Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 073 Strength

In a cave on Black Bear Mountain, Chang Heng and his hands under the night are drinking with the powerful demon king Xiongba. Xiong Ba was transformed by the black bear essence and was burly. The witch was already tall. He was taller than Chang Heng and the two. He sat there like a hill, holding a bronze wine bottle more than one person high and couldn't persuade him to drink.

The yellow robe monster was smashed by Chang Heng and the hands of the night. The demon baby fled, and Xiong Ba was a little surprised. Although he didn't pay attention to the strength of the two, he was afraid of the sudden bone charm and thought about it for a long time. If it were him, he could not escape the end of being smashed by a blow and the demon baby.

To understand this, Xiong Ba's face smiled even more and repeatedly persuaded him to drink. None of the monsters that can be cultivated into demon babies is simple-minded. Even if it is a pig, it is a pig spirit. Now that he knew this in his heart, Xiongba gave up his plan to bring them to drink and sent them down the mountain after drinking.

Compared with the huge wine bottle in Xiong Ba's hand, the wine bottle in Chang Heng's hands is much smaller, but the size of the sea bowl, Chang Heng and the two frown when they look at the wine bottle. Xiongba repeatedly persuaded the wine, and the two of them did not drink it. With a bitter face, they raised their necks and drank down the wine in the wine bottle. The hot feeling rushed from their throats into their lower abdomens, and the spicy two coughed repeatedly. However, although the wine is spicy, it is rich in aura. As soon as it enters the belly, it immediately turns into wisps of aura and integrates into the golden elixir.

Put the wine bottle on the stone table, and immediately a demon came to fill it up. These two little demons are not the kind of clumsy black bear essence, but two rabbit spirits. Less than 1.5 meters tall, petite body, two long rabbit ears on the unformed head, wrapped in a layer of clothes made of leaves, seem to fall off with a slight touch. At this time, the two rabbit demons poured wine for them, walked behind them and kneaded them gently.

"This fucking game still has this enjoyment. If I had known that I would have occupied the mountain as the king." Being served like this, he narrowed his eyes in the night and said to Chang Heng.

Chang Heng smiled and was too lazy to pay attention to his hands at night. He raised the wine bottle to signal to Xiong Ba, drank all the wine, thought about it a few times, and said, "Your Majesty, it's really enjoyable here."

Xiongba patted his legs and laughed a few times, shook his head and was very proud, and then said, "I'm nothing. If you see the ancestor of the demon king who really became immortals, hey, I can scare you to death."

"Oh?" Chang Heng's heart moved and immediately got a message from Xiongba's mouth that there was a successful demon king near him, and he still had something to do with Xiongba, and the second Xiongba had also entered the door of others.

Thinking of this, Chang Heng said, "I don't know who the ancestor of the demon king is?" When I become successful in my practice in the future, I will also visit one or two.

Xiong Ba looked straight at Chang Heng and shook his head repeatedly for a long time: "You? No, my ancestor has a bad temper. Unless you reach the same level as him, outsiders will be caught and eaten when they enter his territory. When I was still under the ancestral throne, I saw one of you who reached the Wuzhujing. Because I offended the ancestor, I was flattened by the ancestor and swallowed directly into my stomach.

The more Xiong Ba said so, the more curious Chang Heng became. After all, after entering the game for more than a month, the strongest he saw was just the Wu Lao of the Xiongling tribe and the demon king in front of him. However, at this time, the business was important, and Chang Heng suppressed his curiosity.

Once again, he picked up the wine bottle and gave a toast to Xiong Ba. Chang Heng came straight to the point and said directly, "Your Majesty, you know that the neighborhood is barren, and there are not many products, which can't feed so many of my people, so I want to move with my people and ask the king to make way."

"What?" Xiongba jumped up directly, and his huge head hit the top of the cave. The whole cave was shaken, and large stones fell down. When he fell to the ground, Xiong Ba stared and said, "Let you go. What shall we eat in the future?"

Chang Heng brought the wine to his mouth and almost threw it out. This man spoke too directly. Is it so hurtful? With a wry smile, he put the wine bottle on the stone table and pointed a little on the stone table. Chang Heng said, "Only one tribe of the Jinwu tribe left, and the other tribes did not move."

The hand next to him under the night opened his eyes wide, and he didn't understand why Chang Heng said so. If you want to save it, save it all. If you don't save it, you won't save one. Why do you only save the Jinwu tribe, and other tribes don't care?

"Did this man reach any agreement with the Jinwu tribe, so he desperately pulled me over and asked Xiongba to make way. When the Jinwu tribe successfully migrates, it will give him certain benefits. So, I lost money this time."

Thinking of the broken bone charm lost by Bai Bai, his hand looked very ugly at night. He directly said to Chang Heng, "What benefits does the Jinwu tribe give you? Let you come here even if you want to die. There is no good thing on the yellow robe monster. I want half of the benefits given by the Jinwu tribe."

Chang Heng took a deep look at his hand under the night and said, "If you can safely move the Jinwu tribe out, everything will be given to you."

At night, his hands nodded with satisfaction and leaned back against the stone chair, tasting wine while enjoying the massage of the rabbit demon. Xiong Ba thought for a long time and suddenly smiled coldly: "The Jinwu tribe has left, and we will eat much less blood in the future. It's not impossible to let them go. You have to come up with a reason for me to let them go.

Chang Heng understood what Xiongba meant. He stood up and gave a long smile. He looked at Xiongba with a strange smile: "Your Majesty, do you dare to bet with me?"

"Bet?" Xiong Ba became excited and drank the wine in the huge wine bottle. He looked at Chang Heng and asked, "What's the bet? How to bet?"

"Since the king is known as the powerful demon king, he is naturally powerful and talented. He wants to bet with the king on whose power is greater. If I win, the king, please let go of a channel and let us leave. If we lose," Chang Heng paused and said, "In the future, the king will go to various tribes to choose blood and food, and we will have nothing to say."

Under the night, the word admiration began to appear in the palm of your hand. Look, this is really good. Will you go to each tribe to choose blood and food at will in the future? Isn't that what happens now? If you win the bet, you can leave freely. If you lose the bet, there is no harm, but it's much better than cheating yourself.

"Okay, I'll bet." Xiong Bacai didn't care about the tips in Chang Heng's words. He patted his hand to the ground, smashed a piece of blue and white stone the size of a grinding disc directly into powder. He stared and asked, "Say, how to bet."

Looking at Xiongba, Chang Heng smiled and said slowly, "Who is strong? For the sake of fairness, compare a total of three times, and win two games. The first game is up to one person to choose what to compare, and the next game is up to the winner. How about it?"

"Good." Xiong Ba became interested and then asked, "That first game..."

"Is it the first game? The king is a master of the demon baby. He won't fight with the kid, will he?" Chang Heng looked at Xiong Ba with a smile.

Xiong Ba nodded and waved his hand, signaling Chang Heng to make a choice first.

"Wait, what if it's a draw?" The hand at night asked.

Give a praising look to his hand under the night, Chang Heng said slowly, "If it is a draw, as the king, he will naturally lose."

Xiongba felt that it was not a taste, but he felt that it made sense. He didn't bother to think about it for a while, signaling Chang Heng to start quickly.

"Yes, since you are betting on who has great strength, you can't use mana, you can only rely on your own strength. You should know that the king is a demon baby. If you use mana, the two of us will not be the opponent of the king together. Chang Heng emphasized this point again.

Xiongba waved his hand impatiently and said, "I know. Come on, what are we compared in the first game? Is it better to move mountains or pull up trees?

Xiongba's tone was full of excitement, and Chang Heng smiled strangely: "In the first game, let's compare this."

Chang Heng stretched out his hand, grabbed the black hair on Xiongba's head in the surprised eyes of Xiongba's hand and Xiongba's surprised eyes, gently lifted Xiongba's body, turned around in place, then put it down, stretched out his hand and said, "Your Majesty, it's your turn?"

Xiong Ba was stunned, looked at Chang Heng blankly, then stretched out his hand to grab his hair and lifted it up vigorously. Looking at Xiongba's one, two and three shouting the horn, his face turned red. Originally, a black face was now even darker than the bottom of the pot, and his hands under the night did not burst into laughter. This guy is so funny that he came up with this method. Not to mention the hegemony, those saints in the sky who don't use magic power, who can hold his hair with his hand and lift himself up?

Hum and luck for a long time, hundreds of hairs on Xiongba's head were caught by himself, but his feet never left the ground. Finally, he gave up and admitted that he had lost.

"Well, let's start the second game." Chang Heng smiled and stood still. "Now compare and see who can throw himself far away."

Who can throw themselves far away? Xiong Ba snorted, stood at the mouth of the cave, and jumped out. His whole body suddenly disappeared into the air, leaving only a black spot from a distance. After a long time, Xiong Ba proudly shouted and rushed back with a demon wind.

How's it going? Did I win?" Sitting back in his seat, Xiong Ba laughed and said confidently.

Chang Heng had already returned to the stone table and sat down. While drinking, he smiled and said, "No."

"Why?" Xiong Ba's face immediately sank, but his black face could not see the change of his face. He patted his right hand on the stone table, and the whole stone table shattered into pieces.

"You jumped out, called the standing long jump, not throwing yourself out." Chang Heng pointed out the mistake of Xiong Ba.

"Then are you looking at it?" Xiongba is a little annoyed.

"I won't." Looking at Xiong Ba, Chang Heng smiled lightly. Therefore, the second game is a draw.