Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 219 Eight Demons, Six Tribes

Chang Heng did not go to any tribe. Holding such a big guy in his hand will always attract the attention of others. If the tribe is quite unreasonable, a demon infant monster is enough to throw its face to the ground.

He took it to a dense forest, threw it on the ground, rubbed his chin for a while, and said, "Grilled lion, it should taste good."

"No, no, you can't do this." Under the lion's golden hair, his face turned green.

"What should I do? Keeping you is a scourge, and it's useless. It's better to eat it. Chang Heng's finger ignited a flame on the ground. Against the firelight, the lion's face turned from green to black, from black to white, and finally white without any blood.

"Tell me, how can you not kill me?" The lion spirit said powerless.

Chang Heng looked at it in surprise, but he didn't expect it to be so afraid of death. After thinking about it, he said, "Let's talk about the situation near Chongwu Mountain first."

The lion spirit lay on the ground and saw Chang Heng's surprised look and tried to make a respectful attitude. He said, "The ants are still born secretly, not to mention that I have cultivated a demon baby, and I also have the hope of crossing the disaster and becoming an immortal. The situation near Chongwu Mountain is nothing more than the eight demon clans on the mountain and the six tribes under the mountain.

The eight demons on the mountain are collectively known as eight larger monster races. These eight demons are lions, tigers, wolves, snakes, eagles, squirrels and rats. These eight demon races have the largest number and the strongest. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of their own and other large and small races, each occupying one territory and almost worship Wushan. The division is complete. The six major tribes at the foot of the mountain are the Hongguang tribe, the Luolei tribe, the Golden tribe, the break rain tribe, the Qingmu tribe, and the thick soil tribe. The six major tribes belong to the Yizi clan, the Qiangliang clan, the Yu Shu clan, the Xuanming clan, the Jumang clan, and the Houtu clan. The six tribes lived by the mountain and occupied a large plain under the mountain. They often fought with each other because of their different races, but they often united when fighting with the eight demons on the mountain. The relationship is a mess. Like the demon clan, there are many small tribes in addition to these six tribes, but their strength is far from that of the six tribes, and they can only live by relying on the six tribes.

"Trouble, there is no Zhurong tribe, not even Gonggong and Dijiang tribes." Chang Heng felt a little tricky when he heard the lion spirit introduce the situation around Chongwu Mountain. Although witches do not restrict people of other races from entering and leaving their own tribes, there is always some discrimination compared with people of the same race. If there are some disputes or something, this kind of discrimination will expand and eventually suffer losses.

Just as in the Flying Bear Tribe, although the old man of the Flying Bear Tribe bought Changheng's bundle of fairy ropes and sent him to lead the underground karst caves before. These two experiences were not so beautiful, but at the beginning, the Purple Demon King chased Chang Heng and was intercepted by Zhu Rongyan of the Flying Bear Tribe, and it can be seen that a tribe was against the tribe. The maintenance of the clan. If Chang Heng is a member of the Gong clan or other clan, he dares to run over with a demon master in the divine period like this. Although the Flying Bear tribe will also have someone to take down the Purple Demon King, he will not let go of Chang Heng, who attracted a big enemy. The last time is also a barbecue and barbecue Chang Heng. Unexpectedly, there was no one of the three races of the Jiang family. When he met a big enemy, Chang Heng even hid in a place.

After thinking carefully, Chang Heng waved his hand. Anyway, he came to catch a few Qingling birds to make bone charms and did not live here. It doesn't matter whether there is a tribe of the same genus. And he is only a powerful wizard, which is not enough for the monsters in the divine period to take action. Even if the monsters in the infant period are invincible, they can escape.

When Chang Heng was thinking, the lion spirit desperately tore the bundle of fairy rope on his body. The thin bundle of fairy rope could not help releasing waves of dense water light. Whenever the lion spirit's attack fell on it, it would be offset by layers of water light, which could not be destroyed.

"This is a string of immortals. The witches are specially used to bind prisoners. Non-immortals can't escape. Don't waste your energy." Seeing the lion's perseverance, Chang Heng couldn't help persuading.

It's okay if Chang Heng didn't persuade him. As soon as he advised the lion, his eyes turned red. Big drops of tears fell down and choked, "Hero, there is a thousand-year-old mother in my family, and there is a baby waiting to be fed. Just let me go."

Chang Heng had a chill. This was designed by a bastard. It was purely disgusting and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense. Stay honest and think about what you are for. If it's useless, prepare to make a barbecue."

The tears on the lion's face miraculously disappeared. It quickly wiped its face and asked curiously, "What is barbecue?"

"Barbecue is to cut the meat into pieces, each piece is so big, put on various seasonings, and then roast it on the fire. Bake slowly, it's best to use low heat, and finally bake it. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside, golden and oily. That smell, tut." Chang Heng kindly introduced the cooking method and taste of barbecue to the lion spirit. The lion spirit was excited and quickly shouted, "I would like to be your mount."

Mount? Chang Heng was stunned for a moment. Of course, there was a good mount in the baby, but he would not ban anything, so he couldn't control it. If you let it go and eat the owner in turn, the gains outweigh the losses.

"I'll spare your life first. As for how to deal with it, I'll wait until I think about it." After thinking for a long time, Chang Heng waved helplessly, but his strength was still too low.

The lion was overjoyed and lay on the ground to thank him repeatedly. Chang Heng ignored it, took out the bodies of several little demons killed by the storage bag*, dissected them one by one, dug out the elixir, left what could be used, and threw it directly to one aside. These little demons are not strong, and there are not many bones that can be used to make bone charms. In addition to extracting a few blood, the biggest use is only as food. At this time, the little turtle also climbed out of Chang Heng's arms, picked up a demon elixir in one bite, chewed it and swallowed it, and then stared at another demon elixir.

"Don't be greedy." Chang Heng grabbed its tail and threw it aside. This demon elixir is now the time to be valuable, and the living expenses of the little turtle are too high.

Chang Heng did all these in front of the lion spirit. Looking at the past, his subordinate demon was skin-picked and cramped. After his death, he couldn't even keep a corpse. His heart collapsed and jumped, lest Chang Heng would become fierce and even dig out his own demon baby.

Being deprived of the right to eat demon elixir by Chang Heng, the little turtle hummed a few times to express his dissatisfaction, and then looked at the lion spirit, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, making an obvious grunt. Looking at the little turtle that was not as big as his own claws, the lion spirit felt that the flesh and blood on his body were making a sizzling sound, and a big drop of oil and water flowed out. He quickly screamed, got up and ran to Chang Heng's side, and arched him with his head as if flattering.

"Well, although you have been banned now, you still have a lot of strength and can barely be used for riding." After packing up everything and seeing the flattering eyes of the lion spirit, Chang Heng smiled and turned over and sat on it.

"You should know where the Qingling birds are. Take me to their place."