Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 180 Black Snake

Ozawa is boundless, no less than the famous Lei Ze. Zebian is full of lush flowers and plants, and small animals of different shapes run by from time to time. The strong water aura soared straight up and almost turned Chang Heng upside down. Water and fire are incompatible. The Zhurong clan, who cultivate by absorbing fire aura, must be greatly suppressed when they come here.

Chang Heng put away the fire spirit cloud and changed into a communist clan. A long red hair turns blue, and some parts of the body even grow a layer of fine scales, like a fish and a snake. These scales have strange patterns, which do not need to be actively absorbed by Changheng. Countless water auras actively put into these patterns and gradually penetrate into Changheng's body.

"It's so comfortable." Chang Heng breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, every race has its own best place to practice. Zhu Rong clans can't even practice here, but Gonggong clans can increase their strength without practicing at all.

The little turtle also reveals its head and greedily absorbs the strong water aura in the air. It is a water-based spirit beast that is close to water and hates fire. The gathering place of the Flying Bear Tribe is full of rich fire elements. No wonder it usually does not come out.

Taking a long breath, a large amount of water aura is sucked into the abdomen, part of it changes into witch power, rushing into the meridians, part penetrates into the body, and part is absorbed by the golden elixir hanging on the altar. The aura absorbed by other witches is generally used to convert into witch power and exercise the body. Only Changheng has to be used to moisten the golden elixir. In terms of the speed of cultivation, it is at least half slower than others. It is good that he can keep up with the pace of the players of the brigade without being dropped.

A little turtle picked up and crawled randomly in the air, Chang Heng strode towards Dazeli. A stream of water aura automatically focused, forming a water cloud at his feet, supporting him to walk forward.

The Xuanshui tribe is in the middle of this Daze, which is a very famous tribe. As far as Zhu Rongchi knows, there are as many as ten masters in the Xuanshui tribe, including some hidden masters. It was almost impossible to steal the Xuanshui flag, the treasure of their town, here, so Wu Lao directly refused Zhu Rongchi's request, and Zhu Rongchi also changed his task to hunt ten Xuanshui black snakes.

Xuanshui Black Snake is a kind of water spirit beast raised by the Xuanshui tribe. It has the blood of the ancient god dragon in its body. It is not many. It is large and ferocious. Its skin is tough and naturally blocks many spells. It can use various water spells. The snake teeth are highly poisonous and bitten by it. Even the strength of the witch realm can't support much. For a long time, if there is a Xuanshui black snake that has survived the heavenly disaster and achieved the position of demon immortals, it will be even more fierce.

However, although the Xuanshui tribe has raised many Xuanshui black snakes, the highest strength is the distraction period. After all, the Xuanshui tribe also needs to control their strength growth, otherwise it is not certain to be harmed by them.

Chang Heng's task is to hunt ten Xuanshui black snakes and bring back the inner elixirs of ten Xuanshui black snakes. To put it bluntly, as long as you can bring back the evidence that ten black snakes were hunted, the task will be completed. However, the Xuanshui black snake is regarded as its own private property by the Xuanshui tribe. Ordinary people are not allowed to hunt casually. If a Zhurong clan runs to hunt and kill, not to mention whether it can be killed, it will definitely be hunted by the Xuanshui tribe after being found. Fortunately, Changheng still has the ability to press the bottom of the box and change the race, otherwise he will have a headache.

Step on the water cloud and walk on Daze, looking at the scene below through the clear Daze water. All kinds of fish swam by, and occasionally a huge shadow passed by, which made the fish run away in panic. Sometimes the fish jumped out of the water and spit out a string of bubbles into the sky.

Wow, Chang Heng was flying, and the Daze water suddenly turned up, and a dark shadow about 20 feet long came quickly at the bottom of the water.

"I don't know where to find you, but I sent it to you." Seeing this shadow, Chang Heng sneered and quickly pinched a formula with his hands. The surrounding temperature plummeted, and the water under his feet suddenly changed, and a layer of hard ice quickly formed.

With a crash, the black snake hit its head on the hard ice and smashed the hard ice. The head the size of a grinding disc poked out of the water, and his ferocious eyes stared at Chang Heng, opening his mouth to attack.

"Die for me." Chang Heng didn't wait for it to launch an attack. He pointed his hand down, and the finger-sized Feilian gun flew out and shot in along the mouth of the Xuanshui black snake.

Puff, a thumb-sized blood hole appeared on the forehead of the Xuanshui black snake, and the flying gun turned into a black light and flew back. Xuanshui black snake opened its mouth, and its fierce eyes gradually faded and looked at Chang Heng helplessly. It seemed that he did not understand the strength of the same level and why he was not the enemy of this person in front of him.

Wow, the head protruding from the black snake smashed into the water and splashed a spray. After all, the demon elixir is still not strong enough, and the brain has no power to respond if it is destroyed in an instant. If it is the demon baby period, the whole body is broken, and it can still fly out of the demon baby to fight with people, so that it really has the power to protect itself.

With a hand, the huge body of the Xuanshui black snake flew out of the water and fell into Chang Heng's hands. After carefully checking the snake skin of Xuanshui black snake, it really had a strong defense. Feilian's gun scratched on it, leaving only a white mark. If the Xuanshui black snake hadn't opened its mouth carelessly, Chang Heng might not have been able to kill the Xuanshui black snake with one move.

Reach out and touch the snake's belly for a while, take out a fist-sized sparkling magic elixir, and get a cold, rich water aura, which is evidence of hunting a black snake. The market price of such an inner elixir is about 100 yuan, especially its blood, which can be refined and used by snake players, which is more valuable than inner elixir. In this way, the price of a Xuanshui black snake in the demon elixir period is about 300 yuan, which is a good way to make a fortune. It's just a pity that this place has been occupied by the Xuanshui tribe, otherwise it is a good way to raise snakes in captivity.

Chang Heng shook his head and was ready to put away the elixir. The little turtle next to him suddenly rushed over and bit him. Two dark eyes looked at Chang Heng and couldn't help blinking. How cute it looked.

"Forget it, it's just a demon elixir. Just give it food. Anyway, you have to hunt several. I don't care about this one. Oh, by the way, Xuanshui black snake, I don't know what it has to do with the black water black snake that died with the little turtle. The names of the two are similar. Chang Heng threw the demon elixir to the little black turtle. Looking at it gnawing, it suddenly occurred to his mind.

Peel and remove the bones of the black snake, leave the snake skin and other things that can be left behind, and throw the rest of the wreckage into the water. Before long, a group of fish swam over and was about to devour the remains of the black snake. In a moment, it devoured all the traces and removed all traces.

The Xuanshui tribe has strict management of Xuanshui black snakes. If it is found to hunt Xuanshui black snakes without permission, it will definitely be severely punished. Chang Heng does not want to provoke their nerves.

Kill a Xuanshui black snake, Chang Heng drove the water cloud for a while, and soon saw another Xuanshui black snake swimming over.