Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 124 Zu Wu's action

Several demon patriarchs made their own changes, and the attack suddenly became several times stronger, and the witch warriors suddenly couldn't resist.

"Stabilize your position and gather strength." The elders shouted, and the warriors of each tribe tried their best to export their own witch power, forming a virtual shadow of their ancestral witch appearance above their respective teams, with a unique pressure of ancestral witches and demon confrontation.

"This method of witches is good. It can be used in large-scale battles in the future." Chang Heng said.

gathers the strength of tens of millions of people into one. Although everyone's strength is limited, it can exert dozens of times more power than individuals, which is suitable for dealing with high strength and a small number of enemies.

However, this method requires at least a lot of training, and the number of players in each gang is limited. If you hang up one person, you will lose one person, which is not easy to popularize.

If it is only a few patriarchs, witch warriors can resist it, but the other party also has a large number of little demons. The threat of these little demons is not weaker than that of patriarchs, and there are all kinds of demon methods. In turn, the witch warriors who fought had no backhanded. Seeing that the feet of several tribes were shaky, they were about to be scattered by the other party.

"Go and bring all the remaining living monsters and beasts in the tribe." Looking at the almost one-sided battle outside with no expression on his face, Tianwu Chijun ordered.

What Tianwu Chijun ordered people to bring are all kinds of powerful monsters and beasts captured by the wind and barbarians in the past. These monsters and beasts are powerful and are excellent sacrifices for ancestral witches.

"Great ancestral witch, please listen to the prayers of your clan..." With the chant of Tianwu Chijun's spell, a monster was slaughtered, blood spilled into the air, and the body was thrown on the altar.

The bodies of tens of thousands of monsters and beasts were thrown into the altar, but the strange thing is that these bodies disappeared as soon as they fell into the altar, leaving no blood. When each monster was slaughtered, a dark shadow could be twisted and entangled out of its body and sucked into the statue.

"He is summoning the ancestral witch. Stop him quickly." Until now, the Purple Demon King knew what Tianwu Red Army was going to do, and he quickly ordered a full attack.

All the monsters and beasts were slaughtered and thrown into the altar, and the statue of Zu Wutian and Wu did not react at all.

"Not enough?" Tianwu Chijun frowned and said, "Let all the people who have not participated in the war come here."

Some barbarians who had not had time to move came and looked at the Tianwu Red Army in silence. Tianwu Chijun sighed and said, "I need your flesh and blood souls to sacrifice the great ancestral witch."

These barbarians were silent. They stepped forward one by one, walked to the altar, took the bone knife handed over by the people next to them, put it on their necks, and gently stroked them.

As one body after another fell, Tianwu Red Army's eyes were full. Full of tears. Tens of thousands of barbarians committed suicide on the altar and dedicated their flesh and soul to the ancestral witch, and the Tianwu statue slowly reacted.

"My people, why do you have to pay such a big price to summon me?" The statue of Zu Wutian slowly opened his eyes and said such words. This time he came to a split. Although it is only one hundred millionth of the power of his body, it is also much stronger than the virtual shadow just now.

"The great ancestral witch, the demon clan intends to destroy our witch clan. They have begun to act. Please lower your boundless power and save your clan." Tianwu Chijun said devoutly.

Zu Wutian's split eyes turned around, and his consciousness was locked in the battle outside.

"Our clan is not allowed to provoke anyone." Zu Wutian and Wu said this, and then turned his head and looked out.


Like the collapse of the earth, a doomsday feeling hits the hearts of the Purple Devil and others. These arrogant demons shouted, didn't care about their subordinates, and turned around and ran away.

A breeze brushed, like the gentlest spring breeze in spring, gently brushing people's bodies. Chang Heng felt that his body was suddenly stiff, and the frightened eyes of the archaeologist in front of him filled his whole vision.

"I'm grass, Zu Wu's action, is there any reason?" The archaeologist opened his mouth and struggled to spit out this sentence, and then burst into Chang Heng's sharply shrinking pupil.

The breeze swept through the battlefield, and the demons who were still slaughtering witch warriors just now suddenly stiffened, and then silently turned into powder, and suddenly quieted down in the field.

"Zu Wu, it's Zu Wu who took action." After a short time, there were huge cheers outside. Whether it was the Tianwu clan or not, when they saw the Tianwu clan take action, they all jumped off their mounts and knelt on the ground and threw their five bodies to the altar.

After looking at this, Tianwu's split closed his eyes and turned into a cold statue.

Tianwu Chijun sighed and knelt down and saluted the statue of Tianwu.

The crack sounded, and a huge crack appeared in the middle of the statue, and then gradually spread. Finally, under the gaze of many witches, the whole statue was torn apart and turned into gravel.

"Ah, Zu Wu..." The cheers stopped abruptly, and all the surviving soldiers looked in the direction of the altar.

"The witch abandoned us. No, no." The barbarians who saw the statue broken seem to be unable to withstand this kind of blow, and they are a little crazy.

"What's going on? How can Zu Wu take action in such a small-scale battle? Waking up from stiffness, Chang Heng looked frightened and also looked in the direction of the altar.

"The ancestral witch statue has disappeared? Yes, it must have paid some price to summon Zu Wu to take action. The summoning just now is just a virtual shadow, and the power is simply not worth mentioning. Now it is the real ancestral witch. However, Zu Wu is at the level of quasi-master, and it is much more powerful than this power at a casual glance. Obviously, the summoned split has something to do with the price paid. Chang Heng's heart turned a sharp turn and almost instantly thought about things.

"In the past, the Xiongling tribe was exterminated. I don't know if it has summoned the ancestral witch split to attack. No, obviously not, otherwise the Xiongling tribe would not fail. I understand that the ancestral witch only fights against the demon clan. The battle between the witch clan is equivalent to a dispute between brothers. How can they take action? It's just that what's wrong with archaeologists? Isn't he a witch?"

Chang Heng looked at the ground. The archaeologist's body was torn apart, but he could still faintly recognize that it was a huge mouse.

"It's actually a rat clan. It seems that he has any treasures to change his appearance." Chang Heng was clear in his heart.

Chang Heng turned over a few times and found a storage prop in the body. There is a mess in it, and the things are very good.

"It deserves to be the name of an archaeological expert. The means of collecting money are better than me, and it is worth learning." Chang Heng rudely put everything into the bone ring and looked out.

The sacrifices of the Fengman tribe are limited, and the power of the arrival of the ancestral Wutian Wu clan is also limited. Unexpectedly, it did not kill several demon patriarchs with one blow.

"The lichs are irrecontous, so I'll eradicate you." Chang Heng turned into a firelight and shot away into the distance.


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