Zero point of online games

Chapter 247 Hu Yun! Boiling! Mainland!

Chapter 247 Hu Yun! Boil! Mainland! I)

Tianya is speechless about this. Is it necessary to do this? I didn't say that if you really want to come, would you leave your own woman alone and have any affair with you? Tianya curled his lips and said with a disdainful face, "Pan, don't be sentimental there. I don't look down on your beauty at all!"

de! Women! When others looked at her a little, it became the so-called flirting, but once others turned a blind eye to her, the anger immediately came up.

Hu Yun was immediately angry when she heard Tianya's words: "What do you mean? Where do I look like a pan? At least it's upturned! You, unexpectedly!"

Hearing this, Tianya took a look at Hu Yun's figure and said with a smile, "Well, your waist, how dare you say that your waist is not a pan?"

After saying that, the corners of Tianya's mouth were a proud smile, and there was a strong provocative meaning in his eyes.

"You, you bully people!" When Hu Yun heard Tianya's words, she suddenly lost her temper. Did she dare to say that her waist was not a pan? This is impossible.

"Oh? Do I bully people? Didn't I see anyone?" When Tianya heard this, he suddenly looked around to find this so-called person! Suddenly, Hu Yun, a super volcano, erupted.


Tianya has lost his temper. His biggest headache is for women to cry. Looking at Hu Yun with tears on his face, he didn't know where to put his hands.

Originally, Hu Yun just wanted Tianya to admit her mistake, but when she saw Tianya being stunned there, she was immediately furious and cried more than doubled.

"monish! Warning, warning! If the player's four-tailed spirit fox maintains this state, after ten seconds, it will reduce its intimacy by one degree per second. At present, the intimacy is 85.

"Uh," Tianya was dumbfounded and actually involved in defection! This TMD is too ridiculous! For such a result, Tianya said that the pear is very big!

"I can't help it. Let's coax this little girl first! Otherwise, the intimacy will decline, but you will suffer!" Seeing this situation, Tianya had to be soft.

However, Hu Yun easily heard Tianya's words in her ears and suddenly thought with a sneer: "Huh! Dare to call me a little girl, I can stand it! Wait for me!"

Tianya took a step forward and gently hugged Hu Yun in her arms. Suddenly, Hu Yun trembled all over. She didn't expect that Tianya wanted to comfort her in this way to take advantage of her. Suddenly, there was a burst of anger.

"monish! Respect the player Feng Tianya, the four-tailed spirit fox Hu Yun's intimacy to you,-5!"

Son of a sudden, Tianya was scared by this information, damn it! Unexpectedly, because of my hug, my intimacy decreased. However, one thing that makes him feel more difficult is.

"monish! Warning! Warning! Dear player Feng Tianya, your current behavior violates the contract of the Lord God. If you continue to do so within five seconds, please be prepared for a thunderbolt!"

"Damn!" After a low scolding, Tianya had to let go of Hu Yun. There was nothing he could do. He didn't want to be blown to ashes.

However, as soon as Hu Yun saw Tianya let go of herself, she immediately cried violently. She thought Tianya was going to give up on her.

"monish! Dear player Feng Tianya, the intimacy of the four-tailed spirit fox to you, -20, currently 60 points! Please note that if the intimacy is less than 50, the Linghu clan has a certain chance to defect!"

Tianya was completely stunned by this system prompt, Nani? I got the promoted magic pet, but I haven't participated in the battle yet, and I'm going to defect! This...

However, what made him feel powerless was that Hu Yun saw that Tianya was stupid there because of this, and suddenly, Tianya was completely angry.

"monish! Dear player Feng Tianya, the four-tailed spirit fox Hu Yun's intimacy with you, -11, is currently 49 points.

"monish! Dear player Feng Tianya, your favorite four-tailed spirit fox has defected because it can't stand your **!"


Tianya only felt a violent roar in his head and almost fainted.

"Hu Yun, I said! You, you are ungrateful!" Tianya was a little angry.

"Oh, how's it going? Who told you to bully others? How can you be happy if they don't take revenge? At this time, Hu Yun changed her face and said proudly.

"You, you," Tianya looked at Hu Yun's proud expression and suddenly felt unhappy. Seeing Hu Yun's slightly raised red lips, Tianya cursed secretly, "Huh! You asked for it, but don't blame me..."

At a chance, Tianya rushed over directly, regardless of the direct kiss. Suddenly, both of them were dumbfounded.

Tianya was kissed on Hu Yun's lips, and the wonderful pleasure was stunned. I thought: TNND, the taste of foxen is really not ordinary! No wonder those are always foxes...

And Hu Yun was scared by Tianya's action! She didn't expect Tianya to do such a move at all, which made her completely stupid.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

The two looked at each other with a trace of strangeness in their eyes.





"Hehe! You say it first!"

"Hehe! You say it first!"

"Okay, Yun'er, say it first!"

"Hmm! Who is your Yun'er?"

Suddenly, when Hu Yun heard Tianya's sentimental words, she blushed and retorted feebly.

Is that right? Isn't my Yuner in my arms? Didn't you see it?" Tianya looked at the funny people in his arms with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Damn!" Feeling Tianya's hot eyes, Hu Yun suddenly blushed, hit Tianya's chest and lowered her head. Of course, this fight is a kind of emotional fist and a sword or something like that.

"Hehe! Is that right? My dear Yuner, are you still angry?" Tianya hugged Hu Yun and said with a tender face.

"Hmm! If you don't say it, I forgot that you don't want to live if you said that about me? As soon as Hu Yun said, her face changed, and she said with a unhappy face.

"Uh... Well, that's not because I didn't have an idea for a while, so, that!" Tianya said with some embarrassment on his face.

"Really? Why don't I think it looks like it? Say, did you do it on purpose? If you don't say it, how can I deal with you!" When Hu Yun heard Tianya's words, he suddenly looked unhappy and unruly.