The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 386

"It seems that I'm lucky to have a newcomer at random." Mo Fan was sighing, and his opponent also appeared in this venue in a white light.

Mo Fan stared at it, but he was a good teenager. He held a folding fan and folded the fan between opening and closing. A picture of beauty appeared from time to time, and the broken one was unrestrained and elegant, but Mo Fan felt that there must be many innocent little girls in his hand.

"I'm teaching you." Mo Fan nodded slightly.

The teenager smiled and said, "He is still impatient." After saying that, he shook his head and said, "Son, I will take the lead in the test. Are you ready?"

Mo Fan said, "What's the lottery?"

"Of course, the cheapest is gold and silver, and the most expensive..." The teenager looked at him, turned half a circle and said, "Look at your appearance, there must be a beautiful girl together, and the most expensive one is naturally his girlfriend."

Mo Fan's eyes flashed and said, "Oh? You mean you can make your girlfriend a lottery.

"Yes, if anyone loses, send his girlfriend to the place designated by the winner, and the winner can occupy the loser's girlfriend for three days, whether in reality or in the game." The teenager said with a smile.

"Oh?" Mo Fan said, "Look at you like this, there may not be a girl you really like."

A cunning appeared in the corners of the teenager's eyes and said, "This woman likes and dislikes it second, and the most important thing is how the skin is, isn't it?"

Mo Fan showed a clear look and said, "What's your last name?"

"I don't want you to leave." The teenager smiled modestly.

"If you don't use the lottery head, won't you play?" Mo Fan said.

The teenager smiled and said, "That's not true, but if you look like this, let's bet on something yellow and white. Alas, really, there are fewer and fewer bold men now. They are all people who don't go into the stream."

Mo Fan touched his chin and said, "If it's a yellow and white thing, how about we bet 100 million gold?"

The teenager's eyes were slightly open, but his face was not good-looking. He said, "You're playing me!"

Mo Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Mo, don't worry. I'm not bluffing. Look?" After saying that, Mo Fan took out something from his arms.

Mo Zili saw it, and his eyes were about to stare out. The blue page in Mo Fan's hand suddenly said that there were a few lines of small words after "Yi tendon forging bones": "Taken from Jiuyin Zhenjing."

Seeing Mo Zili's expression, Mo Fan smiled again and took out another book page from his arms, which still said "Fu Moquan" and said: "Take it from the Jiuyin Zhenjing."

Mo Zli almost swallowed his saliva. This money is easy to ask for, and the beauty is easy to cheat, but this peerless secret book is something that can't be encountered, and these two peerless martial arts secrets are taken from the Jiuyin Zhenjing, known as the "General Outline of World Martial Arts", and the gold content is naturally beyond words.

And now a peerless secret book has been speculated to about 100 million, and the group of local tycoons who fall in love are all money-making figures.

How's it going? Two martial arts secrets, 100 million gold, there should be. Mo Fan said.

Mozi's eyes almost turned red and didn't care about his demeanor. He quickly transferred out the system notarization. If there is no system notarization for this huge gamble, no one will believe that the loser will pay the bill in the end.

Seeing Mo Zili's rapid action, Mo Fan frowned and said to himself: Did I miscalculation?

After signing, the system's notarial certificate turned into a golden light and the contract was established. That is to say, the winner of this duel will get two peerless secrets, or 100 million gold.

Mo Zili watched the contract fly away and turned his head and said, "Your Excellency is still generous. I will accept these two peerless secrets."

"The test hasn't started yet. How do you know I lost?" Mo Fan said.

Mozili smiled and said, "It seems that this is the first time you have come to the martial arts arena. Although nothing will fall here after death, you are allowed to use anything in the battle, such as open weapons, hidden weapons, poisons... and so on." Speaking of this, Mo Zoli has shown a sinister smile, but he looks more calm all over his body. Obviously, the victory is in hand.

"Use poison?" Mo Fan was slightly stunned, and then felt that the internal force was a little stagnant. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you been poisoned?"

Mozi nodded proudly, with a child-friendly expression on his face and said, "Don't look at me like this, I am the third poison master among Tangmen disciples, and I have got poison that can walk alone in the world. This martial arts arena is my paradise."

"Tangmen?" Mo Fan thought: I have never heard of this sect before.

"It's normal that you don't know, and I don't know what nerves you have. You actually gave me two unique martial arts secrets. With these two martial arts skills and my poisonous kung fu, I am the chief of Tangmen." After saying that, Mo Zeli smiled. He was really happy today. There was such an undefenced person in the world. His poison was put down at the beginning of the conversation. The effect of this poison was good, but it took too long to use in actual combat, but now this rookie is actually not at all. It's really good for me to pull the whole middle school and ink for so long.

He smiled for a while, coughed gently, and returned to his romantic appearance. He saluted and said, "Xiao Ke has forgotten his form. I hope you can forgive me. I was so happy just now. Ah, where did I just say that? Oh, that's right! My sect is a hidden sect, and the conditions for joining are a little harsh, so there are not many people in the world. It's normal if you don't know it. Don't blame yourself, and don't hate it too much after losing.

Mo Fan touched his chin and said, "So that's it. Excuse me, when was your attack?"

Mozili subconsciously said, "After poisoning, it will not fully attack until about five minutes later. Because it is a chronic poison, it will start to feel drowsy, and then internal strength..." Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at Mo Fan, but saw that he was energetic and had no trace of poisoning at all. And now, five minutes have passed! Five minutes have passed when they talked about the lottery!

He looked apprehenned and said, "Are you not poisoned?"

Mo Fan shook his head and said, "No, I got it, but I only felt it in an instant."

"In an instant?" His eyes widened in vain: "Return to the original! You are a master of returning to the real state!"

"It doesn't seem to be useless." Mo Fan smiled, black brake out of the sheath, and the whole field was cold.

Mozi is not very proud or calm now. Although this poison is powerful, it has greatly reduced the effect for people with profound internal skills. If you meet high-end players who return to the realm of returning to the original state, it has no effect at all, and a master who returns to the original level, a You can pinch yourself to death with your fingers.

Suddenly, his face was whiter than a dead face.

The white light flashed, and Mo Fan returned to his original position. Just as a white light fell, Qingxin appeared beside him, looking at each other and smiling.

"Continue?" Qingxin asked.

Mo Fan nodded, opened the random match, looked at the 100 million gold in the account, and said to himself: This money is really profitable.

Thinking that I used to work hard and do murder, so many years have not gained as much as today.

He couldn't help smiling bitterly, and suddenly the white light flashed. When he opened his eyes, it was still the flat martial arts arena.

The next game begins.