Zero point of online games

Chapter 154 Angry!

Chapter 154 is angry!

Seeing Tianya looking over, Qianluo didn't give Tianya any good face. It's just a left hum, don't (four sounds like it.) It went over.

When Tianya saw Qianluo's appearance, he couldn't help but be a little confused. It seems that he didn't provoke her, right? Why does it look like this? However, Tianya still asked cautiously and tentatively, "Qianluo, no, that wife, what's wrong with you? You're not angry, are you? I don't seem to have made you angry!"

Hearing Tianya call his wife, Qianluo's face improved slightly, but he still said stiffly, "Huh! Feng Tianya, wait for me. I'm going to see if that sister will come to see you again! Qinger, let's go!"

"But, but..." Qinger couldn't help but hesitate when she heard Qianluo's words. After all, she is the wind guard of Tianya and is responsible for the safety work of Tianya...

Seeing Qing'er's appearance, Qianluo couldn't help but be a little angry: "You little girl, how many people do you think can hurt that fool at this time! Come on, let's go shopping!"

"Okay! But what is shopping? Qinger took a look at Tianya, revealing a trace of helpless apologies in her eyes, and then said excitedly.

"Go!" With that, Qianluo grabbed Qinger's hand and walked out of the door. Of course, this dress was already worn.

When walking through the end of the world, Qianluo also stamped her foot fiercely and made a grimace in a rude manner.

And Qinger was a little embarrassed to say to Tianya, "Brother Tianya, does it hurt?"

Hearing Qing'er's words, Tianya was immediately relieved and thought, "Alas! It's still a good boy! Unlike Qianluo, it really hurts me so much!"

However, at this moment, Qinger stepped down with a more fierce foot.


"Cluck... Brother Tianya, I'm sorry, I just want to try it, bye!" Qing'er heard the scream of Tianya and said with some embarrassment.

Then, he ran out of the door with Qianluo, making a pleasant silver bell-like laugh from time to time...

"Dong! Dong!! Dong!!!"

After a brisk sound when their feet collided with the wooden stairs when they went downstairs, two shadows appeared in the hall from the upstairs of the wild journey.

"Sister Qianluo, will this be a little bad! After all..." Qinger looked back worriedly.

"Oh, what are you afraid of! This will not be the real death. If you are talking about what you just said, what are you afraid of? Will he be angry? Just when Qianluo talked about this to Qinger with a smile on his face. Suddenly...

Wild trip, in Tianzi No. 1 room!

"Cold Qianluo! Qinger, the extreme defense of the wind, I hate you! Let's see how I catch you a hundred times!" A roar rushed out of Tianya's mouth, which had just come to its senses!

"Uh-huh..." Hearing Tianya's roar, Qianluo and Qing'er couldn't help trembling all over. They couldn't help spitting out their pink fragrant tongues and ran out of the door of the wild journey.

Three minutes later.

"Dong...! Squeak! Dong...!! Squeak!! Dong...!!! Squeak!!!"

A heavy footstep accompanied by a creaking sound of a wooden board that was almost collapsing. A young and handsome man was lifting a leg and jumped down from upstairs quickly.

"People! People! Liu Man, come out for me, it's human!" Tianya couldn't help roaring when he saw that there was no one in the hall.

"Tianya, what are you doing! I shouted there early in the morning. Don't you know if I want to rest? A middle-aged man ran over angrily from a cubicle beside him and shouted angrily.

"Damn it! So what if I make trouble! NTMD saw my wife running out, but you didn't close the door. Believe it or not, I took down your shabby place!" Tianya didn't see the figure of Qianluo and Qinger. He was already a little angry. Liu Man also came over to complain. Suddenly, Tianya roared angrily...

"de! Yes, I won't bother you!" Liu Man saw that Tianya was really in a state of rage, so he had to let Tianya and not care about these things with Tianya.

Tianya is really angry, furious!

So, he walked out of the door step by step, regardless of other people's expressions. All he knew was that he needed to vent now! Vent!! Vent again!!!

Liu Man looked at his solid wooden floor being stepped out one after another by Tianya. Suddenly, his old face was left with that painful expression.





Looking at a footprint as deep as two centimeters on the stone at the foot of Tianya, and those crackling stones, players hurriedly gave way. No one wanted to get involved with a real character between Niu A and Niu C.

"Dad Da Da! Da Da!"

At this time, a horse's hoof came from the street corner. Then, the players saw a powerful cavalry unit stepping towards the end of the world. Of course, it is a horse step, not a human step.

When players saw this situation, they immediately looked at Tianya with a sympathetic face, because in their opinion, Tianya was basically trampled to death by that hooves.

"Quiet, pass on the order of the city! Wild Tour Hotel to Qingyun Shengguan, all martial law, the time is one hour, no entry without permission! Prohibited, be cut!" A middle-aged man riding a tall horse shouted to the crowd.

Then, he waved his hand and commanded the cavalry to begin to disperse martial law to prevent players from crowding there and chaos.

The players saw the middle-aged man riding a tall horse in the direction of the end of the world. They all thought that Tianya was going to be killed by the middle-aged man!

However, what surprised the players was that when the middle-aged man rode his horse to Tianya, he flew directly off the horse. He knelt on the ground with a bang and said respectfully with his fist, "Please, Your Highness moved to Qingyun Shengzongguan!"

This has surprised other players. They didn't expect that there would be players who could make NPCs submit in this special period.

However, what they never expected was that Tianya had a cold at all. He just glanced at the middle-aged man and spit out a word that frightened the players: "Get out!"

Just when the players thought that the middle-aged man would be angry and directly send Tianya back, something even more shocking happened.

The middle-aged man had no expression and said respectfully, "Yes!"

This respect does not come from the identity of Tianya, but from the strength. Only the second-order strength of Tianya can step out these stones with solid formations. This can not be created by a day or two of hard work. Even he, a fourth-order pure force Tianwu, is nothing more than Tianya's. The footprint is only one centimeter deep. At the third level, he was about to break through the fourth level before he could step on the stone, let alone crack the stone.


not far away...

"Mom, this is not a withered man. It looks like a cow B, but it turns out to be SB!" A real asshole directly listened to Tianya's words when he saw that the middle-aged man didn't fart. Suddenly, he thought the middle-aged man was a coward and immediately said sarcastically.

Another corner...

"Damn it! This is not acting, is it? Why do NPCs follow the players? Why haven't I heard of it?" A young man who looks a little sorry for himself and is not for the country and society said with a surprised face. However, he said so, but he did not doubt the authenticity of the NPC. After all, the person who can have a mount at this time is a bull, let alone a team of horses?

It's not far from him...

"Age B! I can call NPC around, disgusting! Evomit elephant, you are my SB to vomit elephant bird from now on!" A obscene scolder shouted there, and didn't care at all what other people looked at him. After all, a big name is on the head, and that feeling is not ordinary! ( Xiaohong's name is less than two, and the evil value is less than two. It will not be killed by NPC attention, but the name will be revealed. There are hidden equipment, and the name is unknown. Tianya also revealed a black unknown, but the system information has not been updated to this extent. Therefore, most players do not know what the black unknown above Tianya means, otherwise it will be a big black red name!)

These similar words keep coming out of the crowd, as if they can't stop...

Now, the middle-aged man was angry, "MD, just laugh at me. Even Your Highness dares to laugh at me. It's not enough for civilians to kill you!"

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man knelt directly on the ground again towards Tianya and said respectfully, "Your Highness, please give me permission!"

"Hmm! Don't kill indiscriminately!" Tianya is also a little unhappy. He thinks that most of these players are basically some SBs, and there is no need to waste the limited resources here to send them back to the novice village!

"There is an order to kill indiscriminately!" After hearing Tianya's approval, the middle-aged man shouted to his men with an excited face! After all, this is allowed by the Dianzong. No matter what, as long as it does not violate the meaning of the Dianzong, it will be fine!

"Order!" When the cavalry heard their leader's words, they immediately responded. Of course, a unilateral massacre occurred.

At this time, Tianya suddenly thought that he seemed to be a little prominent. Against the current low-key will he made, he quickly said to the middle-aged man, "Okay, tell her that you don't have to do this. It doesn't make sense!"

Yes! Yes! Soldier, hurry up and report to the lord of the city!" After hearing Tianya's words, the middle-aged man hurriedly summoned the soldiers behind him.

"Yes!" The messenger answered and flew to the city lord's mansion...