Zero point of online games

Chapter 193, Furious Black Bear!

Chapter 193, Furious Black Bear!



Suddenly, Tianya and Yuexin were stunned.

Because at this time, the two are already in contact at zero distance...

For a long time.

Tianya came to his senses and immediately retreated at least ten steps, because he knew that once Yuexin came to her senses, almost 10,000 percent would explode!

After about two minutes, Tianya, who looked at Yuexin attentively, finally saw her eyelids blinking. Suddenly, Tianya's muscles were tight and ready to run all the time~~

"Hmm?" Yuexin first gave a confused hum, and then glanced around and saw that she was looking at her world like a big enemy.

Her head suddenly sounded like "buzzing", and what had just happened was reflected in her mind bit by bit. In an instant, her eyes were red, and tears fell silently like a pillar. There was no crying, no other movement, just crying silently there.

On this side, looking at Tianya, he is a little panicked. He has made a preparatory plan for any kind of situation, but this is the case, he doesn't even dare to think about it at all.

So, Tianya was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do at all, although one of his merchants had returned to the normal level.

"This, this, that, this, Yuexin, I, I didn't mean to, no! You want to kill me, that's what I did. That...uh-huh?" Tianya said hesitantly.

However, before he finished his words, Yuexin said directly, "Get out!"

He was so scared that he was about to run outside the house. However, he still thought that he didn't seem to have responded. If he was hit by such a sword behind his back, he could read the second.

"Okay, okay, I'll get out, I'll get out..." Tianya quickly turned around and answered, and ran outside the house...

However, he didn't see Yuexin's tears after seeing him run away, but it was the kind of smiling tears.

I only heard that Yuexin muttered to herself there, "Humph... you little enemy, I will definitely want you to look good. You, you actually, hum..."

With that, she stamped her feet. The carpet suddenly said with a bitter face, "No... It's done, and there is no humanity!"



"Wo! Finally out! MD, what happened just now? Why don't I remember what can trip me down there? Did I do that on purpose? No way! I'm pure**! Oh, Mi Tuo! Sin, sin!" Tianya was a little gasping and his face was full of confusion.

Because there are too many weird places among them!

I took a look at the situation around me and didn't see the Qingyou Laodao. Tianya said with some scolding, "Damn it! Qingyou Laodao, wait for me. I regret it. I want 300,000 gold coins!"

After saying that, Tianya flew up his sword to the sky...


"Damn it! 16th, how long has it been? Why not yet! You don't want to fool me, do you?" After walking for two hours, Liu Feng roared angrily again.

"Awe! I said that if Liu Feng has this strength, it's better to walk faster and get to the ground early! Also, don't talk about this complaint any more. You have said it seventy times. It can be said that you have complained once in less than two minutes on average! How on earth do you think you can get to this level??? Sixteen saw the crooked wind there again, and said with an angry face. Because this is really too that!

"Well, have I said it so many times? Why can't I remember?" Hearing this sentence of Sixteen, Liu Feng said with a solemn face and no heartbeat.

It felt like 16 framed him there.

"Hmm! Well, you can't go. At that time, you should wait here slowly for the negative punishment! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing, that is, you only have half a month to become a month, and it's still zero, so you only have five real birds. Cherish it! I'm going to get this huge treasure. Anyway, you have shared it with me!" Sixteen said with an obscene smile.

"Er, what did you say? I remember that I didn't seem to share it with you at all, right? How can you have it?" As soon as I heard the sentence "You have shared it with me!" Suddenly, Tianya's face became extremely ugly. He didn't expect such a situation to happen. What should he do?

"Hey! This task is automatically shared, so just cry! I know that you will definitely not leave, so that's goodbye, my treasure, I'm coming!" Sixteen said with an exaggerated look.

"Damn it!" Liu Feng immediately kicked over when he saw the 16th, but what he never expected was that 16 seemed to know that he would have such a kick and avoided it directly.

And his foot is in the middle of a small stone. The small stone drew a beautiful arc between the sky and disappeared from his sight.

However, Liu Feng was at this time. There was a burst of heart palpitations, as if I had just done something wrong.


Suddenly, a beast roar came from the dense forest not far away. Then, there was a wave of shaking.

"Worry! Forest guardian beast furious black bear!" Hearing this beast roar, 16's face turned pale.

"What? Bear? Damn it! The lowest-level bear seems to be above 25! How did NTMD get such a product? What I hate most is this kind of thing. The defense is strong, the blood is thick, and the attack is not weak, but the speed is a little slower!" As soon as I heard that 16 said it was a violent black bear, my face suddenly became extremely ugly. If it were one, it would be okay. If a few more heads rushed out later, I would be completely here!

"No! The black bear here has a green dragon beast bonus, which is very fast!" Sixteen said with a solemn face. He couldn't be more clear about the situation here. At the time of testing, he appeared here more than once. It took a lot of effort to kill a violent black bear in a 30-level silver suit, but now...

"What?!!" Liufeng is stupid, high defense, high attack, high speed thick blood! MD, what kind of monster is this!

"Don't be surprised, as the guardian beast of wood attributes, the full attribute in the forest is increased by 15%, and the weakest item is increased by 100%. Moreover, they also have a green dragon aura, which can almost be said to be close to perfect furious black bears!" At this time, his face recovered a little, because he knew that there should be only a small number of violent black bears here, and there would be no more than two at a time, that is to say, they still have a chance! It's not necessarily because of this!

"You, don't say that, okay? Isn't this deliberately lowering morale?" Liu Feng suddenly said angrily when he heard Sixteen say this.

"Ha that right? I'm being vaccinated, otherwise when you fight, you will suddenly find that the violent black bear is very awesome and run away?" Sixteen said with an ugly smile at this time.

Is that right? Prevention? So, won't you go up and fight?" Liu Feng said with a smile on his face after hearing 16's words.

"Well, this, this, I'm afraid my little arms and calves will help!" After hearing Liu Feng's words, he was a little embarrassed and frustrated.

"What's your occupation!" Liu Feng didn't say anything unreasonable to 16 this time, and asked directly like this.

"Don't say this, this, this, that! After all, this is also privacy, isn't it?" Sixteen's face turned a little red, because his profession was very embarrassing.

"Oh?" I heard this sentence of 16. Liu Feng glanced at the dense forest in front of him and felt that the violent black bear was about to come out. He said word by word with a smile, "So, what do you think I will pinch if I tie you here with a rope?"

Suddenly, 16 felt that helping Liu Feng come in was the biggest failure in his life! However, looking at the fierce appearance, 16 had to say with a pale face, "Well, my profession is that Confucianism!"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Feng suddenly fell to the ground and exclaimed, "Damn... You are fierce... How can such a profession say anything about privacy? NTMD is not a hidden profession, you, you..."

"However, it seems that my panel shows the hidden profession." Seeing the wind like that, 16 was also a little unhappy, because he remembered that Confucianism was just a special occupation of the human race in the eastern continent! It's not a hidden profession.

"Nani? Did NTMD eat shit? Are these all hidden professions?" Liu Feng suddenly felt very aggrieved. His hidden profession was not obtained by himself, but given by Brother Tianya.

"This, it seems that there is still a row of small words, er..." Sixteen didn't dare to read it, so he quickly changed his words: "Well, that Liufeng, kill it quickly! I'll add blood to you in the back!"

"Uh. That's okay! You'd better not do anything strange, or I want you to look good, okay?" Liu Feng took a closer look at 16 and then said with a blank face.

"Oh! OK!" As soon as he heard Liu Feng's words, he quickly answered for fear of being slowed down by a second.

"Hmm!" Liu Feng pulled out his sword, and then looked at the dense forest with an awe-inspiring color.

Because at this time, he already felt that this shock was about to reach Level 5!

Finally, a minute later, the violent black bear appeared in front of Liu Feng.

"Gulu! Gollum! 16, are you sure this is a violent black bear and not anything else? As soon as Liu Feng saw the appearance of the furious black bear, he immediately felt that it was really terrible! MD, the four limbs are already about five meters. If NTNND stands up, it must be close to 15 meters... Because this violent black bear is really a little slender. Of course, this is the one for this violent black bear...

"This, this, my God! Liu Feng, this time it's a big disaster! This, this is the 34th-level violent black bear king!" 16 I really don't know what to say now. This MD is too bad! Unexpectedly, there is a violent black bear king here. Doesn't it mean that this is the nest of violent black bears?

"You, say one more thing..." Liu Feng's expression trembled a little. MD, level 34, it seems that the current player is out of the leader, I'm afraid no one can defeat it! Liu Feng is a little desperate now, which is really embarrassing.

"Level 34, Elite Furious Black Bear King!" Sixteen said with lax eyes. Because in his opinion, he must be dead!

MD, elite? Hey hey... I'll show my strength today!" Liu Feng smiled relaxedly, but he knew that he was probably a little bit like that!

"You, alas! Forget it, that's the 34-level elite violent black bear king, you don't have a chance!" Seeing that Liu Feng was eager to try, 16 quickly hit him. Because, in his opinion, this is already an irreversible gap of ten levels! Besides, it is still an elite king beast!