The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 26

Molly waited for a long time, but she didn't see Mo Jun. When she came back, she flew a pigeon, and soon the pigeon flew back.

Sister, I still have something to do. You play a good game. I will teach you a lesson. I guess I won't dare to find you again. I'm relieved that there are Bingbing and butterfly dance. And Emei swordsmanship is not as simple as second-grade martial arts. Come on!

Looking at Mo Jun's message, Molly couldn't laugh or cry: "Stupid brother, I'm not going to play games, I just want to be closer to you."

At this time, Mo Jun was coming down from the golden roof and walking out of the Emei boundary. He received a pigeon, which was born by Ling Huaci.

Xiaojun, come to Hangzhou, the evil swordsmanship is too difficult to practice, ask for advice!

Mo Jun couldn't laugh or cry, and said to himself: I don't know how to teach you this swordsmanship!

Then, Mo Jun took a bus to Hangzhou at the post station at the foot of Mount Emei.

In this period, the inexplicable person who came down from Emei has got off the train station in Xiangyang, looked at the huge gate and wall of Xiangyang City, and couldn't help but marvel at it.

I inexplicably touched my pocket and found that there were still a few ingots of silver in my hand. He smiled and walked to the Yunlai Inn in Xiangyang City.

I booked a room and went back to the room.

Inexplicably, he went back to his room and fell asleep. When he fought with the extermination master, he could only make one move, and he still made a sneak attack. Originally, after learning to defeat the dragon's eighteen palms, he was full of confidence, but he did not expect that he could not make a single move under the extermination master, which made him very shocked and very unwilling. After this sleep, He has decided to practice hard.

Time passed minute by, inexplicably opened his eyes, his eyes were shining, and there was someone!

A very light sound of stepping on tiles slowly moved away from the top of his head, and he was inexplicably shocked. He wanted to find his existence at such a short distance. This man's light skills are unique in today's martial arts. He was curious and planned to keep up with him.

He opened the door, jumped, and saw a dark shadow disappear under the roof backbone. He inexplicably raised his breath, stepped gently, and chased him half a meter high.

The man seemed to notice that someone was chasing him and accelerated his speed. Inexplicably, he was much inferior to him in light skills. He could only follow him closely because of his pure internal strength. Now he has added a few points of speed, which is inexplicably more difficult, but his inexplicably his natural resilience is amazing. At present, he lifts his true spirit and exerts his strength under his feet. , one hundred meters away, and followed the man closely.

The man was stagnant, and his speed slowed down a few points. He inexplicably seized the opportunity, and then his speed suddenly rose and caught up a few points.

The man was secretly shocked: What a deep internal skill. Thinking about it, it accelerated a little faster, and the distance gradually opened.

Inexplicably, I said in my heart: Haojun's light skill, I was still distanced by him with all my strength, and I haven't done my best to see his appearance.

The two chased and walked in the night, and the city was gradually pulled away and finally disappeared behind. And the two always keep a distance of four or five feet.

Inexplicably, although Hong Qigong, one of the five unique clothes, is even more pure, his internal strength, after all, the light skills are much inferior. Originally, the light skills of the northern beggar can also be said to be unique, but inexplicably think about the palm and stick method, so for the light skills, they have not been learned at all. In this case, he was pulled farther and farther away and gradually couldn't keep up with the man's speed. The man gradually disappeared from sight.

When the man completely disappeared from his sight, he finally stopped and breathed slowly, straightening out the disordered internal breath.

He shook his head helplessly and walked back slowly. He sighed in his heart that his light skills were too poor. Next time he met the master, he would ask for good advice. At the same time, I am more sure that I still have to practice well!

Just inexplicably, a strong wind came from behind.

Inexplicably, he hurriedly took a move of "the dragon to swing the tail" and hit back.

With a bang, the fists and feet hit each other, and the invisible and qualitative one spread outward.

The attacker flew out with a muffled hum, and was inexplicably shocked and retreated half a step.

Inexplicably, he settled down and looked at the man, only to see the shadows of his legs attacking him. Inexplicably, he frowned and looked carefully. His left leg was slightly bent, his right arm was bent, and his right palm drew a circle. With a "hoo", he pushed it out. It was the "Kanlong has regret" in the eighteen palms of the dragon.

There is no suspense, the palms and legs intersect, but the unexpected legs are not in one place, but one inch apart, but they do not intersect, but the discernible strong wind sprinkled out, stirring countless dust.

The man hid and turned his body sharply. He actually gathered the dust raised around him into a powerful yellow salon and hit inexplicably with his legs.

I couldn't help shouting: "Good move!" Although this move is strange and exquisite, the eighteen palms of the dragon are the best in the palm. The northern beggar's rampant world have made five prestige. It is not general, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised inexplicably. Although this move is simple but exquisite, it is extremely exquisite. If one palm is very powerful, it will have 20 points of strength. Inexplicably, the talent of palm is extremely high. With him The power can actually reserve four stamina, and even Hong Qigong can't stop praising it. At this time, he inexplicably released the stamina one by one, one stronger than one. The man's internal strength is far less than inexplicable. Although the leg method is exquisite, it can't make up for the gap in internal strength.

The man snorted and flew backwards.

He exhaled inexplicably and withdrew his hand tremblingly. Although he won in the end, the opponent's leg method was really exquisite and knew the way to borrow power. In addition, he was attacked unexpectedly, which was actually a big loss, which was also the reason why he did not pursue.

I thought inexplicably: It seems that although my kung fu is not very good, some people are worse than me.

Inexplicably, he put his hand behind his back and slowly walked towards the man.

To be honest, the man is also very good. He still can't stand under four attacks that are inexplicably stronger than once.

Inexplicably slowly approached him. Now the two of them are in the wilderness, so they are not afraid of anyone's sneak attack. Although the man seems to be standing, he can also see that it is the end of the crossbow.

Inexplicably, he walked to his three feet and said, "Good leg method!" The man lowered his head and couldn't see his face.

The man covered his chest and slowly raised his head. Inexplicably, he saw his face. He was a very handsome teenager, with long hair casually spread, sword eyebrows into his temples, and a pair of handsome eyes shining like stars. He was definitely the target of girls.

He said lightly, "Good hand." A mouthful of blood spewed out while speaking.

Inexplicably, "In fact, we are all half a catty. You are only poor of internal strength. Unfortunately, my internal power is an exclusive internal power that cannot be passed on. Otherwise, if I give it to you, I may not be your opponent!"

The man was staring at him without saying anything. I'm inexplicably embarrassed to see it.

"Haha, you are such an interesting person!" Another mouthful of blood spewed out while laughing, but the man's smile did not change.

I was inexplicably impressed. This man has the pride of a big brother, and he must be a hero!

As he was thinking about it, the man said seriously, "You are not lying, make friends!"

I was inexplicably, but quickly said, "This is also what I want to say."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Note: Light martial arts and physical skills are different, but players often confuse light martial arts with physical skills. Light martial arts are light physical skills, and physical skills are a martial arts that avoid the enemy on the spot and cooperate with the application of martial arts. It is not so much martial arts as some martial arts collateral. Although it is incidental, it is also important. In the battle, the body method is much more practical than light kung fu. A good body method can even make two masters of the same level judge. However, light kung fu has reached a certain extent, and in the battle, it can also surpass the role of the body. Inexplicably, his skill is not good, but his physical skills are very good, so he can easily avoid the sword moves of the extermination master when he fights with the extermination master.