Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 093 Low-key Village

More than 30,000 people boarded the ship one after another. After a while, the Hanhai Shenzhou swung slightly, turned into a three-inch size and disappeared into the air.

In the Hanhai Shenzhou, more than 30,000 Xiongling tribesmen sat on the deck honestly. Facing them, Chang Heng sat in the front, with Zhu Rongman on the left and hands under the night on the right, with a serious face.

Zhou'er held the little turtle and kicked Chang Heng's beads as a ball. The two played happily. The laughter came to his ears, and the children who were sitting quietly appeared**. Chang Heng had no choice but to look at them, coughed dryly and said, "It has reached such a point that even if we go back, we have no power to return to heaven. It's nothing more than a wolf entering the mouth and finding a way to die. Now the most important way is how to settle you so that you can survive safely.

More than 30,000 ethnic groups, all of whom are old, weak, women and children, have lost them to find a place. They are not Changheng's people. Since they have been saved, they will be saved to the end, but how to settle them is a headache for Changheng.

"How about sending them to the Fire Valley tribe? The Xiongling tribe is a vassal of the Fire Valley tribe. Now that the Xiongling tribe has been destroyed, they have the responsibility to protect the rest of the people. The hand next to him at night said.

"No." Chang Heng shook his head repeatedly. Although the Fire Valley tribe is the same as them, they are all members of the Zhurong clan, but hey, if you really send them away, you can go to various mines under the control of the Fire Valley tribe to find them in a few days. And they still let them go voluntarily, and no other tribe can find anything wrong.

scratching his head, Zhu Rongman had no choice. He is just a soldier. In the past, all races worried about this kind of thing.

There is no good way for both of them. Chang Heng looked at the more than 30,000 people with hope. Those children are fine. The rest of the old people and women, look at me, I look at you, and at the same time knelt down and said, "Please arrange it."

The hands that have always liked this kind of situation in the night are full of boredom, and turn to find the seductive boat. After grabbing a few handfuls of hair, Chang Heng said helplessly, "It seems that we can only find a safe place to settle down first." Thinking of the place where the Sun Tribe was placed, Chang Heng regretted it. If he had known it, he would have arranged a place for them and kept it for these people.

But people are not predictable. Even if someone has this ability, it is not a constant balance. After the map obtained from Mr. Jian was almost rotten, Chang Heng finally identified a place, Lei Ze.

Lezer is a famous place, and many legends are related to it. It has a sacred position in history and is known as the life of the ancestors of China. For example, Hua Xu, the mother of Fuxi, who created gossip, became pregnant and gave birth to Fuxi 12 years later because she stepped on the huge footprints left by a certain existence in Lei Ze.

Lei Ze is very big, not ordinary, just like an ocean. The Da Ze that Chang Heng sees is actually only part of Lei Ze, so we can imagine the size of Lei Ze. There are rich products and enough food to feed the people in front of them.

told Zhouer the direction. Zhou'er nodded and played with the little turtle. While controlling the Hanhai Shenzhou, she shook slightly and rushed into the void. But in a moment, I arrived at the shore of Lei Ze.

The endless blue waves, the sparkling water reflected the blue sky and white clouds, and the wet water rushed into the nose with a fresh color. Because the tribe was destroyed, the homeless children barely had a trace of spirit.

They are all in the Xiongling tribe. Although they have seen rivers, who has seen Daze like the sea? At this time, when I saw this endless water, looking at the water birds and fish that I had never seen or heard of, I was stunned, and the grief in my heart faded a little.

Chang Heng will naturally not place them on the edge of Lei Ze. First, there must be strong and tyrannical beasts in Lei Zeli. Second, in case Lei Ze occasionally has a tsunami or something like the sea, this is not enough for old and weak women and children to shoot a big wave.

The place Changheng chose for them is still some distance away from Raze, also backed by a mountain. There are mountains and rivers, as long as it can develop smoothly, within a hundred years, it is another tribe.

This place is not ownerless. It turned out to be occupied by a small village, which raised them, but there were only hundreds of people, even more than 100 soldiers. When Chang Heng arrived with more than 30,000 ethnic groups, the hundreds immediately panicked and agreed to join the new village except for a few who had escaped.

Since there is no altar, this place cannot be called a tribe. At Chang Heng's suggestion, the name was changed to village. Several elderly people in the clan asked Chang Heng to give him a name. After Chang Heng pondered slightly, he gave him an earth-shaking name - a low-key village.

Hearing the name, his hand at night almost kicked out the beads kicked over by Zhouer, causing Zhouer to smash the little turtle towards him as a brick. He grinned and held the little turtle to the palm of his hand. Under the night, his hand despised Chang Heng: "You are really shameless."

Chang Heng ignored him and explained to the old men, "Why is it low-key? Because we can't be high-profile, because we have enemies. If we are strong enough to look up to us by all tribes, then it is time for us to be high-profile. You should remember that low-key is the most awesome high-profile.

"Low-key is the most awesome high-profile X." Several old people chewed carefully, and then bowed to Chang Heng with a solemn face.

"I find that you have great potential to be a missionary." Under the night, his hands frowned at Chang Heng.

Chang Heng rolled his eyes: "This is Lei Feng."

Now that the address has been selected, the next step is to build a house. Originally, their houses were not enough, but the wooden structure was directly excluded by Chang Heng. In one word, several strong women immediately rushed over. Although these strong women were not strong, they also had several wizards, and the others were also full of strength. With only a cup of tea, they completely flattened the whole village.

Zhu Rongman stood aside with a bone hammer in his arms and jumped over when he saw a place that needed to be dismantled, smashed it with a hammer, and then dismantled by those people. Zhu Rongman was very satisfied that he could save these people. He firmly pressed his hatred in his heart and focused on the construction of the new village.

Chang Heng called Zhu Rongman over and said earnestly, "Aman, you can't always use a hammer. You have to use your brain."

Zhu Rong looked at Chang Heng for a while and then said, "I used a bone hammer. What do I use without a bone hammer?" Besides, why should I use my brain with you?

Chang Heng was stunned and said for a long time, "I'm always going to leave. Now you are the only middle-aged man here. You must be responsible for their lives and everything. You must learn to use your brain."

Zhu Rongman muttered twice and said, "I'm not an adult yet. I can't do this kind of work."

"You are not an adult yet? How old are you?" Chang Heng was a little surprised.

Zhu Rong smiled and said honestly, "It's only 16."

At only 16, Chang Heng's head was dizzy. He was indeed a witch. The 16-year-old young man actually grew into such a strong man, but I called you a lot of big brother, you bastard.

Chang Heng stared at Zhu Rongman fiercely. Zhu Rong was as simple as he was, but he laughed. There is nothing he can do about it. Chang Heng has to follow the good advice: "Although you are not yet an adult, you are the oldest among them. Of course, excluding those old men and women, you will not let them show up and lead the village, will you? In this case, you have to take on the responsibility of being a man.

He was caught by Chang Heng for a lesson. Zhu Rongman touched his head and laughed a few times. Several old women also agreed to let Zhu Rongman learn management experience. After all, Chang Heng said that he would not stay in the village. At most, he would come back occasionally. Everything in the village could only be left to Zhu Rongman, who was responsible, and Zhu Rong They are also familiar with it and feel at ease.

The sadness of the destruction of the tribe was quickly replaced by the bustle of rebuilding the village. Of course, this does not mean that they have forgotten the hatred, but buried this hatred deep in their hearts and turned it out when necessary. And now their only goal is to live and live well, which is the wish of the witch elders of the Xiongling tribe and all the clans and all the dead.

The house was built from local materials. Zhu Rongman laid large pieces of bluestone on the nearby mountain. Huge stones ten feet long and six feet wide and three feet thick were transported into the village by boat, and then built into stone houses according to the previous plan. This building is different from the past, but Chang Heng specially investigated the architecture of modern buildings and built them into a unified stone building.

Three floors high, with 100 rooms on each floor, six bunks in each room, and a building for 1,800 children to rest. Chang Heng built 20 such buildings in one go, and then built some ordinary stone houses for those old and women.

After building the building, Chang Heng made up his mind to the surrounding environment. First, people were sent to flatten a flat land as a place for children's daily training, and then they found Zhouer to find several formations from Zhouer and arrange them around.

The three-foot-long and ten-foot-thick training ground is densely filled with all the arrays that Chang Heng can get. Even under the dizziness of arranging arrays, he even arranged a few flying arrays, making some children who followed him learn to make a lot of noise.

After arranging the house, the training ground, and the surroundings, Chang Heng came to a nearby mountaintop and looked at the low-key village that changed every day under his hands, and there was a slight sense of pride in his heart.

It is quite funny for Chang Heng to guide them on how to build a village every day, from a game player to a construction engineer. Under the night, his hands laughed at him more than once. The public enemy and the king of killers actually became such a person. It is estimated that those people in the martial arts alliances of the temples will be killed.

Chang Heng only ignored the ridicule of his hands at night. After the construction of the village in the past few days, he has become more and more interested in this game. There is a saying that the game is the epitome of reality, not only to the intrigue between each other, but also to live a carefree life and enjoy it, even for only a few days.

The hands under the night couldn't stand the boredom here for a long time, so they slipped out to practice. At this time, players in the game gradually appeared in the game, and the strength of Changheng's Wujing in the later period has lagged far behind.

"Game, it's just a game, hahahaha." Looking at the training of the children below, Chang Heng suddenly laughed.