Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 195 Unknown

Suddenly, no one would have thought that the little black turtle would take action against the romantic sword god who rescued it. When he saw the romantic sword god fall on the water and the little black turtle rushed into the water, he suddenly woke up.

"Second, second." The king of the gods rushed over and picked up the romantic sword god.

The romantic sword god waved his hand and signaled that he was fine. He rubbed his eyes and used a spell. Seeing his two dark circles, he said with a wry smile, "I'm careless. I didn't expect a little turtle to be so cunning."

Although the romantic sword god said that he owes them a favor, the feeling of being forcibly owed is not uncomfortable. Seeing that the romantic sword god's eyes blocked by the little turtle, several players here smiled secretly and then became serious.

"Get out of here, or there will be no mercy." The god of hammer strode over, and the huge copper hammer drew an arc in the air and fell to the water in front of several people. Although the copper hammer is heavy, it does not sink in the water, so it is so heavy, showing the strong strength of the Great Hammer God.

Several players' faces changed. They looked at the God of Hammer and the King of the Gods. They turned their heads and walked not far. Although they suppressed them, they still heard the voice of the king of the gods with the wind: "What's arrogant? What's arrogant? Isn't it possible to bully us? People, if you have the ability to go to the low-key little witch, they will pick a group of you one by one.

"Bastard." The Thunderbolt knife brushed and pulled out the long knife. He didn't see it for a few days, and his strength also progressed rapidly. Lightning swam on the knife, making a crackling sound from time to time. Occasionally, lightning jumped on the surface of the water, and a nearby water grass floating along the water was electrocuted into coke.

"Lao Five." The king of the gods shook his head and watched the players disappear far away before saying, "There is nothing to deal with them. When our strength goes up and defeats the low-key little witch head-on, no one can say this again.

"Yes, big brother." The god of knives nodded.

"Brothers, help me, be sure to catch it. Such an aura little guy is rare. The romantic sword god smiled.

"Don't worry, second brother, I know that you are predestined with this little turtle." The unparalleled arrow god laughed.

"I'll point out that you must have nothing to do with it." The laughter of the unparalleled arrow god was held in his throat, and a man in colorful clothes and temperament slowly walked out. The man was about 30 years old, with a handsome face, two sword eyebrows flying obliquely into his temples, and an elegant wind echoed. At this time, he stepped on the surface of the water and was alone. In the face of the people in the temples, his momentum did not fall behind at all, and there was a tendency to prevail.

"Nameless." The people of the temples were shocked, and the king of the gods stared at the man and subconsciously turned the weapon in the palm of his hand.

"King of the gods, we meet again. Hello, everyone." The nameless man nodded to everyone and looked at the little turtle hidden under the water. This turtle is mine. Don't argue with me."

"Bulls, this is obviously what we found first." The god of Thunderbolt said angrily.

"Lao Five." The king of the gods waved his hand, and the god of the knife snorted back. The king of the gods laughed and said, "The boss of the first gang opened his mouth and said that I should give it to you, but after all, we are in the same top ten, and you have to take what my second brother's fancy in one sentence. Isn's not possible?"

The nameless door owner, who once recruited Chang Heng but was killed by Chang Heng, is his subordinates. The nameless door is the first of the top ten gangs of the former game. In addition to the general door, there are 108 branches under the seat, with forces all over the country and abroad, and it is worthy of the first gang. During this period, there are many masters. It is said that there are dozens of people who can fight against the one hundred and eight generals of the Blood Killing League, and no one has seen the nameless strength of the door owner, because no one is worth his action. And the only time he took action was when the top ten gangs joined hands to hunt down the public enemy and kill the alliance leader with blood.

In the endless fierce battle, the bloody killing of the world led the bloody killing alliance to kill hundreds of gangs and countless masters, and no less than 100 gang leaders with a scale of 10,000 killed. In the end, the blood-killing alliance will fall one after another, and the blood-killing alliance will fight alone, causing more damage to them than before. In order to reduce everyone's losses and avoid the weakness of various gangs, foreign gangs took the opportunity to attack and proposed to fight against the world with blood. If there is no scenic spot, they will kill the world with blood and commit suicide. If they are defeated without name, this pursuit ends here.

No one saw the battle. The two fought in a secret place, which lasted for three hours. After that battle, the blood killing world deleted the number and disappeared, and returned to the door namelessly. No matter what others asked, they kept silent about the battle.

"The so-called top ten is just a joke." The nameless face was indifferent, and the voice was even more plain without any ups and downs.

The king of the gods frowned. He has heard this sentence dozens of times. This is the only anonymous reply about this duel after the duel with the bloody world.

"Whether it's a joke or not, if you want this turtle, you have to show some strength." Abandon all thoughts, said the king of the gods.

No one nodded, suddenly stretched out his hand, and a blue light rose from behind and swept somewhere in the water.

A figure appeared and laughed loudly, "It's worthy of being the first doorkeeper."

Unexpectedly, someone lurked so close and had not been noticed. The faces of the people in the temples were hot, and the god of the knife roared and pulled out the knife with his backhand.

A thunderlight fell from the sky and fell on the long knife of the thunderbolt god. The thick thunderlight crackled, and the long knife turned into a thunder dragon against the thunderlight and roared at Chang Heng.

Chang Heng's eyes swept away, his five fingers turned over, and a stream of water rose up in mid-air. He looked up and roared at the thunder dragon that rushed in.

With a crash, the thunder dragon easily tore up the water dragon, but what awaits it is Article 2, 3 and even Article N. After tearing up 17 water dragons in a row, the thunder dragon's energy was finally exhausted, and the thunderbolt exploded into countless thunders. The thunder knife god snorted coldly and waved his knife to launch a second attack.

"Lao Wu, step back." The king of the gods shouted, looked at Chang Heng, and asked doubtfully, "Low-key little witch? No, he is Zhu Rongshi. Who are you?

Chang Heng smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you are discussing how to assign this little guy, but you don't ask me what I'm the master."

The little turtle rushed out of the water, climbed down Chang Heng's clothes to his shoulder, and flattered his head on his cheek.

"It turns out that there is a master." He meditated and said, "It seems that it is impossible for you to change hands, so I wonder if you have a gang? If not, how about joining my nameless family?

The king of the gods was annoyed and let the nameless take the lead. He prayed in his heart not to agree. No matter who this person is and what his strength is, it's always good as long as you don't join the nameless family.