Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 150 Broken Spear

"You install it for me again."

is surrounded by hot flames, and a magma river about 100 feet wide flows slowly below. Occasionally, something came out of it and roared at the top. It was a fire spirit beast that was not afraid of heat.

Chang Heng was condescending and looked at the dead vine crow half submerged in the magma. At the reminder of Nalan Binghua, Chang Heng only smashed another four or five hammers and easily smashed the dead vine crow into the underground magma river.

"Low-key little witch, you are cruel, but if you think this can deal with me, it's a big mistake. When our lord comes, it will be your death. The withered vine crow's face turned pale, a lot of sweat rolled down from his body, and the feathers on his head were already partially burnt, which was indescribably funny.

"This is also the reason why I didn't leave." Chang Heng looked up at the top. The straight circular channel, with a diameter of about four or five feet and a length of more than 400 feet, was smashed by Chang Heng with a hammer.

Hearing the words, the old jay's face was ugly, showing an unbelievable look.

"You're crazy. What's the use of guarding this passage alone? You think you can ambush so many of us here alone."

"Of course not, I just need to kill one or two people." Chang Heng said indifferently. From the beginning, your temples have been unable to get along with me. Today, it is also settled and collect some interest.

The dead vine jay swallowed his saliva and couldn't help scolding "crazy", "What a madman" and stopped talking.

Just as Chang Heng and the dead vine crow confronted below, a group of more than 20 people rushed quickly and rushed into the Falling Flame Valley.

"The king of the gods is the king of the gods. Now it's a good show."

"That low-key little witch is going to be unlucky, but it's a pity."

Players fighting monsters in the Fallen Valley got out of the way and looked at the people of the temples.

"Is he waiting for us below?" When he came to the passage smashed by Chang Heng, the king of the gods looked down. The distance of more than 400 feet was not short, but a small red dot was faintly visible below.

"What a bold man, the person who killed us still didn't run away, and he dared to wait here. Lord, I'll go down and kill him." The speaker is a snake player, but unlike others, his head is fiery red.

"Lao Shi, you just got the blood of the fire spirit beast red refined fire snake and successfully transformed it into a red refined fire snake. If you are not afraid of flame burning, go down and have a try. Remember, put your own safety first, and don't be seized by the low-key little witch. Anyway, the old crow is protected by his magic weapon and will not die for a while. The king of the gods said.

"Don't worry, brother, watch me go down and raise the low-key little witch's head." The snake player laughed, turned into a small red snake, and swam down the channel.

Although he has a big tone, he acts cautiously and does not intend to give Chang Heng any chance. The king of the gods looked at it, nodded, waved his hand, and the rest of the people dispersed.

"Brother, can I go down and help the tenth brother? I'm also a native of the Zhurong clan, and I'm not afraid of fire." A player approached the king of the gods and said.

"Wait a minute. If I send you down now, Lao Shi will definitely be unhappy. There is no ambush below, only a low-key little witch, who can't deal with it. Together with the crow, he can escape. We are waiting here. The king of the gods said.

"Haha, Lao Shi has just turned into a red refining fire snake and is about to try its power. Don't rob him for 14." The Thunderbolt God said.

The crowd laughed and did not worry about the battle below.

"Lord, they are coming." After receiving the news, the old vine crow looked happy.

"Are the kings of the gods coming?" Seeing the change in the look of the dead vine and the old crow, Chang Heng was shocked. After waiting for so long, I finally came.

"Don't be arrogant. It will be your death later." The old vine crow sneered.

Chang Heng ignored the words of the dead vine crow. He listened for a while and said, "Unfortunately, I just sent a person down."

With that, Chang Heng picked up a gun in one hand, a cold light shot out, and a scold suddenly sounded above, and a foot-long snake rushed out of the passage.

"Are you a low-key little witch?" The little snake rushed out and changed into a human shape. A player wearing scales, holding a snake spear and fiery red skin.

"What rank do the gods rank you?" Chang Heng asked indifferently.

"The ninth god general, the god of breaking the sky." The player said.

"Breaking the Spear God, sure enough." Seeing this player holding a snake spear, Chang Heng nodded. You come down alone. What about them?

"It's enough for me to come down alone." The sky-breaking spear god said, and suddenly waved his hands, and the snake spear in his hand was like a spirit snake spitting a letter. One looked up and pointed to the door of Changheng.

"You are still so insidious." Chang Heng shook his head, waved the flying gun gently, and picked up the snake spear.

"Brother Ten, has your red fire snake blood been completely absorbed?" A haze flashed in the eyes of the dead vine crow, "surprised" shouted.

"Yes, I have successfully transformed into a red fire snake." The sky-breaking spear god said.

"Red Refining Fire Snake? So that's it." At first, Chang Heng also suspected that the snake likes yin, and how the empty spear god was not restricted by the earth's fire magma. Now he knows that he has also transformed into a fire attribute, is no longer afraid of fire, and even has to practice with the help of fire aura.

"Old Raven, go out first and wait for me to kill him before going out." The sky-breaking spear god said.

Knowing that the Sky-breaking Spear God would not let himself join the siege of Chang Heng, the dead vine crow said that he was going to fly up.

"Since you have come down, there is no need to leave in a hurry." Chang Heng's long gun was arrogant and stopped in front of the dead jay. He actually wanted to deal with two people at the same time.

"You are looking for death." In the face of Chang Heng's contempt, the sky-breaking spear god was furious. As soon as he picked up the snake spear, a snake's head appeared at the tip of the spear, hissing sound, and opened his mouth to bite Chang Heng.

The dead vine old crow sneered, took out the black feather magic weapon, and joined hands to deal with Chang Heng.

The sky-breaking spear god glanced at it and shouted, "Go out."

Hearing the words, the old jay's face changed, looked at the broken spear god fiercely, and suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Ten, this low-key little witch has even fallen by the temple owner. You should be careful yourself."

"If you don't worry, you'd better take good care of yourself. This time, the eldest brother led us to save you. Next time, we won't have such good luck. The god of breaking the air said coldly.

"Sure enough, everyone under the temples will have a problem with the 18 gods. Some want to replace them, and some even want to kill them directly." Seeing that the two looked like each other, Chang Heng secretly said.

"If you fight with me, you dare to distract and find death." Chang Heng flew a spear and hit the snake spear. A fire dragon shadow appeared at the tip of the gun, emitting a long roar, and biting the snake's head on the sky and bone spear.

The guns came and went, and the two fought together. Chang Heng is a native of the Zhu Rong clan, and the sky-breaking spear god is a red refining fire snake. Both of them are not afraid of the power of fire and fire poison. They fought in the ground fire. Flames rose everywhere, and the magma flew around and hit the rising place. The two fell directly into the magma river and fought desperately in it.

"That's good. It's worth my trip." The sky-breaking spear god shouted.

"You are also good. It seems that there are still a few people who can do it in the temples." Chang Heng counterattacked.

"Well, the first time you just took the benefit of the bone charm, and the second time, if it hadn't been for the blood killing alliance, my eldest brother would have taken you down. But it's not too late. Today, I will kill you, hang your head on the ground of my temples, and let others see the end of the temples that provoked me. The god of breaking the empty spear shouted.

"Have you built a residence?" Chang Heng was slightly shocked.

"What is this? There are 100,000 official members and more than one million reserve members in our temples. What is it to build a station? If my eldest brother hadn't ordered us to rush to the level and fight with others at will, do you think you could live well until now? The sky-breaking spear god sneered.

"So that's it." Chang Heng nodded. You can die."