Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 173 Lotus

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the blood killing alliance were brought out by Chang Heng, and almost all the gangs killed helped their masters in danger. Although in the end, after the joint pursuit of the top ten gangs and the assistance of countless gangs, they finally forced Chang Heng to announce the dissolution of the blood killing alliance and delete the number to exit the game, but it also left a shadow in everyone's hearts. Now that "Blood Kills the World" has announced the reconstruction of the Blood Killing Alliance, people dare not underestimate it for fear of being targeted by them. Once they die here, there will be nothing left.

Although the number of bloody killing alliances is small, it is the most popular one in the audience. Bloody Yeyue slowly looked at several gang bosses, laughed a few times, and said, "The thing is here. Whoever can get it will take it. Don't waste time."

"Yes, let's go first." In troubled times, he said and rushed to a fork in the road. According to the agreement, the blood-killing alliance could not enter the fork of the Tiandao League, and the distribution plan negotiated by Jiangnan Yanyu was also roughly similar. Seeing the Tiandao League's preemptive action, someone immediately cursed, and everyone rushed to seize the ownership of several fork-roads.

This fork occupied by Xiongbatian's gang coincides with the one where Changheng is located. They rushed all the way. Although there were many bones on the ground, there were not many valuable ones. They were all left by some powerful witch beasts.

"Strange thing, is it worth us to come all the way?" Xiong Ba Tian is a little depressed.

"No, someone must be in front of you. That's not the case." With Xiong Batian, there are two players who have been here before. When the two said this, Xiong Batian suddenly became angry, shouted, and rushed in first. He happened to meet Chang Heng, who heard the movement outside and wanted to go to see a lively one.

"Hight." Xiong Ba Tian's weapon was a long gun. He crossed the gun and stopped it in front of Chang Heng. Chang Heng had heard their footsteps for a long time, and his face remained unchanged. He just looked at him indifferently.

"Leave what you received." Xiong Ba Tian said.

"Why?" Chang Heng asked.

"There's no reason. I said I would stay." Xiong Ba Tian said rudely. Either leave something or leave your life.

Xiong Batian said so, Chang Heng was not angry. He put his hands behind him, just raised his head and looked at the invisible sky, in a posture of memory. I haven't heard anyone talk to me like this for a long time. Remember how many times have I killed the last person who talked to me like this? Ten times? Twenty times? Or thirty times?"

The person Chang Heng said is the romantic son of the Wulin League. At that time, Chang Heng brushed monsters to do the task by himself. Finally, the boss gave a best equipment reward, which happened to be seen by the romantic prince. As a result, the romantic prince relied on his large number of people to grab Chang Heng's equipment. In the end, he made Chang Heng angry. He not only hung the romantic prince back, but also continuously assassinated and killed the romantic prince. Dare to go out of the city, it was also the accident that led to the opposition between the Wulin League and the Blood Killing League.

However, when he heard this, he felt that this man pretended to be 13, which was simply 13 than himself. Xiong Batian hated the person who pretended to be 13 the most. At this time, he did not answer. He twisted his body and stabbed out with a backhand gun.

With a fierce roar, the bear is originally tall, and the weapons used are all heavy weapons, and even this gun is thicker than that used by ordinary people. Chang Heng sighed, and Feilian's gun suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as he picked it up, he picked up the fierce gun and shot it back.

Two people are strong and one person has exquisite shooting skills, which is the competition here. Chang Heng and Xiong Batian have no hatred and don't want to kill more crimes. They just shoot at once with Xiong Batian. Although Xiongbatian is grumpy, he is not a simple-minded guy. When he sees that he can't clean up Chang Heng for a while, he mutters in his heart.

At this time, the players of the Xiongbatian Gang rushed over. Seeing Chang Heng's appearance, the two players immediately shouted.

"Why is it you?"

"You're not dead yet?"

"Why can't it be me? Why should I die?" While working with Xiong Batian, Chang Heng still had time to reply a few words. Seeing these two people appear, he thought to himself that he was really right. If he hadn't sold the news in time and waited for the news to spread, he would have no advantage.

As Chang Heng expected, it was not just this wave of people. They came here with great fanfare. Of course, they would be noticed by people. Coupled with the large number of people, they were soon found out why they came here. Wealth and silk touched people's hearts, not to mention the ownerless thing. Gradually, all the players nearby who could come in a short time rushed over.

"With so many people going there, how can it be our turn for those good things? I think we'd better continue to do the task." Nalan lay lazily on a clear cloud and said to Nalan Binghua on one side.

Nalan Binghua stared: "If you don't go, how do you know it's not our turn? If our Nalan family wants to develop, it can't do without wealth. This game is different from the past. There are no gold coins or anything like that. The most important thing is magic weapons and materials. I heard that there are many skeletons of high-level barbarians there. Any one can refine bone charms. We don't need to take a few to exchange some bone charms with the tribe, which is also to enhance our own strength.

Nalan Binghua opened his mouth, and Nalan Changkong said no more. At this time, the clear cloud suddenly squirmed, and a beautiful woman's face appeared: "Changkong, don't be lazy. You see Binghua's family running around, and you talk a lot."

"Okay, I can't say it to you. I won't talk about it." Nalan spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm here. I'm ready. I'm going to cancel the spell." The beautiful woman's face smiled slightly, and the whole cloud immediately dissipated. A tall green lotus flashed in the air and then changed into a woman. The woman's long hair and shawl, her eyebrows are picturesque, and she is wearing the armor transformed by lotus leaves. Her armor is extremely small, only wrapping her chest and thighs, revealing a large area of pink and white skin. She holds a long lotus handle in her hand, and a lotus flower at the upper end reveals a hint of fragrance.

As soon as the woman appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of everyone around her and heard the sound of swallowing saliva. Even Nalan's long sky couldn't help straightening her eyes.

"Let's go, let's go down." The woman frowned, and her smiling face suddenly became colder than Nalan Binghua. Her slender legs just lifted them up and disappeared in place. Nalan Binghua and others quickly followed.

"Hurry up, hurry down." Some players who came one after another couldn't wait to rush down, and the originally small passage was even more crowded.

"It's strange that they didn't kill you." Looking at Chang Heng standing there, the two players couldn't figure it out.

"They didn't kill me because I killed them. There's nothing strange." Chang Heng had no good or bad feelings for these two people, but said indifferently.

Chang Heng's words surprised Xiong Batian. He looked at Chang Heng carefully. Xiong Batian suddenly smiled and stretched out his hand, as if he was very honest: "Hello, my name is Xiong Batian, the master of the Xiongba World Gang. Let's get to know him."

Chang Heng smiled: "Low-key little witch."