Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 140 Red Devil Reappearance

"I-grass." Looking at the messages from troubled years on the trading system, Chang Heng was stunned for a long time and couldn't help swearing.

Bullying people is too bullying. Is there anyone like you? His ancestor Wu Tianwu did something to you. You have the ability to find trouble with the Tianwu family, but you don't have to find the trouble of the Tianwu clan. What's the trouble of the Zhurong clan?

Chang Heng was extremely angry and couldn't help but want to kill the cow's nest to settle accounts with their boss, but reason still stopped him. Now I have been chased by such a group of little monsters to the old nest of the cattle clan, and there are absolutely no bones left.

"If you dare to give me a chase order, you have guts, but don't think I'm easy to bully. I also have a backer." Chang Heng thought with hatred. My brother's backer is a quasi-master-level figure, and your cattle clan is nothing. Tens of thousands of years later, the most famous Pingtian Great Sage Power Bull Demon King is just a demon saint level, which is still one level away from the quasi-master.

Chang Heng cursed and left a speech for the troubled years. He thanked him, closed the trading system, looked back at the butterfly demon who was chasing him, turned his body around, and went to a nearby witch tribe he had heard. Now that he has been ordered to be chased by the cattle, he dares not wander outside. And any monster with success will calculate with both hands. In case the other party is shameless and several masters calculate at the same time, how can he have any secrets?

Chang Heng in front turned, and the little demons behind him turned around. Chang Heng had no pity for these white monsters and ran in the direction of the witch tribe with them.

"Low-key little witch, where to go." As soon as he ran out of less than a few hundred miles, with a roar, the space in front of Chang Heng suddenly tore apart, and a huge figure stepped out, and a huge black shadow covering dozens of feet fell head with a huge momentum.

"So fast?" Chang Heng's body paused, and at the moment when the shadow was hit, it turned into countless fire lights. One by one could fly under the shadow like a meteor, shooting desperately from the new group in the distance.

Bum! The black shadow hit the ground heavily, and dozens of little demons following Chang Heng could not dodge. They were all hit by the shadow below, and they did not know whether to live or die.

Boom. The other party finally came out of the space, which was a green cow like an ancient mountain. At this time, Chang Heng found that the falling shadow was just a hoof of the other party.

"This is at least a green cow in the distraction period." Chang Heng immediately judged it in his heart.

"Do you still want to go?" Qingniu turned his eyes and saw Chang Heng, who was pale and flying away. He opened his mouth and sucked gently.

Wow! The strong wind roared, countless sand and stones were swept up by the strong wind, and the trees were broken and thrown into the mouth of the green cattle.

Chang Heng's body in the flying escape stiffened, and his whole body threw it into the mouth of the green cow faster than the flying escape.

"Low-key little witch, when you attacked me, I didn't expect there would be today." Watching Chang Heng fly to his mouth, Qingniu laughed bitterly.

"Purple Demon King." Chang Heng's heart flashed and he blurted out.

"That's good, it's me." Qingniu is not in a hurry to kill Chang Heng now. The wind suddenly stagnated and dissipated out of thin air. Chang Heng stood in mid-air, and his body was stiff and unable to move.

"Unexpectedly, I returned to the holy land of my cattle clan and begged a demon-level ancestor to help me re-condensate my body. This pair is in good health, isn't it? This is the strongest green cow in our family. The Purple Devil said proudly.

"Green cow." Chang Heng read these two words in his mouth and suddenly remembered that he had always regarded the powerful bull demon king as the strongest existence of the cattle clan, but forgot the green cow that was regarded as a mount by me.

Qingniu, Laojun's car, is the person next to this saint, just like the current relationship between the driver and the leader, ordinary people can't be provoked. And in fact, the power is strong. It can be seen casually when you think of the old gentleman's west exit from Hangu Pass. Not to mention a cow, it is a pig. Following a saint, it can also become a Buddha.

The demon fairy of the cattle clan actually condensed a green cow body for the Purple Demon King, which surprised Chang Heng. Although the Purple Demon King is the strength of the distraction period, in the eyes of the demon fairy, it is no different from the ant. He can actually help, and there are obviously hidden feelings in it.

"Purple Demon King, I'm just asking you for a body, and I don't have much hatred. Moreover, if I hadn't broken your body and let you escape, you wouldn't have got this green beef body. Speaking of which, you still have to thank me. Why be so stingy? Chang Heng said.

"Ha, should I thank you?" The Purple Devil laughed instead of anger. Low-key little witch, low-key little witch, even if you are as skillful as flowers, you can't escape the end of death today.

With that, the Purple Devil opened his mouth and was about to swallow Chang Heng alive, chew it up and eat it.

"Hence." The butterfly demon finally chased over. The adult female-sized butterfly demon was obviously a master of the distracted period and was not afraid of the Purple Demon King. I don't object to you if you want to eat him, but you have to punish him first.

"It turned out to be the butterfly spirit lady in Dielan Valley." It seems that these monsters are very familiar with each other. The Purple Demon King looked down at the butterfly demon and said, "No."

The Butterfly Lady looked at the Purple Demon King and frowned and said, "Isn't there anything to discuss?"

"There is no discussion." The Purple Devil shook his head. I still don't understand what kind of girl you are. If it falls into your hands, his flesh will become coquettish and he can't eat it.

"You?" The butterfly spirit lady was so angry that her hands turned over, and a seven-colored silk suddenly shot out and went straight to Changheng.

"Haha, Lady Dieling, if you could still fight with me before, now, it's better to roll as far away." The Purple Demon King twisted his body, gradually narrowed, and finally turned into a two-foot tall man. He stretched out his hand and patted Chang Heng. Chang Heng automatically jumped out of the armor of the Purple Demon Bull clan and put it on the Purple Demon King.

"Not bad. Although the heat is still poor, it is also a good magic weapon. The Purple Devil looked at the armor on his body with satisfaction, stretched out Chang Heng in one hand, and held a mixed iron bar in the other, which was a stick to the butterfly spirit lady.

"Come on, little lady, try your master Niu's stick." The Purple Demon King's words are full of flirtation, but the stick ignores the key points around the butterfly spirit lady.

The Butterfly Lady shook Cai Ling and stopped her in front of the Purple Devil's stick. The seven-color light appeared on the colored silk, and the soft colored silk became hard at the moment when the mixed iron bar was hit, firmly blocking the attack of the Purple Demon King.

A green cow, a colorful butterfly, two demons fought, and Chang Heng, as the protagonist, was held in his hand by the green cow and couldn't help shaking like a roller coaster, watching the fight between the two demons.

The attack of the Purple Demon King is powerful, and each stick can break a high mountain, while the attack of the Butterfly Spirit Lady is dexterous and changeable. A powerful stick of the Purple Demon King falls down and falls on the colored silk, just like a light feather falling down, which can't create any movement.

"After all, he is a master of the distraction period. This martial arts skill is more than a little bit better than that little demon." Chang Heng was overwhelmed and praised repeatedly.

"Little lady, I haven't seen you for many days, and my strength has grown a lot, but I'm still not my opponent. Now Lao Niu, I have changed my skin. It's not who I used to be. You can't take advantage of me. The Purple Devil laughed, turned his eyes, and then said. It's not impossible for you to want this witch. Well, you can be my Mrs. Zhai, and I'll give him to you as a bride price, okay?"

"Go to hell." Lady Dieling's face turned red, and Cai Ling suddenly picked it up and flew out of her hand, turning into a seven-color glow in the air.

The purple demon king's face was solemn, threw Chang Heng aside, patted his hand on Chang Heng's body, and suddenly added a force to Chang Heng's body. Chang Heng only felt that his body sank, and his whole body almost fell into the ground, and only above his waist was exposed to the ground.

"Daw, what kind of spell is this?" Chang Heng ran the witch power with all his strength, but found that there was no limit on the circulation of witch power, but he could not do any action.

"If they don't escape from the fight, they will leave when the Purple Devil frees his hands." Chang Heng knew in his heart that once the Purple Demon King freed his hand and escaped from the monster of the distracted period, he did not have that ability now.

Huh. Take a deep breath, and Chang Heng's spiritual consciousness is all immersed in the sea of knowledge. The altar in the sea of knowledge shook slightly, and a light gushed out from Zhu Rong's statue, and then the power added to Chang Heng by the Purple Devil disappeared.