The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 322

A few more carriages were changed halfway. Half a month later, the two finally arrived in a city in the north - Ice City. As for why they spent so much time, it was naturally Yu Yi's alcohol addiction.

This boy is uncomfortable without drinking for a minute, which is even more serious than a drug addict. I don't know how his father taught him when he was a child.

Ice City, as the name implies, is an ice city. The weather in the north is cold. In winter, the ice and snow accumulate and do not melt. This ice city can be said to be a treasure of the north.

The whole city is crystal clear, completely cast by ice, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even the houses in the city are cast by hard ice, shining in the sun. Mo Fan was photographed by this crystal palace-like city as soon as he got off his carriage, and was surprised.

Although the northern country is cold, its cultivation is like Yu Yi and Mo Fan, which is already inviolable in cold and heat. However, Mo Fan wanted to hide his identity, and naturally he could not expose his martial arts too much, so after getting out of the car, he pretended that he couldn't stand the cold and pulled Yu Yi to buy winter clothes.

As a city in northern China, there are naturally many warm clothes, and the price is not as expensive as Wuyue in the Central Plains. Basically, Mo Fan has enough money to buy a set.

However, someone had helped Mo Fan prepare everything. When Mo Fan went to the clothing store, a postman ran over, looked at Mo Fan for a while, carefully studied his appearance, and handed him a package. After Mo Fan signed his name, Mo Fan was allowed to open it.

Mo Fan opened it suspiciously and saw that it was a mink coat, which was thin and very warm. In an instant, Mo Fan knew who sent it.

"Brother, you are really blessed. This sable husk is an unattainable treasure in the world. It not only has the effect of resisting the cold, but also has some protective effects. It is made by the clever tailor Luo Qiuyan. There are only five pieces in the world, each of which is sold for hundreds of thousands of yuan. Who is so generous can give it to you." Yu Yi drank pure bamboo leaf green with his small wine pot and said.

Mo Fan said, "Imagine that the only girl you call a peerless disaster is so careful."

Yu Yi was shocked and said in disbelief, "That peerless disaster not only didn't ask you to quit drinking, but also gave you such expensive clothes?"

Mo Fan put on sable fur and suddenly felt that he was comfortable. As expected, he got what he paid for. He was not surprised at all why Xiao Yuening had this dress. First of all, he was the actual commander of Xin Yuxuan. This small sable fur was not a piece of hair for a super guild. Second, she is the second lady of the Xiao family, and her wealth is comparable to that of the country. This piece of sable fur is not even the hair of nine cows.

Yu Yi touched the sable with a strange face and suddenly said, "I just have no money. Let's exchange it for wine money. It should be enough for me to drink for a long time."

Mo Fan looked at him and said, "Get out of here!"

Yu Yi shook his head with a little disappointment, and then seemed to think of something: "Brother, do you remember what I said before?"

Mo Fan was puzzled and asked, "You have said a lot of words. What sentence are you talking about?"

Yu Yi shook his head and said, "Well, it seems that I'm still too optimistic. This woman is not simple to bribe you with a piece of sable. Brother, you have to wake up."

Mo Fan didn't say anything, knowing that Yu Yi was going to say something crooked.

"Didn't I say before that the more beautiful a girl is, the more she will let you do such a horrible thing as quit drinking. I told you a truth in the carriage. Fortunately, you are also deeply righteous, you can be taught, and listened to my words," then he paused, his face was serious, and he instantly appeared as a monk. Now in front of Mo Fan: "But the world is trapped by fame and money, but they don't know that wine is the truth. Brother, you can't give up the beautiful wine paradise and throw yourself into the demon hell of women because of a sable."

Mo Fan said in his heart: Sure enough.

"So, brother, sell this sable to prove your loyalty to the wine!" Yu Yi said righteously.

If ordinary strangers hear this sentence, they will definitely worship it, because Yu Yi's current appearance is a great hero who saves the world.

However, Mo Fan is not an ordinary stranger after all. He only heard him say, "I'm not good at drinking." After saying that, let's go first.

Yu Yi was stunned, and his face became so bitter, and he shook his head deeply: I'm afraid this brother is going to fall into the magic barrier of women. As a brother, he must not give up and let him return to wine heaven!

Yu Yi made up his mind and then caught up with him.

At Yu Yi's strong request, Mo Fan and he settled in the same restaurant, which also facilitated Yu Yi, an alcoholic.

Along the way, pedestrians looked sideways. Mo Fan's black and purple mink fur was bright, and the sightless person also looked absolutely extraordinary at a glance. Naturally, this coveted person would not have it. Therefore, Mo Fan chose to drink and chat with Yu Yi in the room.

It is said to drink and chat, but in fact, Yu Yi is drinking alone with a jar in his arms.

Yu Yi put down the jar, wiped her mouth and said, "I didn't expect that there would be such a mellow carved wine in this ice city in northern China, and because of the severe cold here, this wine is more cold, refreshing and refreshing!"

Mo Fan naturally ignored Yu Yi. He gently picked up a mouthful of vegetables and looked at the sable by the bedside, with faint ripples in his heart.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Yu Yi looked at Mo Fan and asked without opening his mouth.

Mo Fan shook his head, withdrew his eyes and said, "Nothing, how about it? This carving is good, isn't it?"

Yu Yi gave a thumbs up and praised repeatedly: "It's more than good. The wine is pure and exotic. It's simply the best in the world."

Mo Fan smiled and said nothing more.

Yu Yi muttered twice and said, "I heard that there is a kind of wine here, called ice fox wine. It is rumored that it is a wine brewed by fox fairy, which makes people unable to stop after tasting it. Well, shall we look for this kind of wine?"

Looking at Yu Yi's slander, Mo Fan smiled and said, "Okay, do you have any clues?"

Yu Yi shook his head and said, "No, because this is also a rumor."

Mo Fan said, "Does this wine really exist?"

"I think so. Anyway, look for it. If you can't find it, there will be no loss. If you find it, it will be a blessing." With that, Yu Yi's saliva was about to flow down.

Mo Fan said, "Okay, take a night off first."

"Okay!" Hearing that Mo Fan promised to look for it, Yu Yi was very happy. This ice fox wine must be a wine that is not available in reality, and I don't know what it tastes like.

Yu Yi thought about it and poured several more mouthfuls of wine.

Mo Fan looked at him and said, "I'm full and asleep."

"Oh! Have a good sleep and have the energy to find wine tomorrow. With that, Yu Yi saw Mo Fan fall asleep and drank the rest of the wine before returning to his room by himself.