Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 054 Fire Valley Tribe [Four Updates]

I only felt the buzzing in my mind. Chang Heng held his head and became dizzy. He found that the sky was already full of stars. Then he was surprised to find that he had fainted for four or five hours.

Recalling that he had been sucked blood by the strange bone armor before causing him to faint, Chang Heng quickly checked, but there was no trace of the bone armor. His heart moved and meditated on the bone armor, and a set of miserable white armor covering his upper body suddenly appeared on his body, reflecting the moonlight and emitting a strange breath.

Chang Heng stood up and his head was slightly dizzy, which was a sign of excessive blood loss. After raising his hand and kicking his legs and moving, he found that the bone armor did not affect the body, and it was light and flexible. The divine consciousness penetrated into the bone armor, and wisps of bright red ** flowed in it, and a roar rushed out, almost shattered Chang Heng's divine consciousness.

"This kind of armor?" Chang Heng was curious about what kind of barbarian bones were used to have such a powerful power now.

Chang Heng was also very happy to get this set of bone armor for no reason. This can be called a spiritual weapon. If it is auctioned, it will definitely sell for a lot of money. However, Chang Heng will not do this kind of thing of killing chickens and taking eggs for the time being. The better he is equipped, the more money he can make.

"Now, it's time to go back to the Black Wind Tribe." Chang Heng thought. By now, the battle between the Xiongling tribe and the Heifeng tribe should have ended, and if there is no accident, the Heifeng tribe has now disappeared, leaving only the Xiongling tribe doubled.

Chang Heng rushed outside the Heifeng tribe. Sure enough, the lights inside were bright and the fighting had disappeared. Only some prisoners of the Heifeng tribe were cleaning the battlefield under the control of the Xiongling tribal soldiers. The bodies of some soldiers of the Xiongling tribe who died in the battle were neatly put together and waited to be transported back to the Xiongling tribe before being buried, while the bodies of the soldiers of the Heifeng tribe were burned and buried on the spot.

After several investigations, Chang Heng entered the tribe. Several elders of the Xiongling tribe, led by Zhu Ronghuoqi, were discussing the matter. Of course, Chang Heng will not be involved in this kind of thing, and Chang Heng is not in the mood to take care of it. He came here mainly to wish Rongman.

Zhu Rongman was drinking and almost drunk. It is a great revenge to flatten the Heifeng tribe and exterminate it, but the people in Mangshan Village can no longer survive. Zhu Rongman can only drink to drown their sorrows.

Chang Heng approached Zhu Rongman and patted him on the shoulder. Seeing Chang Heng coming over, Zhu Rongman stuffed the wine urn in Chang Heng's hand: "Drink."

sighed, and Chang Heng accompanied Zhu Rongman. The two of them didn't say a word, and I took a sip. The more wine you drink, the more people drink, the more sinful they become, but their minds become more and more clear.

There was a noise outside, and I don't know what happened. Chang Heng sighed, looked at the drunken Zhu Rongman, and reached out to take down his wine urn.

"No, it's all gone. Dog, Xiaobai, Ermeng, Whoo, all gone. Zhu Rongman did not jump on it to try to take back his wine urn, but lay there and cried. With a cry, he read the name of each villager in Mangshan Village.

With a long breath, Chang Heng smashed the wine urn to the ground and scolded, "This is a program designed by a damn programmer. It's so real. This is a game, not a fucking real time travel.

The people around didn't know what Chang Heng was scolding. Hearing his sound of throwing the wine urn, he just looked over and turned his head. Everyone knows that Zhu Rongman was slaughtered in the whole village. There are also several soldiers who have been slaughtered in the village. They are also sad in their hearts.

"What's going on?" More than ten feet away from Changheng, the two were surrounded by stars and the moon. One of them looked at the crying Zhu Rongman, and his face was slightly unhappy.

"Your Excellency, Aman's whole village was killed by the Heifeng tribe. Now he is the only one left in the village. He is sad, so he cried and disturbed the interest of the adults. Please forgive me." Zhu Ronghuoqi quickly came forward and said. Chang Heng heard clearly and felt awe in his heart, which made Zhu Ronghuo so polite, and the other party was obviously not from the Xiongling tribe. So who are they?

"So that's it, forget it." The two left arrogantly with their hands on their backs. The elders of the Xiongling tribe, including Zhu Ronghuoqi, carefully accompanied them.

cried, Zhu Rongman fell asleep, and Chang Heng sighed. He ran to the mountains and forests outside the tribe, killed a few wild beasts, and increased his magical power.

Previously, when he came out of Daze, Chang Heng had reached the early stage of Wuwu. Now, after many battles and with a high hand like Tianwu Heixiong, the witch power in his body has long accumulated to a certain extent. Today, the water has reached the middle of Wuwu.

At dawn, Chang Heng returned to the original Heifeng tribe and now changed his name to the Xiongling tribe. Before he arrived in the tribe, he heard the roar of Zhu Rongman from it.

"It's the opposite, it's really the opposite. How dare you provoke me? Is this the warrior of your Xiongling tribe? No wonder the top master has one more than the other party and fights so badly. They are all waste.

Chang Heng's face turned cold, and he squeezed out the crowd and strode in. Zhu Rongman held a hammer and couldn't help jumping and scolding. The two of them blushed, and the surrounding Zhu Ronghuo opened the group of elders of the Xiongling tribe with an embarrassed face.

"What's going on?" In the past, Zhu Rongman was held down and Chang Heng asked.

"This bastard, I drank and took care of his trouble, and dared to teach me a lesson and put on a bad air to ask me to apologize. Bah, no more fucking nonsense, your grandfather's hammer head is not vegetarian, smashing your heads one by one. Zhu Rong shouted.

Zhu Ronghuoqi hummed and sprayed his anger, and complained in his heart that these two were nosy. You let him drink, but he didn't drink yours. What does it matter to you? I don't care about it. It's your turn to talk.

It is reasonable that although the battle is over, these soldiers can't drink at will. However, Zhu Rongman is not a regular soldier of the Xiongling tribe. Strictly speaking, he is just a clan who came with the Xiongling tribe and is not under the control of the Xiongling tribe at all. So Zhu Rong drank a lot, and no one cared about it. But these two are from a large tribe. They look down on a small tribe like the Xiongling tribe at all. They speak so badly that naturally make Zhu Rong angry.

"Are you two from the big tribe?" Looking at the two, Chang Heng smiled.

"Yes, we are from the Fire Valley tribe to see if you are qualified to be our subordinates. But now, hum, it doesn't deserve it at all. One of them said proudly that all the surrounding Xiongling tribal soldiers, including Zhu Ronghuoqi, changed their faces rapidly.