The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 313

The old man chased for a distance, but he could never see Mo Fan's figure. He thought that he had gone far away. He stopped and looked left and right without any movement, only the wind brushed the sound of the bamboo forest.

He sighed gently and said to himself: The strange treasure is about to be born. Will even the world's master who returned to the realm of the truth appear? Alas, I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm in the world.

When the old man looked up to the sky and sighed, he carried up his internal strength, performed light skills, and sank into the bamboo forest.

Shortly after he left, Mo Fan's figure came out from behind the place where the old man used to stand, with a trace of doubt on his face.

The father-in-law was so nervous that I came to this bamboo forest. Is there any secret? I'll catch up and have a look.

So he used light kung fu behind the old man. His light kung fu had entered the realm of transformation. This application unfolded silently, but the old man and such masters were not aware of it.

But to Mo Fan's disappointment, the old man actually took a few turns and then returned to the teahouse, which shocked the boss to serve tea quickly. The old man just nodded.

Since the old man returned to the teahouse, Mo Fan did not continue to follow. He returned to the bamboo forest again and said to himself: This father-in-law is really cunning. Knowing that he can't catch up with me, he simply let me in. Now it's more troublesome to find it.

Mo Fan was thinking when he suddenly heard a fight. He was curious and stepped on his feet and went to the place where the sound came.

Yu Yi secretly shouted bad luck. Nothing went well when he went out today. When he went out for a drink, he met a group of clingy guys of the Black Dragon Club. Didn't he just rob their boss a pot of wine, as if he were an sworn enemy and killed him for a whole month.

Dodge the two big knives that were cut, Yu Yi twisted his body and flashed, shook the two black dragon congregation who were about to cut him, and kicked them out with a strong foot. "bang" two times. The two black dragon congregations who tried to sneak up on him were kicked out. However, immediately two other black dragon congregations made up and cut down with two big knives. Yu Yi Sighed. At this time, he was surrounded by four Black Dragon congregations. The strength of the Black Dragon Club was not very good, but their ghost-headed military division was very good at arrays. Although this set of difficult arrays was simple, the Black Dragon congregation had cooperated for a long time, and the people who set up the array were good at light skills, so he could not break through and could only be so exhausted.

And Mo Fan looked depressed in the bamboo forest. The besieged man was so stupid. Although this array secretly combines the essence of the array, for him, it is simply a child's thing. This four-cornered array seems simple and has no loopholes. In fact, it is a loophole all over the beginning of the array. This The people in the array can break the array as long as they shake one move.

In the field, Yu Yi's leg method unfolded and kicked over two people. The two people who had just been kicked off immediately filled them, and the original vacant position was almost filled in an instant.

Mo Fan's eyes lit up. Although this method is not good, it is so cooperative. This method may indeed trap this person, but the children's thing is the children's thing. Mo Fan has thought of dozens of ways to break the array in his heart. This Chinese man is still being consumed in vain. He is really a little useless. Language.

Yu Yi sighed and estimated that the large army of the Black Dragon Society was about to arrive. There was no way to continue to consume like this. He made a decision and suddenly pulled out the sword on his back. He saw the sword light flashed. Yu Yi crossed and did not see any movement. The two people in front of him suddenly fell out with blood in his chest, and Yu Yi smiled slightly. The sword was tied to the scabbard, and the man ran away.

Several people were caught off guard by the Black Dragon and were stunned by Yu Yi's sword.

Mo Fan's eyes hidden in the bamboo forest condensed, and he couldn't help but be slightly surprised. This move is really exquisite. Naturally, these little characters of the Black Dragon congregation do not know the clue of the sword. How can't you see his swordstry? You can't see that this man is actually pregnant with superior swordsmanship. I'm afraid that the leg method just thought about it is also a The superior leg method is only that the practitioner does not need to work hard, and the power of the leg method can only play one-tenth.

Mo Fan couldn't help but be a little curious. He looked at the direction the man was far away, showed his light skills, and caught up with him.

Yu Yi took out the good flower carving he had just bought in his arms, poured it down in one bite, and let out a satisfied sound: "Good wine!"

Mo Fan fell on a bamboo branch without a sound. The bamboo branches here are dense. Although the bamboo leaves have always been rare, it does not prevent Mo Fan from hiding.

At this time, Mo Fan was carefully looking at the sword behind Yu Yi, but it was covered by the scabbard. He could only see the hilt of the sword, and the hilt was golden, and there was a faint golden light in the sun.

Good sword!

Mo Fan's eyes flashed with light, and he couldn't help cheering in his heart. Although there was only one hilt, he could not stop the sword spirit in the sword at all. This is definitely a weapon of more than 1 weapon. The weapons of the world are divided into mortal weapons, sharp weapons, famous 1 weapons and spiritual weapons. No one above, and the official website also announced these four But it is clear that there are better weapons.

According to the sharpness of this sword, at least on the spiritual weapon, it is the fifth or sixth sword weapon. Still in the sheath, there is still such a sword spirit. What kind of power will it have when it comes out of the sheath?

At this time, Mo Fan also realized that this person had just waved his sword with a sheath, which could actually cut such a wound by his opponent. Looking at the soaring blood, it was definitely cut by a sharp weapon. This person's swordsmanship is estimated to have entered the peerless category.

Mo Fan fell from the bamboo branch and deliberately crushed a fallen leaf. Yu Yi looked over alertly: "Who is it?"

"It's me." Following Yu Yi's words, Mo Fan walked out of the bamboo forest.

Yu Yi looked up and down at Mo Fan. In addition to being surprised by Mo Fan's appearance, his face relaxed and said, "What can I do for you?"

Mo Fan shook his head and said, "I'm not looking for you, I'm lost."

Yu Yi was slightly stunned, smiled and said, "Just in time, I really want to go out to buy wine. Do you want to join me?"

"I can't ask for it." Mo Fan took a look at the long sword behind him and suddenly lost his voice, "What a sword!"

Yu Yi proudly patted the sword behind him and said, "You are the second person to praise that I am still in the scabbard."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "I don't know who is the first one."

"The craftsman Euro." Yu Yi took another sip of wine.

"Player?" Mo Fan had never heard of the name and asked.

"No, it's NPC. I'll talk to you later." Yu Yi shook the wine cup, shook it to Mo Fan, and said, "There is no wine. Let's buy a bar first."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "You are not afraid that I will plot your sword."

Yu Yi took a look at Mo Fan and said, "You don't look like it." After saying that, he greeted Mo Fan to walk.

Mo Fan smiled and followed him.