Zero point of online games

Chapter 151 Mission?

Chapter 151 Task?

"You, how can you do this!" Qing'er patted her chest, looked angry, and said angrily to Tianya. Although Qing'er doesn't mind Tianya wants her, at least she still needs a greeting in her heart, not a sudden attack.

"Huh?" Seeing Qing'er's appearance, Tianya was dumbfounded. Nani? No way! Change your face?"

"Hmm! What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman? Seeing Tianya looking at herself with a dementiay face, Qinger couldn't help smiling. She didn't expect that Tianya would be scared off by her words. Did he forget that he was the master?

However, Qinger will not be stupid enough to deliberately say this idea. Anyway, when she is found, she will use this thing as an excuse.

Thinking of this, Qing'er's face had a strong smile.

"No! Qinger, didn't you do that on purpose just now? After five minutes, Tianya finally recovered from the chaos of his thoughts just now.

"Hmm! What are you talking about!" Qing'er said so angrily without thinking about it. She just wants to have a good "master" addiction.

"Uh,..." Seeing Qinger's expression, Tianya was stunned, "Nani, isn't this crazy? It's like two people... What the hell is going on?" Tianya roared in his heart, because it was really a little unexpected.

"Uh, what? Do you want to die?" Qinger's whole unruly girl looks as if she doesn't pay attention to Tianya at all.

Hearing Qing'er's words, Tianya had to admit that he was unlucky, because he didn't think about what was going on. This master-servant relationship was a little: "Qing'er, don't you have a fever..."

"Humph... Do you think I'm easy to bully? That's why you are like this! Today, I'm going to kill you." Hearing Tianya's words, of course, Qing'er will not give up and directly scolded angrily.

Is that right? I, I don't seem to have provoked my little sister?" Tianya stared at Qing'er's face with an unbelievable expression.

"You, what do you want to do? Don't come here!" Qinger quickly disarmed and surrendered this time, looking at the world with fear.


"What are you! Look, I won't kill you! How dare you get close to me? I really don't know whether to live or die. Qing'er looked at Tianya angrily and covered her chest tightly with one hand for fear that Tianya would go crazy there.

Is that right? I don't believe it at all. You dare to kill me..." Tianya's face was full of displeament, because he still knew what was going on, and he also realized that he was the master, and Qinger seemed to be the servant or something!

"You, ah... master, Qing'er didn't mean it, not..." Just as Qing'er wanted to refute something, it suddenly occurred to her that she seemed to know what was going on. Suddenly, the originally aggressive momentum turned into a bubble and dissipated in an instant.

"Qinger, do you know what's wrong with Qianluo?" Tianya ignored Qinger's words of forgiveness, but continued what he didn't ask before.

"Oh!" Hearing Tianya's words, somehow, she felt a little frustrated: "Master, you'd better talk about your conversation with your mistress! Otherwise, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to analyze!"

Huh? Well, let's..., do you understand? That's all the conversation between us!" Tianya thought about his memory and slowly said all this.

"Guck! Master, you are so cute that you can't even react to such a simple thing!" After listening to Tianya's words, Qinger couldn't help laughing. What she never expected was that Tianya didn't even know such a simple sentence.

"What! Can't you make it clear?" Tianya couldn't help saying crazily when he heard Qing'er's laughter.

"Hehe! In fact, the mistress is disgusted there because of the word wife and that Qianluo!" At this time, Qinger didn't laugh anymore, but said helplessly. She doesn't know whether it's good or bad to have such a master...

"Well, no way, will Qianluo be disgusted by such a thing?" Hearing Qing'er's words, Tianya asked in disbelief. Because his emotional intelligence can't let her do all this in some special logical relationships.

"Alas! Cups and utensils! Master, don't you feel that your emotional intelligence is really a little low, even some of that? Qing'er said with a "unlucky" expression on her face. Because she really can't see that Tianya has a good point. Why do the elders in the clan come by themselves?

I can't help thinking about the days before she went. She simply has a higher status than the patriarch. Although she didn't know what was going on, she felt that it seemed to have something to do with her master.

Sud of a sudden, Qing'er thought of what her mother said to herself before leaving.

"Qing'er, you should remember that you are the most talented person in our Fengwei family. You must win glory for the great people of the wind. Moreover, I think you should be the first Wei royal family to arrive at his side. You must seize the opportunity! ......”

Gradually, Qinger became a little confused. What's going on? Why did her mother say that and why were other sisters extremely jealous?

"Qing'er, Qing'er..."

Huh? What's wrong? What's the matter?" Feeling that his cuffs were pulled, he said habitually.

"Wo! Qinger, you were really scared to death just now. What the hell were you doing just now? Why is it exactly the same as Qianluo..." Tianya suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw Qinger'er's words. Just now, he was really shocked. Qinger suddenly stopped talking at this time. Doesn't this make him very scared?

When Qinger saw that Tianya was so nervous, she couldn't help letting go of her bondage and said, "Tianya, do you like me?"

"What? What do you like?" Suddenly hearing Qinger's words, Tianya was a little hesitant. He didn't know what Qinger was doing, so he had to say it in some remissively.

"Oh, this is not what you need to take care of! You just need to say, do you have any meaning to me? When Qinger heard Tianya's words, the expression on her face was a little dissatisfied. I thought, "Huh! Install! Install, you keep installing, and I want to see when you want to turn to!"