Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 177 Deception

Hearing the king of the gods talk about the failure to recruit Chang Heng in the nest and was hung up, the romantic sword god shook his head and said, "Don't say that the nest is horizontal, we are all the same. If it hadn't been for the strong recruitment of the gang, we wouldn't have made such trouble with the low-key little witch. On the other hand, Mr. Jian is much smarter. He not only did not deal with the low-key little witch because of the death of the romantic prince and Mr. Mu Bai. Instead, he made friends with him. With such a strong friend, sometimes it will always be useful. At least he doesn't have to worry about the other party doing something to himself.

The king of the gods thought carefully, sighed and said, "Don't talk about the name of the gang. Things have not been going well since we entered the game. It's just a few times that we have been harmed by low-key witches. We have also failed many brothers in other places. If we continue like this, we are not qualified to be with other gangs. Column, the name of one of the top ten gangs is about to fall on others.

The Great Hammer said honestly, "Brother, don't worry, it's just a temporary setback. It is normal for a thousand players in the game to be hanged if they are not strong enough. In the end, the elite will be left behind. As long as we don't relax ourselves, it's not so easy for anyone to grab the top ten names.

Hearing this, the king of the gods was stunned and then laughed: "Lao San is right. I'm worried. Come on, everyone, upgrade quickly. If the temples can win the top ten names, they will not fall.

The romantic sword gods smiled and worked hard to upgrade with the king of the gods.

The matter of the underground cave finally came to an end. Chang Heng only felt dizzy for a while and knew that he had not gone offline to eat and rest for a long time. Hurry back to the Flying Bear Tribe and find a hidden place to go offline.

Taking off his helmet, Chang Heng stood up and felt dizzy. He quickly ran to the kitchen, fried a few side dishes, put down some rice, and ate it all in one breath to feel more comfortable.

came to the window, opened the curtains, picked up a cup of tea, took a gentle sip, and looked at the swaying branches outside. Chang Heng fell into meditation.

Five years have passed since I graduated from college, and there is still a faint shadow of the past on campus. Although I was playful at that time, I never thought that I would become a professional player. Many students set foot into society after graduation and began to find jobs with difficulty. They only hid here and dreamed of making money and making money by playing games. However, this is not a dream, and I am a little rich now.

Chang Heng still remembers the scene when his parents knew that he had become a professional player. His father's face was blue and his mother's face was full of sadness, which was the appearance of hatred. At that time, Chang Heng also felt very sorry for his parents and failed their expectations. Now that he thinks about it, Chang Heng is very happy with his choice. What else is better than doing what you like and supporting yourself? However, parents who have been digging in the soil all their lives can never understand. They don't understand how playing games, in their opinion, can become a lifelong career. For this reason, Chang Heng even quarreled with his parents several times.

Throw the teacup back on the table, Chang Heng put on a coat, picked up his wallet and walked out. As soon as the door was opened, a cold wind came to face, and it was already late autumn. In the distance, a piece of sycamore leaves swirled and fell from the high treetops. The withered yellow color still seemed to retain infinite attachment to the beautiful world. A pedestrian accidentally stepped on it, and the fallen leaves gradually shattered under his feet and mixed with the soil. In the coming year, there will be a new leaf on this tree, but I don't know if it's this one.

Less than one kilometer south of Chang Heng's apartment, there was a bank. At this time, probably because it was working hours, there were not many people handling business here, and Chang Heng quickly queued up. After taking some money from the bank card and remitating it to his parents, Chang Heng finally dialed his parents' phone.

"Hello?" The phone was quickly connected, and there was a kind but slightly vicissitudes of mother's voice.

"Mom." After shouting, Chang Heng suddenly choked and didn't know what to say.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and the mother's excited voice quickly sounded: "The old man, it's Heng'er, it's my son's phone. Son, how are you doing now? How are you doing? Did you eat well? How's the work..."

Chang Heng was caught off guard by a series of questions. He just clenched the phone and listened to his mother's earnest advice from inside. Tears couldn't help rolling out. In any case, it's their parents. No matter what they think, it's all for their own good, but it's just a momentary quarrel. It's really a bad thing that they haven't called for more than half a year.

"Okay, good, everything is good. Well, I changed my job and my major is right here. Chang Heng answered incoherently and finally couldn't help deceiving his mother and telling her that he was no longer a gamer, but found a serious job.

"That's good, that's good." The mother's happy voice came, and the choking made Chang Heng's heart tremble. It suddenly occurred to him that his parents were also in their fifties, and he was not far away, which made his parents worry about their son.

"As long as you have a job, work hard and try to buy a house as soon as possible." I don't know when the other end of the phone changed to his father. Chang Heng immediately became excited and nodded yes.

Next, my father nagging again, which is nothing more than to have a good relationship with his colleagues. He should respect the leaders, work hard, and don't care about some gains and losses. Chang Heng smiled bitterly in his heart. If he let his father know that he is not only still playing games, but also playing as a public enemy to the whole nation, and everyone shouts for fighting, he doesn't know how to react.

"Son," the phone was answered by my mother again. "You have decided on your job now. It's time to consider finding a wife. Your cousin has two children, and your cousin also married last year..."

Chang Heng was stunned for a moment and looked for a daughter-in-law? Chang Heng has never considered such a distant word, but now he is suddenly mentioned by his mother, but he finds that he has reached this age.

Several shadows suddenly flashed in front of her, the clearest of which was a woman dressed in red and smiling. However, no matter how hard Chang Heng tries, he can't see the woman's appearance clearly.

"Alas..." He sighed deeply and Chang Heng pretended to be relaxed and said, "Mom, don't worry about it. Anyway, I'm also a talented person. It's not easy to find a daughter-in-law. Don't worry, I will definitely bring you a beautiful daughter-in-law when I go home during the Spring Festival.

"Ser, don't be beautiful, just be nice to you." Mother said quickly at that end.

"Well, well, today is not a break. He must be very busy. Don't waste his time." There was a faint voice from my father on the phone, and my mother seemed to complain a few words and said, "Go to work quickly. It's not good to desert during working hours. We are all fine at home, so don't worry about it."

said a few more words and hung up the phone before Chang Heng found that someone was looking at him with strange eyes. Put your hand on your face with a handful of tears. After laughing and casually drying his tears with a tissue, Chang Heng's heart suddenly felt comfortable. Although they cheated their parents, they won't mind as long as they live a good life.

As for the daughter-in-law, it's really troublesome.