The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 275

The white light flashed, and Yu Jinghuai appeared in the place where he had just went offline. The black prison was already waiting for him. He handed a piece of paper to Yujinghuai. Yujinghuai looked at it and was stunned for a moment. He was stunned for a long time, and then a mouthful of blood spewed out. Then the white light flashed. Because he was overly excited, he was sent back by the system and forced to Line.

At this moment, the Hanxiang Pavilion is full of joy and a big banquet. The celebration banquet can be said to be intertwined and lively. This time, not only did it lay down the general territory of the fog-exhausted building, but Hanxiang Pavilion jumped into the throne of the world's first power in one fell swoop. Moreover, the old enemy Freedom Alliance, two legendary characters, one of whom was a big trouble, heaven Who else can compete with it?

Wuji has also been smiling all day. The dust of the guild war has been settled, and a thing that has been troubled for so long is finally coming to an end. He never thought that Yujinghuai would be so vulnerable. There was no response at all. Where the army has passed, it was invincible. The victory was so easy that he was still frightened. Three days. According to the offline report, Yujinghuai actually did not go online in those days. When he went online, he actually vomited blood angrily and was kicked out of the game by the system. How could this make him unhappy?

In the past few days, the former president An Lingyi has been running to him every day. As a person of the Hanyue Gate, he can do such a big face in front of the other two presidents, and the bosses also immediately increased his salary. For a moment, the limelight overwhelmed the other two presidents. Naturally, he is very responsible for this incident. Sincere greetings.

This battle can be said to have laid the foundation for victory, and it is impossible to have any variables, because after the Hanxiang Pavilion took down the site of the fog-exhausted building, it has also gathered many peripheral congregations of the fog-hausted buildings. Although the loyalty of these congregations is not high, the Hanxiang Pavilion is now powerful and has just expanded so many sites, and now the manager The lack of staff is the easiest moment for mixed management, so these people all want to make great contributions, so that when they are rewarded for their achievements, they can get a position and enjoy the treatment of professional players.

This is another advantage of the vigorous development of the game industry. After the guild management adds money, it is easier to manage than before, and it is easier to absorb the congregation. Whoever has money does not come, and it is also much more reliable than before. In terms of human management, as soon as others are unhappy, they will retreat directly, and there is no loss. However, if the treatment is good and angry, they will be put up with it for the sake of money. In this way, many decisions can be implemented in an orderly manner, and the role of the reward and punishment system is getting stronger and stronger. Otherwise, how can such a large guild with 100,000 people in Hanxiang Pavilion? It is impossible to manage the residence.

As for such a large expenditure of the guild, no matter how rich a person is, it is impossible for so many people to spend, which is another feature of the development of the game industry. The opening of personal banks and game currency-linked business, and this system is the responsibility of the state. The state often spends tens of billions of yuan. For this small money, it is completely I don't care. Moreover, the exchange of game coins and real coins is subject to tax, and taxes have to be collected again and again. This tax is also a huge income. After all, money is generally exchanged inward. Many rich second generation invest huge funds in it, and then collect some money as a tax, and then where does the money of the rich second generation come from? Dad's place, where did Dad's money come from? That's too much. The people, foreign enterprises, and even the country's money, make money here, spend money there, and the country collects some small benefits. What can these small money do? It's okay to support national enterprises, national enterprises, do some charity, and develop some small things. , how good it is to create economic benefits. And as long as the silver is refreshed slightly, a large amount of income will come in. Will the country make a loss-making business? The answer is impossible. No matter how democratic the country is, the problem of money will not be lost. Therefore, such a large expenditure of the guild can be earned back in the game. The salary issued by the guild is completely gold, and then the congregation exchange it out, and the personal income tax is exempted, because it is automatically collected, the game currency is exchanged for real coins, and the state collects money. And how the guild's gold is earned depends on the guild's territory, because the guild does not occupy the next territory, and it has a list of local characteristics, and then get these lists. Whether it's trading with NPC forces or with players, in short, the money comes and the salary comes, and the labor in it is very cheap. Yes, the congregation of your own guild is free when you do it. As long as the salary is fixed, it can be set at will. It is not as good as the labor force as in reality. There is no need to say how much residual value there is. It's like a company.

And there are no legally bound companies.

The benefits of winning the world's first power are undoubtedly endless benefits. Therefore, their three guilds can relieve their past grudges and merge, which is all thanks to money.

The topic is far away. Now that the Hanxiang Pavilion is the dominant family, some people are happy and some people are worried. The most worried is naturally the freedom alliance with great loss of strength. However, the most entangled thing is that the Freedom Alliance has not lagged behind, and the Rose League has been raised in the ranking. If they can predict this action, they will go hand in hand with Hanxiang Pavilion. Drive, at that time, the situation was different, and it was impossible for Hanxiang Pavilion to become the second fog-exhaustion building.

As for Xinyuxuan, he is probably the biggest winner in this war. In addition to the soaring reputation, there is also about one-fifth of the territory of the fog exhaustion building. The status of its super guild is unshakable by others. Undoubtedly, Xinyuxuan's biggest heart disease has gone, and there are peerless figures such as a lady sword in the town. In the future The exhibition is bound to be smooth sailing.

The biggest loser of this war is undoubtedly the fog exhausting building and the free alliance. Needless to say, the loss of the fog exhaustion building. The situation of the free alliance can be said to be precarious. Internal events continue, and the old enemy Han Xiangge has another dominant family. Next, the arrow pointed directly to his freedom alliance. It won't be long. Wait The fog exhausts, and the next one is his free alliance. As for the newly rising Xinyuxuan, this already powerful ally, will also give up his free alliance from a strategic perspective. Now Xinyuxuan, the best alliance partner is the Rose League. First, she is the same woman, and second, she is really competitive with Hanxiang Pavilion. On one side, there are four guests such as the White Dragon King, and the other is the female Wolong, which is comparable to the world's first wise man. Even the alliance between the rich Hanxiang Pavilion, probably dares not do anything to it.

In ancient times, Liu Bei got a Zhuge Liang and could divide the world into three parts. War is always indispensable for counselors. Many people prefer martial arts, but in war, martial arts is a weapon, and wisdom is a person. Only when people use weapons will they exert their greatest power.

Therefore, there is such a situation that one person can divide the world.