Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 116 Tiandao League

"A common demon elixir, the price is 100RMB, the demon baby is 10,000 RMB, and the special demon elixir demon baby with other functions is higher. What a rich man."

Looking at the acquisition price on the trading network, Chang Heng's face appeared with a painful look. Last time at the Silver Point King Cave, I swallowed 10,000 RMB in one bite.

"It's all money." Chang Heng was fierce in his heart and found an opportunity to kill the Silver Horn King. He was full of treasures.

In this way, it is still cost-effective to play demons. If you want money, you can also get a few small money by digging out your own demon baby and selling it.

Chang Heng's heart was YY, and his hands did not stop, and he simply cleaned up a barbarian beast that had just been put down.

Sum, Chang Heng's expression moved, and the remaining light from the corners of his eyes slightly swept to a bush next to him. The flying gun pointed diagonally, and a flame appeared from the gun and burned to the tip of the gun.

"Has it been found?" The bushes separated, and five or six beast-headed players came out in turn. He stood dozens of meters away from Changheng, sacrificed his own magic weapons, and pointed to Changheng from a distance.

The first person was a bear player, with a sneer on his face. He looked at Chang Heng carelessly and was about to speak.

The hostility of the other party is already obvious. Chang Heng is too lazy to be wordy. He doesn't ask who the other party is, and he won't wait for the other party to speak at all. He stopped and dragged the Feilian gun behind him and strode towards the other party.

The witches are heavy in physical strength, generally fighting with people, and like to attack in close proximity. Although there are many people on the other side, once the witch players of the same level are brought close to each other, ten * will fail.

Boom. Before the man arrived, a flame first shot out of the flying gun and went straight to the leader. The man's face changed slightly, and a huge bear's mouth quickly spewed out a khaki yellow gas from his mouth, directly extinguishing the flame. Even so, a few pinches of bear hair were also burned off his body.

The mottled burnt black, emitting a pungent paste smell, and the bear players' faces are suddenly difficult to look.

"Looking for death."

The bear player suddenly turned into an ontology, with a huge black bear standing upright, seven or eight feet tall.

"Go to hell." The black bear's palms were patted on the ground, and the earth trembled violently. Cracks appeared and spread away, almost trapping Chang Heng in it.

With a cold hum, Chang Heng's feet paused, his body rose into the air, his right hand danced, and the flying bullet shook out the shadow of the gun. He sneered endlessly and stabbed the head of the bear player.

A sneer appeared on his face. The bear player's palms were closed, and the thick bear's paws were firmly clamped, making it impossible for him to move forward.

"Fifth brother has good kung fu."

"The fifth brother chose the right bear clan. Although their witches cultivate their bodies, they are not as powerful as the bear clan."

"If you dare to fight with the fifth brother, you could have lived a little longer, but now wait for the resurrection."

Seeing the bear player firmly holding the Feilian gun, several players behind him suddenly shouted.

"I advise you..." The bear player was full of pride and was about to laugh a few words. Suddenly, his eyes were yellow, and he suddenly shouted, and he only felt that he was muddle-headed and confused.

"Noise." He opened his mouth and spewed out a yellow wind. Chang Heng was surrounded by a few feet, and he could not see it. The beads behind him rose to protect his whole body to prevent someone from sneaking behind his back. Chang Heng easily pulled back the flying gun from under the bear's paw and stabbed forward.

The big gun is like a dragon, penetrating the heavy yellow wind into the bear player's body. The severe pain made the bear players wake up from a coma and see a huge blood hole in their chest.

"Ah... how dare you hurt me..."

"If you dare to attack me, I don't know whether to live or die." Chang Heng's face was indifferent, and Feilian's gun shook, and a force gushed out. The player's body exploded, and only one head shouted freely.

"I fought with you, self-exploding demon elixir...ah!"

The only bear's head suddenly burst open, and a wisp of yellow wind wrapped around the bear player's demon elixir. With just a gentle twist, it blew away its soul, leaving only the purest energy. Chang Heng reached out and fell into his hand and into the bone ring.

"Dead, the fifth brother died like this."

How is it possible? Just now, the fifth brother still had the upper hand.

"This time I kicked the iron plate. Go back quickly and inform the eldest brother and ask him to take revenge."

"Go, go."

One move solved the bear players, and the remaining four or five players were suddenly frightened. Unexpectedly, they fled without fighting, showed their spells and ran far away.

"Would you like to go?" Seeing this scene, Chang Heng opened his mouth.

"Wow..." A more violent yellow wind spewed out of the mouth. This time, the yellow wind shrouded dozens of feet, and several escaped players were all shrouded in it.

"What kind of spell is this? My head hurts."

"Be careful, this yellow wind is specifically aimed at the soul."

The speed of several players' escape suddenly stalled, and two of them even couldn't control their magic weapons and fell from the air.

"Let's all die." Chang Heng straightened his body and hid his great shore. He pinched a finger with his hands. The flying gun suddenly shrank to three inches in size and suddenly flew up.



The flying gun shuttled back and forth like lightning, screams sounded one after another, and then it was silent. In a short video, several players were killed.

After receiving the yellow wind, I saw several bodies lying on the ground, and some of them looked unbelievable.

"A few people are all in the Jiedan period. If they really fight, even if they can kill them, it will take a lot of effort. Unexpectedly, when they see the bear players die, they all have no fighting spirit and just want to escape. A group of rabbles also want to learn from people to rob and seek death.

Chang Heng thought about it and rudely pulled out several corpses, especially their demon elixir, which were all dug out.

There were players around who saw this scene. First, they were surprised by Chang Heng's strength. Five or six players killed him. At this moment, they saw that he dug up the demon elixir with no expression on his face and didn't even let go of people's bodies. With the overflowing sympathy, they couldn't help accusing him.

"It doesn't matter if you kill them and destroy their bodies. How can they be so cruel?" A peacock flew over with wings and stood on the ground, pointing to Chang Heng and complaining.

Chang Heng is speechless. Such a person dares to play games. No wonder he has not been able to become a human figure yet. There was nothing to entangle with such a person. He dug out all the demon elixirs and Chang Heng turned around and left.

"Hey, you..." Seeing Chang Hengli ignore himself, the peacock player couldn't help chasing him and was quickly pulled by his companions nearby.

There are six demon elixirs in his arms, and Chang Heng is a little contradictory. Is it swallowed or used to sell money? If it is all swallowed and refined, it should be able to reach the peak of Jindan in the later stage, and it is even possible to break the baby. However, although this is a way to quickly enhance strength, it is 600 yuan after all.

"Never, eat first, sharpen the knife and don't miss the firewood." Thinking about it, Chang Heng was going to put the demon elixir into his mouth.

"This friend, please stay." A Taurus player suddenly chased after Chang Hengdao.

"What's the matter?" Chang Heng asked.

"hehe." The bull-headed player first laughed and said that he had no intention, and then said, "I just saw my friend get six demon elixirs. I don't know if he has any intention to take action?"

"Do you want to buy a demon elixir?" Chang Heng pondered for a moment and was about to refuse. The bull-headed player said, "Don't be busy refusing. We will give you the right price."

"What price?" Chang Heng became interested.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a member of the Tiandao League, Huangshi Mavericks. Your Excellency Tiandao League should have heard of it. The condition I give is to become a VIP of my Tiandao League. Bullhead player Huangshi Mavericks said proudly.

"Tiandao League?" Chang Heng was slightly surprised. In the top ten gangs of the last game, Tiandao League was not included, but its potential power exceeded any gang. They monopolized the management of medicine, equipment and intelligence of almost half of the game, even Chang Heng at the beginning, and they did not want to offend easily.

The top ten gangs joined hands to hunt down. If it hadn't been for the participation of the Tiandao League, Chang Heng would not have been killed so miserably.

The distinguished guests of the Tiandao League enjoy all the priority rights in the Tiandao League, buy and sell goods, intelligence, etc., and do not sell VIP information to the outside world, especially borrow money from the Tiandao League. It is simple to say, but in fact, it can give strong support to any player.

However, the distinguished guests of the Tiandao League are not so good. At the beginning, all the distinguished guests of the Tiandao League were rich and powerful. Six demon elixirs, not to mention VIPs, are difficult to become one of their customers.

Playing with a demon elixir in his hand, Chang Heng smiled and said, "It's not that easy to become a VIP, is it?"

"Of course it's not that simple." Huangshi's simple face can't hide his pride. Six demon elixirs, but I let you into our sight. If you want to become my VIP, you will need at least 100. This is still the price of the game at the beginning of operation. If it is a period of time, it will cost at least 1,000.

100 demon elixir, that is, at least 10,000 yuan, Chang Heng quickly converted it in his heart, and then said, "Don't do it."

"No?" Huangshi Mavericks waited to see Chang Heng's ecstasy, but when he heard such a quick and crisp voice, he couldn't help but say, "It seems that you don't know our Tiandao League. Let me introduce you first, we..."

"Hight." Chang Heng stopped Huangshi Mavericks from talking. I think I know more about the Tiandao League than you. Just a VIP, I have to pay at least 10,000 yuan. How can there be such a good thing?

"So I was wrong." Yellowstone Mavericks relax. I mean, it's not that you give us a hundred magic pills for free. We buy them with money, but you can only sell them to us in the future.

"This can be considered." Since it's not for nothing, Chang Heng has become interested. I just looked at the trading website. The market price is 100 yuan each. How much do you give?

"A fixed price, one hundred, plus a VIP." Huangshi said in a low voice.

"Concatch." Chang Heng is still very straightforward.

After the transaction on the transaction online and set up Changheng's VIP status, Huangshi Mavericks said to Changheng: "Since you have become our VIP, you naturally enjoy all rights and obligations. Our helmsman wants to kill a monster in the baby period. I hope you can do me a favor. Of course, it's paid to help."