The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 315

"Brother, don't be confused by her beautiful appearance. The real woman is very horrible. She once forced me to quit drinking for a quarter of an hour! It's just a demon!" Yu Yi's voice came from Mo Fan's left.

A quarter of an hour...

As for Yu Yi's sudden appearance, Mo Fan was not surprised, because when the woman paid for him, he turned back. On the contrary, it was Yu Yi who said to give up a quarter of an hour of wine, which made him laugh and cry.

"I'm talking about you." Mo Fan couldn't help saying, "If others are so kind to you, don't hide."

"No!" Yu Yi looked determined and said, "You can do whatever you want, but you can't quit drinking!"

Looking at Yu Yi's dead face and not quit drinking, Mo Fan suddenly smiled and said to himself: This is the world! True feelings!

Mo Fan sighed and said, "You should cherish such a good girl."

Yu Yi looked disapproving and said, "If people are gone, shall we continue to drink wine?"

You are drinking alone...

In the end, Mo Fan and Yu Yi still sat in the old seat. The wine and dishes had not been collected yet. Anyway, someone paid the bill. Yu Yi made two jars of wine for nothing, and ordered two jars of wine at that time.

Mo Fan said to himself: Although he is good at drinking and 20 catties of wine, he still needs to solve it with internal force. Now that he is not drunk, I'm afraid his internal strength is also very deep.

"What's wrong with the euro you just mentioned?" Mo Fan asked.

Yu Yi took a sip of wine and shouted good wine. Hearing Mo Fan's question, he said, "Oh, it is a blacksmith living in seclusion in the desert. It is rumored that most of the top ten famous swords in ancient times were cast by his ancestors, and he himself is also a great blacksmith. He raises his hand and has a spiritual weapon-level weapon," Yu Yi said again and said. "Last time I went to the desert to find the legendary horse milk knife, but I couldn't find the wine, and then he found me. When he saw my sword, he said it was a good sword, but unfortunately he didn't give me wine, so he didn't leave much.

Mo Fan had a cold sweat in the back of his head. Yu Yi was really addicted to alcohol. Such a craftsman took the initiative to talk to him, which must be beneficial to him. He actually refused because the other party did not give him wine.

Should I say he is heroic or an idiot?

"Do you still know where the craftsman is?" Mo Fan asked.

Yu Yi gave a long "um" sound, as if thinking about something. Finally, he frowned, sipped and said, "Well, it seems that you want to ask for a sword? Not to mention how bad the weather in the desert is, it's not that I underestimate you. Your martial arts skills used to die in the desert storm, or die in the sand bandits, or don't go.

Mo Fan can't laugh or cry again. Although he has entered the realm of returning to nature, he will still reveal something unusual. The real master must be aware of it, just like the old man in the teahouse. Although he did not notice it before, he immediately noticed Mo Fan's light work and immediately noticed Mo Fan's return to nature, but Seeing this Yu Yi, his martial arts skills have stepped into the threshold of a master, but this nerve... Mo Fan is not easy to describe.

However, Mo Fan didn't complain much in this place and said, "I don't mean to ask for a sword. People like them are all dragons. When you see it, they may not be willing to cast swords for you. In addition, although these people are powerful and have the same reputation as anything else, they may not be able to cast weapons that surpass their ancestors. Looking at the popular weapons in the world today, the casting industry in the world is a mess.

Yu Yi put down the wine jar, thought seriously, and then raised his thumb: "That makes sense."

"What are the top ten famous swords you mentioned?" Mo Fan asked.

"Top Ten Famous Swords in Ancient times?" Yu Yi thought for a moment and said, "I don't know."

Mo Fan sighed slightly in his heart and said, "That's a pity."

"I can't see that you are a sword-like person." A jar of wine has been consumed by Yu Yi. He is now opening the second jar and asked, "Are you really not drinking?"

Mo Fan shook his head and said that he didn't drink. He said, "It's not a matter of whether you like swords or not. It's very curious. These ten famous swords in ancient times sound very powerful."

Yu Yi nodded: "At that time, I was also very surprised. The top ten famous swords in ancient times were equivalent to the top ten artifacts in ancient times, right? But he didn't give me wine, and I didn't bother to ask him."

Mo Fan sighed again, how Yu Yi is... In short, he was speechless.

Yu Yi drank two jars of wine and still didn't want to say enough. Mo Fan said, "That's enough."

Yu Yi looked at the two jars of wine reluctantly and said, "Since the people who accompanied the drink have said so, I won't drink."

Hey! Are you drinking alone?

Mo Fan is really powerless to complain.

"Hey brother, where are you going?" Yu Yi suddenly asked.

"No purpose, how about you?" Mo Fan said.

"I'm going to Shaoxing. I heard that the Shaoxing wine there is quite delicious. Would you like to go there?" Yu Yi said.

In fact, Mo Fan also has no purpose. Since Yu Yi invited him, it's good to see this person, so he nodded and said, "Then let's go together."

Yu Yile said, "That's great. It's too boring to play games alone."

Hey! You are not alone, are you? Where did you put that woman?

So the two paid the bill and left. On the way, Mo Fan asked, "How did you and that girl know each other?"

Yu Yi looked up at the sky, thought for a while, and said, "I have forgotten. Anyway, knowing her must have something to do with wine. I guess one day I smell the wine and secretly drank her bar."

Suddenly, Mo Fan really felt sad for this girl. What kind of man did you know?

Mo Fan saw that the relationship between this woman and Yu Yi must be very shallow, otherwise how could he help him pay the bill? And looking at the appearance of the boss, he is very used to such things. I'm afraid it's more than once.

However, Mo Fan also knew that Yu Yi was definitely not the kind of person who was forgetful, but the boy's nerves were too... I guess he didn't think of what this girl had. Now it can only be said that it is a girl's wishful thinking.

Mo Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

There are really such interesting people in the world.

Yu Yiu drank from himself. Suddenly, he saw Mo Fan shaking his head and smiling bitterly, and asked, "Brother, do you have any troubles? Look at your smile so beautifully."


Mo Fan is beautiful and vulgar. When he smiles bitterly, it is also extremely eye-catching. Yu Yi is also keen to see that Mo Fan is smiling bitterly, but this sentence is said, why is it so... funny?

Mo Fan coughed softly and said, "Nothing, I just think, you are really an interesting person."

Yu Yi's face turned black in an instant, quickly retreated three feet away, and said in a tone that tried to clarify the misunderstanding, "I don't have that hobby! I only love wine!"

A word "well" appeared on Mo Fan's forehead in an instant, "I don't have it either!"

Yu Yi looked at it suspiciously for a long time before he was relieved and said, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding!"

Hey! Where do you want to go?

Yu Yi smiled, ran back, put him on Mo Fan's shoulder, and said carelessly, "That's good, that's good!" Let's go!"

Mo Fan held his forehead and sighed silently.

How big is this person's nerves!