Zero point of online games

Chapter 145 Memory

Chapter 45 Memory

"Kka!" With a sound, Qing'er felt that something in her heart seemed to have been directly broken by Tianya's slap. It was also at this time that she suddenly felt a lot of things emerging in her mind.

At the beginning, she was able to clearly identify these memories, but before long, Qinger obviously felt a sense of pain, but the expression on her face did not change much.


At this time, the second hit of Tianya. At this time, Qinger suddenly felt a sudden increase in the torrent of memory, and her brain could not respond.

couldn't help but cry in pain: "Ah! ......Ah! ......โ€

Then, he suddenly fainted.

Tianya was about to fight again when he suddenly heard Qinger's cry of pain. Suddenly, I was shocked and felt a little scared. I thought to himself, "Isn't it? You two don't seem to be doing any conspiracy there! Besides, don't I know the importance of it?"

However, Tianya thought so, but he still helped Qing'er up at once and asked with some distress, "Qing'er, Qing'er, how are you? Are you all right?" PS: Nonsense, Qing'er is both his person and MM, that...

When Qianluo saw this situation, he hurried over and snatched Qing'er from Tianya's arms. He asked with some fear, "Qing'er, Qing'er, how are you? Wake up! My sister is just teasing you! Don't scare your sister! Qing'er, Qing'er?"

Seeing that Qinger hadn't woken up yet, Qianluo's anger suddenly reached Tianya: "Feng Tianya, look at what a good thing you have done! You said yourself, what are you going to do now?

When he was snatched away by Qianluo, Tianya was already a little confused, not to mention Qianluo's scolding this time.

Suddenly, Tianya looked a little confused and kept muttering to himself, "How's it going? How about it? What the hell should happen? ......โ€

Seeing that Tianya looked like that, Qianluo quickly turned his attention to Qinger.

What came into sight was Qinger's painful expression, as if she had met something that made her extremely afraid in her dream.

Looking at Qing'er's appearance, Qianluo really regretted why she had done that before! If I hadn't done that, this wouldn't have happened.

At this time, a flash suddenly appeared in Qianluo's mind and thought of the woman who had saved the world.

Just as she was about to ask about this, she suddenly remembered what the woman said. Suddenly, when she had reached her mouth, some of them were swallowed by her stomach.

However, when you see Qing'er's appearance, you know at a glance that Qing'er may not last long. However, Tianya is still unconscious there. If he thinks of that woman, I'm afraid he will have to wait until the year of the monkey!

Suddenly, Qianluo had another flash of inspiration and thought, "Huh? It seems that the sister only said that she was not allowed to say her directly, and did not say that she could not imply her in another way! Uh-huh! That's it!"

Thinking of this, Qianluo directly slapped Tianya in the face. ( The fastest way to come to your senses. Of course, it is pure fiction, and the consequences of imitation are at your own risk.)

"Hmm?" Tianya, who was slapped in the face, suddenly woke up from a state of confusion.

Tianya glanced at Xizhou in a daze. Originally, he had no expression, but as soon as he saw the painful face held in Qianluo's arms, he suddenly felt that his heart was in pain.

At this moment, Tianya completely remembered what was going on.

"Qing'er, Qing'er, are you all right? Are you all right? Don't scare me!" Shouting, Tianya was full of regret, so he roared angrily at Qianluo, "It's all you, it's all you. If it weren't for some jealousy there, how could Qinger be like this? You know, this is the first time I've seen Qing'er, and I don't know when I have an extra guard. You're still jealous. I really don't know how you did it! Qinger, Qinger, are you all right? Wake up quickly!"

Hearing Tianya's words, Qianluo's face suddenly turned white and whispered timidly, "I, I, I just don't want you to have so many women! You still blame others. Don't you know that you already have more than a dozen women? How many more do you want?"

Hearing Qianluo's words, Tianya couldn't help but be stunned and thought about it carefully. It seemed that he really had so many women.

Thinking about Qianluo's situation again, Tianya can't help but feel sad, because as far as his information is concerned, it reflects that Qianluo's birth was not from a feudal clan or an ancient clan. What a great challenge for her! I still do this to her.

Thinking of this, Tianya's face was full of guilt and said softly to Qianluo, "Wife, I promise you that unless it's the kind that can't be refused at all, I will definitely not look for a woman again!" Is it okay?"

"You, what do you mean? What do you mean you can't refuse at all? Is this according to your will or our will?" Qianluo was a little happy to hear Tianya's words, but when he thought about it carefully, Tianya's words were really full of too many loopholes, which was simply a shield!

"Of course it's what you mean, but one or two you will definitely agree!" Tianya said without any hesitation. Tianya has not yet found an important information revealed in Qianluo's words, more than a dozen!

"Humph... Now is not the time to tell me about this. Explain it yourself in the future! By the way, do you know anyone who can treat Qinger? Qianluo did not respond to the topic of Tianya, but directly transferred the topic to Qinger.

Suddenly, Tianya was anxious when he heard Qianluo's words. Suddenly, Tianya's mind flashed and he thought of Xueya. I thought to himself, "Xueya should be qualified for this job!"

Thinking of this, Tianya no longer hesitated and quickly shouted in his mind, "Xueya, Xueya, come out quickly! Hurry up! I have something urgent!"

However, there was no reaction at all, and even the heart demon did not come out to respond to his words.

Suddenly, Tianya was a little angry that there was no one left.

"Heart demon, if NTMD doesn't come out, I will kill you!" Tianya is now in full of anger! Looking at Qinger's expression, Tianya was extremely angry.