The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 57

Here, the worms and gods are drinking, but Mo Fan is very worried. The problem is in the book "Heart Destroying Palm". As a best martial arts, as Qingyuan said, the scenery of the rivers and lakes is huge, covering almost countless martial arts works. There are nearly 100,000 martial arts, large and small, as well as various extended martial arts, and shooting There are so many two- and three-pin martial arts in the store, which is simply dazzling and dazzling, and the price is cheap and affordable.

However, as for these second- and third-grade martial arts, they are generally things that others don't want, and the utility is also very small, so it is a backlog here.

Mo Fan Qingyuan's people must not like it, but his Songfeng Swordsmanship has caused a great uproar. Songfeng Swordsmanship is a school of martial arts, and the Qingcheng School is the only one, but now it appears in the auction house. Compared with its practical value, people talk more about how it appeared? Where did it appear?

Although the auction house is set up by players, it has an auction system. Players can set the reserve price and a fixed price for auction. Mo Fan checked the column of martial arts secrets in the middle of the night and knew that there is basically no martial arts in the auction house.

That's true. Yipin martial arts is far from unique learning, but after all, unique learning is something that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. A better Yipin martial arts can also create a first-class master. Many people generally learn Yipin martial arts directly, and it is impossible to auction it. The best martial arts are generally school martial arts, and they will never be exiled in the world.

So Mo Fan set a reserve price of 1,700 taels without setting a price. Then someone immediately sent a temporary message that a fat pigeon stayed in front of Mo Fan. Many people almost thought that this man raised pigeons and raised them very well.

Qingyuan smiled secretly. Mo Fan read the pigeon letter one by one and replied tirelessly, but they all refused.

Qingyuan said, "So many pigeons are still increasing. When are you going to get them?"

Mo Fan said, "You have to look at it when it's dark. This is professional ethics."

When Mo Fan was in junior high school and stayed in the Freedom Alliance, the guild called him a profiteer. In terms of businessmen, Mo Fan can be said to be a god level, not that he has any genius and ability, but that he said that his professional ethics, the businessman's reputation is the most important, followed by his connections. Mo Fan enjoys the reputation of profiteering merchants, but many people still look for this profiteer Doing business is for his reputation and connections, and what Mo Fan is doing now is a manifestation of professional ethics, which is a kind of respect for customers.

Mo Fan tirelessly looked at the pigeons at the auction house, and then replied. Qingyuan looked aside, but he was bored again. He said, "I went to find the room and find it and tell you."

Mo Fan was reading a letter carefully and nodded absent-mindedly.

Qingyuan hummed softly and turned away, but it caused passers-by on both sides to look sideways. After all, beautiful women like Qingyuan are extremely rare.

Mo Fan looked at the letter in his hand and said: Ruoyi, but the content was blocked by Mo Fan's shoulder and didn't look real.

Mo Fan collected the letter, then took the Songfeng Swordsmanship from the auction house, and then replied to the pigeons one by one. Songfeng Swordsmanship was no longer auctioned, and there were fewer contacts immediately. Mo Fan looked back at the sun and finally replied to all the envelopes one by one after noon.

The letter from Qingyuan who found the room has already been delivered, and Mo Fan replied at this time: the letter has been returned, and the buyer has found it. I will talk about business first, and you can eat your own food first.

Qingyuan quickly replied: The slave family is waiting for the prince in the guest room, sweeping the couch to welcome him, bathing in the fasting, and the prince should not forget the slave family.

Mo Fan shook his head helplessly and replied: It's exaggerated.

Qingyuan came back and said: The slave family has taken a bath. Don't miss the good scenery.

Mo Fan sweated behind his head and replied: You... can't get married.

But he didn't want Qingyuan to be furious and replied: Go to hell!

Mo Fan smiled, looked at the sun, set a pigeon for a temporary friend, and went to the largest restaurant in Xiangfan City.

Soon a pink pigeon stopped on Mo Fan's shoulder, and Mo Fan took down the letter: I'll be there immediately.

Mo Fan looked at the sun again and walked to the reception restaurant.

When he arrived at the Huike Restaurant, Mo Fan turned around and then attracted a lot of eyes, but most of them swept by, and a few suspicious eyes immediately restrained.

Mo Fan walked to the second floor, where there were many boxes. He stopped in a box by the window and opened the door to enter.

"Hello." Inside, at the moment Mo Fan opened the door, there was a very nice sound.

Mo Fan replied, "Hello."

Mo Fan sat down, but the opposite was a very beautiful woman. Even a man with facial paralysis like Mo Fan couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

I saw the yellow shirt on the opposite side, with a brown hair loose on the shoulders, and a pair of blue pupils without any impurities, but a great mixed-race beauty, especially the pure blue pupils, which suddenly gave people a sense of purity and beauty.

I only heard the woman say, "Is Mr. the one who sells Songfeng swordsmanship?"

Mo Fan nodded.

The woman said again, "What do you think of the price of 5,000 taels of gold I just mentioned?"

Mo Fan didn't say much, just took out the sword score of Songfeng Sword and put it on the table. Seeing that Mo Fan was so happy, she suddenly felt a good impression in her heart. At present, she didn't say much. She took out a golden silver ticket, which was literally 5,000 taels.

Mo Fan nodded, and the two paid with one hand and delivered the goods with the other.

"So what else did you say? Now I urgently need martial arts secrets, and I hope you don't open your mouth. The woman said sincerely, and a pair of pure and beautiful eyes were even more foggy and unbearable to bully each other.

Mo Fan nodded and cut off Mo Fan's vision of people and things, but knew that this woman was by no means pretentious. She said what she thought in her heart and suddenly felt a good impression in her heart.

"There is another one." After saying that, Mo Fan took out the secret book of Destroying the Heart.

The woman opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "The best martial arts?"

Mo Fan nodded.

The woman leaned back, took a deep breath, and looked coldly at the secret book of Destroying the Palm on the table.

"This..." The woman hesitated for a while and said, "I can't afford this. Now the best martial arts is priceless, but this price is not affordable."

Mo Fan said "Oh" and silently took his palm back into his arms. Although he was very fond of this woman Mo Fan, business was a business after all and could not tolerate personal emotions.

The woman was also cheerful and didn't say much. She said, "My name is Ruoyi. I'll add you as a friend first. Can you set the price first? I want to raise funds.

"OK." Mo Fan accepted Ruoyi's friend's request and said, "Actually, I don't know the market price. I think 50,000 gold should be able to sell."

A touch of joy flashed on Ruoyi's face and said, "That's settled." After saying that, a few pigeons were released.

"Sir, can you stay for a moment?" If you are sincere.

Mo Fan nodded and said, "Don't worry."