The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 165

Xiao Yuening hurriedly walked in the corridor of the Night Language, covered with a veil, but it could be seen from her eyes that she was very angry.

"Sister Yue Ning?" Dongfang Xue's slightly surprised and surprised voice came into her ear. She looked up and found that Dongfang Xue was trembling by her.

quickly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said, "What's wrong, Xiaoxue?"

Dongfangxue was tightened by Xiao Yuening's eyes. At this time, she was still shocked and said weakly, "No...nothing, just, when I see you, say hello."

Xiao Yuening nodded, smiled faintly, and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

"Oh...oh!" Oriental snow responded.

After saying that, Xiao Yuening hurried away.

Dongfangxue looked at her back and seemed to trembling again before going to the original route.

"Brother, is she really okay?" Shane looked sad.

"Don't worry, as for the next five-party talks, I will participate on behalf of the Rose League." Mo Fan smiled and said, which made people feel like a spring breeze.


Night language conference room.

Looking at Mo Jun sitting down, everyone had a sense of surprise. Unexpectedly, the Rose League was also straightforward. Although the right protector was there, he still handed over the right to speak to the Dragon King in White.

And the Dragon King in White, this well-known person, sat upright in front of them with a warm smile.

It feels completely different from the jade girl's heart sword.

"This is the Dragon King in White." Chongzi and Mo Jun have met before, so it is naturally up to him to introduce. Although several people present here know that the Rose League sent the White Dragon King to negotiate, this introduction is essential for the sake of etiquette and negotiation.

"I've known you for a long time!" Several people bowed at the same time.

There is no moisture in this sentence.

Mo Jun smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you yet?" After saying that, Mo Jun bowed slightly to apologize.

The bug was the first to open his mouth and said, "The Dragon King is polite. You are so polite to defeat us all. The following is the worm of the Free Alliance."

"Hanxiang Pavilion is infinite." For this famous person who has continuously defeated the top masters of the six major factions with the power of one person, and even convinced the God of Fighting, he is extremely respectful.

"Xuan Qian'er." Li Qian is also a little frightened.

"Yang...Yang Qing, Brotherhood." Yang Qing was a little shocked. According to unreliable information, Yang Qing is a fan of Mo Jun.

Mo Jun's courtesy.

Li Qian didn't say much and said bluntly, "This time, our five meetings will meet here to distribute the interests of the plot of Ice and Fire Island. Now it is inferred that there are three lines, the dragon-killing knife line, the Persian Ming religion line, and the golden flower mother-in-law line. Originally, the four of us would be divided equally. The free alliance occupies the Persian Ming religion line and Hanxiang Pavilion. Zhan Jinhua's mother-in-law line, my heart Yuxuan and the brother alliance leader Tulong knife line. Now, what do you think?

The bug frowned and said, "Now the Rose League has also arrived. The Lord is free to ask the Rose League to talk about their requirements."

Mo Jun shook his head quickly and said, "This time the Rose League is very close to you, but the reason why the Rose League will participate in this Ice and Fire Island plot is not to reward the plot, but to help me complete a task."

"Oh? I don't know what task the Dragon King is going to accomplish. Wuji asked.

People think: It's really a little fake to have so many masters in the guild for personal tasks.

However, on second thought, this white-robed Dragon King is not an ordinary person. This is a super nuclear bomb. Even the jade girl Suxinjian, who also completes the top difficult plot in the world, does not have such a high reputation as him. It is already the second jade mirror Huai, the second black wind, and even overshadowed these predecessors and becomes the real The true world is the first master in a hundred years, and there is also a huge Ming religious force behind it. The Rose League has every reason to send so many masters to win this one.

"I can't tell you, but it should not conflict with your purpose." Mo Jun smiled and said, "My purpose is to order the sacred flame. This is the order of the patriarch. Tell me to take it back."

Everyone suddenly learned that there was a Ming religion force behind him, but they could not help him complete this task. Obviously, this was a task released by the Ming religion, and the restriction was that the Ming religion forces could not be used.

Bugs are overjoyed to make money this time. The sacred flame order is undoubtedly on the Persian Ming religion line, that is to say, the White Dragon King will take the Rose League to help him complete the Persian Ming religion line free of charge. After all, the white dragon king wants the sacred flame order to be transported back to the Ming religion, and at that time, they have time to get the martial arts of the sacred flame order, and it is okay. With the White Dragon King going to Mingjiao to get a good impression, this is simply a pie falling from the sky.

Wuji's face suffered. With his wit, he would naturally not have thought that the Dragon King would benefit from the Liberal League, but he could not find any excuse to stop the White Dragon King. The White Dragon King's words were clear. The first sentence does not affect your completion of the plot of the treasure-grabbing, and the latter sentence means That is, as long as I want the Holy Fire Order to be transported back to Mingism, through my hand, before that, you can distribute the benefits of the Holy Fire Order. The meaning of connecting is that I can help you complete the Persian Ming line and reward you all. I just need the sacred flame order that I carry back.

Wuji is really jealous, but he can't say anything, so he can only be depressed.

And Li Qian and Yang Qing feel that the white dragon king is still quite easy to get along with.

Mo Jun said, "Uh," and everyone stopped talking. The silence lasted for a long time. He said, "Does anything affect you?"

"No." Bug quickly said, "This free alliance is responsible for the Persian Ming line, hoping to have a good cooperation with the Dragon King."

Mo Jun was overjoyed and said, "The deputy leader of the insect alliance doesn't care about one more team?"

How could the bug refuse? He hurriedly said, "With you, the Dragon King, how can there be an extra team of people?"

The two said a few more polite words, but in the end, Wuji still didn't come up with any way to let the White Dragon King belong to their side, so they had to give up.

Finally, we talked about something irrelevant, and the meeting ended hastily. No one expected that the Rose League was so loud just to help the White Dragon King complete a darts task.

This time is undoubtedly the most profitable of the Free League. With the same interests, it gets a strongyuan. This plot, there is no doubt that the Free League wins the most.

After Mo Jun talked about some specific things, the bugs returned to the ship. After all, the alliance still needs some regulations, nothing more than some unity and cooperation, no infighting and so on. Although it is simple, it is cumbersome and has to talk about it.

"The plan has been very successful." Mo Jun returned to Xiao Feiyu's room and said a soft word. He saw Shan'er coming, so he stopped talking.

"How's it going? Is it much better?" Mo Jun smiled.

Shan shook her head and said, "It hasn't improved yet... Is it really no problem?"

"Well, it's a normal situation." Mo Jun said with a smile.

Shan'er nodded and stopped talking, just accompanying Xiao Feiyu.