The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 159

Xiao Yuening held the oil lamp, moved the light to Mo Fan's side, took off the brush in Mo Fan's hand, and said softly, "The food is going to be cold. Let's eat first."

Mo Fan rubbed his eyes and said, "I didn't expect it to be such a big project. Just a few martial arts schools have allowed us to copy for so long." After saying that, get up and sit down towards the meal.

Xiao Yuening put down her pen and sat down next to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan raised his right hand to hold the chopsticks, but found that he was tied to the splint and it was impossible to pick up the chopsticks. Xiao Yuening covered her mouth and smiled and looked at Mo Fan's embarrassed appearance.

Mo Fan changed to his left hand, but found that his left hand had begun to be sore and gradually began to tremble. He stopped writing and drawing for four hours. Although there was true qi to repeatedly relieve fatigue, Mo Fan's current true qi was not as good as half as the original half. Although the true qi in his body was endless, he used true qi for such a long time. The meridians on the arm are also a little tired.

Mo Fan suddenly found that he couldn't even pick up a pair of chopsticks.

Xiao Yuening said, "What's wrong? Don't you want to eat it?"

Mo Fan looked at Xiao Yuening and knew that she was starting to tease herself. He smiled bitterly and said, "Well, don't eat it. Continue to write." After saying that, he got up and went back to the desk.

Xiao Yuening grabbed him and said, "You still have to eat today, otherwise you won't leave this position." Now Mo Fan is weak, and one hand is caught by Xiao Yuening, but he can't break free.

He looked at Xiao Yuening helplessly and said, "All right." After saying that, I sat down, but my left hand began to be a little unable to lift. As soon as I lifted it, it was sore.

Xiao Yuening looked at him uncomfortable and said, "I won't tease you. I'll feed you." After saying that, he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and really fed Mo Fan in one bite. Mo Fan's face turned red.

After the meal, the two did not say anything. They silently copied the Jiuyin Zhenjing. When they were sleepy, they lay down for a while. When they were a little better, they got up and transcribed. It was not until the second waiter came to call breakfast that the two stopped writing for a moment, and then took the food and continued to write after eating.

This day lasted for a total of five days, and the two finally bound the Jiuyin Zhenjing.

System Tip: Congratulations to players Mo Fan and Leng Yue on binding the Jiuyin Zhenjing and obtaining the highest unique Jiuyin Zhenjing.

Only the sound of the system with major prompts sounded in their minds.

Mo Fan took over the bound Jiuyin Zhenjing, and the system has added a new writing. Several ancient characters of the Jiuyin Zhenjing are written on the blue skin, opening the first page.

"The way of heaven is to damage more than enough to make up for shortcomings, so it is a virtual victory, not enough to win more than enough. Its meaning is broad, its mystery, its interest is deep, the image of heaven and earth, the waiting list of yin and yang, the appearance of changes, the signs of death and life, and the relics are the same without conspiracy, don't make an appointment and clear, and its words are subtle, and the things are not obvious. Sincerely, it can be said that the sect of the Tao is the beginning of life. If the sky is swift and mysterious, and the plot is full of knowledge, and the standard is also in training. If there is no way, it can't help but be sent, and it can't be produced. However, if you deliberately study the essence, explore the subtle secrets, or know the truth, your eyes are not complete, so the movement will be successful, like ghosts and gods praise, and the world is strange heroes, and time will come out..." Mo Fan read gently, Xiao Yuening frowned and began to think.

As Mo Fan finished reading the beginning, Xiao Yuening took over the Sanskrit General Outline.


"Has Xiaoshang been in the moon girl's room for five days?" Bug said that he had visited Mo Fan several times during the past five days, but he was refused to leave the door.

The little flute beside him nodded and said half angrily and half worriedly, "Xiao Shang must have been very shocked. After all, abolishing one hand means that his status as a super master is not guaranteed. I will never let them go of that damn brother alliance."

Bug said, "Xiaoshang is not the kind of person who is attached to the name of super master. There must be something else."

Xiaodi said, "However, losing an arm is enough to make people lose."

The bug sighed slightly and said, "After the plot of this ice and fire island, we will go to war!"

"Hmm!" The little flute nodded heavily and looked at a scattered table next to him.

"What the hell happened?" Yang Qing opened the door with a decadent face. He opened the door after receiving the message of the Freedom Alliance gathered at the gate of the station.

Ke Jingzhong stood at the door in amazedly, which shocked Yang Qing.

"I... interrupted Xiaofan's hand." After a long time, Ke Jingzhong said sadly.

"What?" Yang Qing lost his voice in surprise.

"Hmm! You still have a face to come out!" Li Qian next to her snorted coldly.

Yang Qing was stunned.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, Yang Qing was slapped firmly. Dongfang Xue took a step back in shock. Li Qian said, "This slap is my disappointment in you. I have never seen you as a useless man."

Yang Qing covered his face, but didn't react much and said, "What's going on? Tell me."

Ke Jingzhong has a guilty conscience, but his personality is frank enough. At this time, he also said everything.

After listening, Yang Qing's eyes widened and said, "Where is Xiaofan? I'm going to have a look."

"Look? Why didn't you come out five days ago? Now Yuening has severed with us, and the Liberty Alliance has also come. You still have the face to say this. Li Qian said that she really didn't get angry.

Yang Qing knew that all this was caused by him, and Ke Jingzhong fell out with Xiaofan just for him. Now he said, "Then you have to give me a chance to apologize."

"Opportunity?" Li Qian sneered again and said, "They have been staying at home for five days. They have refused any visitors, and even the bugs have been rejected several times. Because of this matter, the Freedom Alliance has decided to flatten your brotherhood. Even our heart has to give up the Freedom Alliance, even be enemies with it, and form an alliance with you. Really It was my biggest failure." After saying that, Li Qian brushed her sleeves and left, and Dongfang Xue quickly followed.

"Aqing...I..." Ke Jingzhong said hesitantly.

"It's none of your business." Yang Qing sighed and said, "Go back to the room first."

After saying that, the two entered Yang Qing's room one after another.

As for what the two talked about later, it is unknown.

"Waste! Useless guy!" Li Qian groaned angrily in the room. What made her most angry was that this useless man actually made her good sister break up with her.

Dongfang Xue is in a hurry over there, and she doesn't know where to put her hands. Seeing the sisters unhappy was the last thing she wanted to see, but she was clumsy and wanted to see Xiao Yuening several times, but she was politely declined.

Li Qian turned around a few times, and finally sat down sullenly and said, "Xiao Xue, send a letter to Ruoyi."

Oriental Snowno nodded and flew a pigeon out.

"Xiao Xue, do you think Yue Ning will come back? Usually, she doesn't care about anything, but she is very stubborn.

Dongfang Xue was also at a loss and accompanied Li Qian to sit down, but she didn't know what to say.