrees. But just now, his energy is constantly soaring, and this speed is still accelerating again and again! Er..."