Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 052 Recruitment [Second Update]

The killing sound is shocking, hundreds of miles away. All the barbarian beasts in this range are trembling and huddled in the nest and dare not move. The two-winged white tiger that Chang Heng had met only dared to hide in the nest and whimper in the direction of the Black Wind tribe.

With Mr. Jian and the hand under the night, Chang Heng jumped out of the Black Wind tribe, got rid of the last pursuer, and dived into the surrounding mountains and forests before he had a few breath. Looking at the two people on his body, Chang Heng's face turned black and his nose was almost crooked.

The sword prince held his sword and let Chang Heng carry it on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and made a leisurely breathing sound. Obviously, he had fallen asleep. Unexpectedly, he did not pay attention to the chaotic and dangerous situation just now. And the hands under the night are even more excessive. Unexpectedly, they curled under Chang Heng's armpit, closed their eyes and bent their legs, as if they were meditated. Looking at it like that, they were not offline.

threw the two people hard on the ground, and fell directly into the soft leaves with their hands facing down in the night. Over the years, this mountain forest has accumulated, and I don't know how many dead branches and rotten leaves have been stored, mixed with rainwater, a thick layer, more than half a meter. When the hand fell in at night, half of the body was immediately missing, and two legs seemed to be coiled, as if they were still meditating and practicing.

When the swordsman was about to land, the hand that did not hold the sword pressed on the ground, and the whole person fell quietly to the ground like fallen leaves, without making a sound, let alone falling into half of his body like the hand under the night.

"What a pity." Looking at the slightly twitching half of his hand under the night, Mr. Jian gloated and asked, "Where are you going next?"

"Find a place to heal the injury, and then kill monsters and upgrade the explosive equipment to make money." Chang Heng sat on the ground casually, took out the little black turtle and held it in the palm of his hand. Looking at the cracks on the dark and shiny back shell of the little black turtle, his painful eyebrows were wrinkled, and he quickly took out some fruits and stuffed them for the little turtle. If that shot was not blocked by the little turtle, Chang Heng would inevitably end up being pierced through the heart with a shot.

"Your pet is really good... Think about our martial arts alliance again. As long as you join us, you will directly become the eighth son of our martial arts alliance, and all the treatment is the same as ours. Leading a legion by yourself is no better than your own explosive equipment." After praising the little turtle, Mr. Jian mentioned the matter of attracting Chang Heng again.

smiled and looked at Mr. Jian's eyes. Chang Heng said seriously, "It's not impossible for me to join, as long as you can do a little."

"You said." Mr. Jian became serious and was not afraid that he had the conditions, but that he would not get in. Since Chang Heng only put forward one condition, in the eyes of Mr. Jian, this condition is certainly not simple.

"This condition is not difficult. As long as you can restrain your men, don't bully men and women, and don't take the initiative to make trouble. I don't want to join a gang that causes trouble every day and then needs to help him find Liangzi. Can you do it?" Chang Heng said slowly.

"This?" Mr. Jian is in trouble. If he doesn't want to do this kind of thing by himself, he will agree. To be honest, he has done enough of this kind of thing when he was young, although he is not old now. But if you restrain your subordinates from doing it, especially those sworn brothers, I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

Looking at Mr. Jian's sad face, Chang Heng shook his head and sighed. In the last game, this is most of the reason why he had a feud with the Wulin League. As the boss of a killer organization with a surplus of justice, he will take care of everything he doesn't like, and he happens to be in the same main city with the Wulin League. The result can be imagined.

His sad face sighed for a while. Mr. Jian glanced at Chang Heng and found that he turned his hand under the night and was ** on his body, and immediately got a layer of goose bumps on his body.

"I said, do you have that kind of hobby?" Seeing Chang Heng carefully touch his hand from top to bottom and from inside to outside, Mr. Jian only felt that his whole body was cold and subconsciously clamped. Tighten your legs.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Chang Heng rolled his eyes. Since this guy can touch the storage space of the Heifeng tribe, he must have a lot of good things on him. I saved his life. As the saying goes, saving my life is equivalent to giving birth to my parents. Isn't it filial to give some good things to my parents?

The swordsman looked at Chang Heng taking out a few bone charms from his hand under the night, skillfully stuffed them into the skull of the beast, smiled dryly, and said, "Your condition is really too difficult. Can you change it?"

"No." He stripped his hands under the night until he was sure that nothing could be found except the two shabby leather robes. Chang Heng threw his hand under the night into the fallen leaves next to him and put his face down in a very strange posture before turning his face to the swordsman firmly.

"This kind of thing can happen in any big gang, and it is impossible to eliminate it. Look at the women in the rose bloom. With a strong gang, don't they often flirt with men? Mr. Jian tried to explain to Chang Heng.

"I don't care about other gangs, I only care about my gangs. This kind of thing can happen, but if it happens, it will be punished. I don't want my gang to be named. The first reaction is to swear. Chang Heng said seriously to Mr. Jian.

Mr. Jian was speechless and said dryly for a long time, "I didn't expect that you are still a righteous young man."

"NO, NO, NO, I'm not a righteous youth. I'm just a very ordinary person. I only want to be worthy of my conscience and have a clear conscience. I can't stand the kind of bullying on the street, let alone be scolded innocently behind my back. Chang Heng shook his hand repeatedly. Just youth? What a ridiculous word. If he is really a righteous youth, there will be no bloody alliance.

With a long breath, Mr. Jian looked at Chang Heng strangely, as if there was a flower on Chang Heng's face. It was not until Chang Heng was ashamed and angry by him and raised his fist to beat him. Then Mr. Jian said, "Since you don't agree, forget it, but I hope you can become a friend in the future."

"We are friends now." Chang Heng smiled.

Ah? Who has become friends with whom? He pulled his head out of the pile of dead branches and leaves, touched the black mud on his face, and threw it to one side. His hand under the night asked confusedly.

"The Xiongling tribe and the Heifeng tribe don't know each other. The more they fight, the more polite they become. Finally, they cherish each other. The witches of the two families are ready to kill chicken heads and become brothers of the opposite sex." Chang Heng said casually.

"Ah? How could this happen?" Under the night, his hands looked confused. He looked at Chang Heng and Mr. Jian. I just got off the line. Has the world changed? The two families were beaten to death just now. Why do they worship now?